# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'fileutils' namespace :apipie do desc "Generate static documentation" # You can specify OUT=output_base_file to have the following structure: # # output_base_file.html # output_base_file-onepage.html # output_base_file # | - resource1.html # | - resource1 # | - | - method1.html # | - | - method2.html # | - resource2.html # # By default OUT="#{Rails.root}/doc/apidoc" task :static, [:version] => :environment do |t, args| with_loaded_documentation do args.with_defaults(:version => Apipie.configuration.default_version) out = ENV["OUT"] || File.join(Rails.root, Apipie.configuration.doc_path, 'apidoc') subdir = File.basename(out) copy_jscss(out) Apipie.configuration.version_in_url = false ([nil] + Apipie.configuration.languages).each do |lang| I18n.locale = lang || Apipie.configuration.default_locale Apipie.url_prefix = "./#{subdir}" doc = Apipie.to_json(args[:version], nil, nil, lang) doc[:docs][:link_extension] = "#{lang_ext(lang)}.html" generate_one_page(out, doc, lang) generate_plain_page(out, doc, lang) generate_index_page(out, doc, false, false, lang) Apipie.url_prefix = "../#{subdir}" generate_resource_pages(args[:version], out, doc, false, lang) Apipie.url_prefix = "../../#{subdir}" generate_method_pages(args[:version], out, doc, false, lang) end end end desc "Generate static documentation json" task :static_json, [:version] => :environment do |t, args| with_loaded_documentation do args.with_defaults(:version => Apipie.configuration.default_version) out = ENV["OUT"] || File.join(Rails.root, Apipie.configuration.doc_path, 'apidoc') ([nil] + Apipie.configuration.languages).each do |lang| doc = Apipie.to_json(args[:version], nil, nil, lang) generate_json_page(out, doc, lang) end end end desc "Generate static swagger json" task :static_swagger_json, [:version, :swagger_content_type_input, :filename_suffix] => :environment do |t, args| with_loaded_documentation do out = ENV["OUT"] || File.join(Rails.root, Apipie.configuration.doc_path, 'apidoc') generate_swagger_using_args(args, out) end end # The following task compares the currently-generated swagger output to a reference copy generated # by the previous execution of this task. # if a difference is detected, the current output will be stored as a reference. # reference files have the # if more than 3 references are detected, the older ones will be purged desc "Did swagger output change since the last execution of this task?" task :did_swagger_change, [:version, :swagger_content_type_input, :filename_suffix] => :environment do |t, args| with_loaded_documentation do out = ENV["OUT_REF"] || File.join(Rails.root, Apipie.configuration.doc_path, 'apidoc_ref') paths = generate_swagger_using_args(args, out) paths.each do |path| existing_files_in_dir = Pathname(out).children(true) make_reference = false # reference filenames have the format ..swagger_ref reference_files = existing_files_in_dir.select do |f| f.extname == '.swagger_ref' && f.basename.sub_ext("").extname.delete('.').to_i > 0 && f.basename.sub_ext("").sub_ext("") == path.basename.sub_ext("") end if reference_files.empty? print "Reference file does not exist for [#{path}]\n" counter = 1 make_reference = true else reference_files.sort_by!(&:ctime) last_ref = reference_files[-1] print "Comparing [#{path}] to reference file: [#{last_ref.basename}]: " if !FileUtils.compare_file(path, last_ref) print("\n ---> Differences detected\n") counter = last_ref.sub_ext("").extname.delete('.').to_i + 1 make_reference = true else print("identical\n") end end if make_reference new_path = path.sub_ext(".#{counter}.swagger_ref") print " ---> Keeping current output as [#{new_path}]\n" path.rename(new_path) reference_files << new_path else path.delete end num_refs_to_keep = 3 if reference_files.length > num_refs_to_keep (reference_files - reference_files[-num_refs_to_keep..-1]).each(&:delete) end end end end # By default the full cache is built. # It is possible to generate index resp. resources only with # rake apipie:cache cache_part=index (resources resp.) # Default output dir ('public/apipie_cache') can be changed with OUT=/some/dir desc "Generate cache to avoid production dependencies on markup languages" task :cache => :environment do puts "#{Time.zone.now} | Started" cache_part = ENV['cache_part'] generate_index = (cache_part == 'resources' ? false : true) generate_resources = (cache_part == 'index' ? false : true) with_loaded_documentation do puts "#{Time.zone.now} | Documents loaded..." ([nil] + Apipie.configuration.languages).each do |lang| I18n.locale = lang || Apipie.configuration.default_locale puts "#{Time.zone.now} | Processing docs for #{lang}" cache_dir = ENV["OUT"] || Apipie.configuration.cache_dir subdir = Apipie.configuration.doc_base_url.sub(%r{\A/},"") subdir_levels = subdir.split('/').length subdir_traversal_prefix = '../' * subdir_levels file_base = File.join(cache_dir, Apipie.configuration.doc_base_url) if generate_index Apipie.url_prefix = "./#{subdir}" doc = Apipie.to_json(Apipie.configuration.default_version, nil, nil, lang) doc[:docs][:link_extension] = (lang ? ".#{lang}.html" : ".html") generate_index_page(file_base, doc, true, false, lang) end Apipie.available_versions.each do |version| file_base_version = File.join(file_base, version) Apipie.url_prefix = "#{subdir_traversal_prefix}#{subdir}" doc = Apipie.to_json(version, nil, nil, lang) doc[:docs][:link_extension] = (lang ? ".#{lang}.html" : ".html") generate_index_page(file_base_version, doc, true, true, lang) if generate_index next unless generate_resources Apipie.url_prefix = "../#{subdir_traversal_prefix}#{subdir}" generate_resource_pages(version, file_base_version, doc, true, lang) Apipie.url_prefix = "../../#{subdir_traversal_prefix}#{subdir}" generate_method_pages(version, file_base_version, doc, true, lang) end end end puts "#{Time.zone.now} | Finished" end # Attempt to use the Rails application views, otherwise default to built in views def renderer return @apipie_renderer if @apipie_renderer base_paths = [File.expand_path('../../app/views/apipie/apipies', __dir__)] base_paths.unshift("#{Rails.root}/app/views/apipie/apipies") if File.directory?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/apipie/apipies") layouts_paths = [File.expand_path('../../app/views/layouts', __dir__)] layouts_paths.unshift("#{Rails.root}/app/views/layouts") if File.directory?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/layouts/apipie") if ActionView::Base.respond_to?(:with_empty_template_cache) && ActionView::Base.respond_to?(:with_view_paths) @apipie_renderer = ActionView::Base.with_empty_template_cache.with_view_paths(base_paths + layouts_paths) else @apipie_renderer = ActionView::Base.new(base_paths + layouts_paths) end @apipie_renderer.singleton_class.send(:include, ApipieHelper) return @apipie_renderer end def render_page(file_name, template, variables, layout = 'apipie') av = renderer File.open(file_name, "w") do |f| variables.each do |var, val| av.instance_variable_set(:"@#{var}", val) end f.write av.render( :template => "#{template}", :layout => layout && "apipie/#{layout}") end end def generate_swagger_using_args(args, out) args.with_defaults( version: Apipie.configuration.default_version, swagger_content_type_input: Apipie.configuration.generator.swagger.content_type_input, filename_suffix: nil ) Apipie.configuration.generator.swagger.content_type_input = args[:swagger_content_type_input].to_sym count = 0 sfx = args[:filename_suffix] || "_#{args[:swagger_content_type_input]}" paths = [] ([nil] + Apipie.configuration.languages).each do |lang| doc = Apipie.to_swagger_json(args[:version], nil, nil, lang, count==0) paths << generate_swagger_json_page(out, doc, sfx, lang) count+=1 end paths end def generate_json_page(file_base, doc, lang = nil) FileUtils.mkdir_p(file_base) unless File.exist?(file_base) filename = "schema_apipie#{lang_ext(lang)}.json" File.open("#{file_base}/#{filename}", 'w') { |file| file.write(JSON.pretty_generate(doc)) } end def generate_swagger_json_page(file_base, doc, sfx = "", lang = nil) FileUtils.mkdir_p(file_base) unless File.exist?(file_base) path = Pathname.new("#{file_base}/schema_swagger#{sfx}#{lang_ext(lang)}.json") File.open(path, 'w') { |file| file.write(JSON.pretty_generate(doc)) } path end def generate_one_page(file_base, doc, lang = nil) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(file_base)) unless File.exist?(File.dirname(file_base)) render_page("#{file_base}-onepage#{lang_ext(lang)}.html", "static", {:doc => doc[:docs], :language => lang, :languages => Apipie.configuration.languages}) end def generate_plain_page(file_base, doc, lang = nil) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(file_base)) unless File.exist?(File.dirname(file_base)) render_page("#{file_base}-plain#{lang_ext(lang)}.html", "plain", {:doc => doc[:docs], :language => lang, :languages => Apipie.configuration.languages}, nil) end def generate_index_page(file_base, doc, include_json = false, show_versions = false, lang = nil) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(file_base)) unless File.exist?(File.dirname(file_base)) versions = show_versions && Apipie.available_versions render_page("#{file_base}#{lang_ext(lang)}.html", "index", {:doc => doc[:docs], :versions => versions, :language => lang, :languages => Apipie.configuration.languages}) File.open("#{file_base}#{lang_ext(lang)}.json", "w") { |f| f << doc.to_json } if include_json end def generate_resource_pages(version, file_base, doc, include_json = false, lang = nil) doc[:docs][:resources].each_key do |resource_id| resource_file_base = File.join(file_base, resource_id.to_s) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(resource_file_base)) unless File.exist?(File.dirname(resource_file_base)) doc = Apipie.to_json(version, resource_id, nil, lang) doc[:docs][:link_extension] = (lang ? ".#{lang}.html" : ".html") render_page("#{resource_file_base}#{lang_ext(lang)}.html", "resource", {:doc => doc[:docs], :resource => doc[:docs][:resources].first, :language => lang, :languages => Apipie.configuration.languages}) File.open("#{resource_file_base}#{lang_ext(lang)}.json", "w") { |f| f << doc.to_json } if include_json end end def generate_method_pages(version, file_base, doc, include_json = false, lang = nil) doc[:docs][:resources].each do |resource_id, resource_params| resource_params[:methods].each do |method| method_file_base = File.join(file_base, resource_id.to_s, method[:name].to_s) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(method_file_base)) unless File.exist?(File.dirname(method_file_base)) doc = Apipie.to_json(version, resource_id, method[:name], lang) doc[:docs][:link_extension] = (lang ? ".#{lang}.html" : ".html") render_page("#{method_file_base}#{lang_ext(lang)}.html", "method", {:doc => doc[:docs], :resource => doc[:docs][:resources].first, :method => doc[:docs][:resources].first[:methods].first, :language => lang, :languages => Apipie.configuration.languages}) File.open("#{method_file_base}#{lang_ext(lang)}.json", "w") { |f| f << doc.to_json } if include_json end end end def with_loaded_documentation Apipie.configuration.use_cache = false # we don't want to skip DSL evaluation Apipie.reload_documentation yield end def copy_jscss(dest) src = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'app', 'public', 'apipie')) FileUtils.mkdir_p dest FileUtils.cp_r "#{src}/.", dest end def lang_ext(lang = nil) lang ? ".#{lang}" : "" end desc "Generate CLI client for API documented with apipie gem. (deprecated)" task :client do puts </, '').gsub("\n",' ').strip end desc "Update api description in controllers base on routes" task :update_from_routes => [:environment] do Apipie.configuration.force_dsl = true ignored = Apipie.configuration.ignored_by_recorder with_loaded_documentation do apis_from_routes = Apipie::Extractor.apis_from_routes apis_from_routes.each do |(controller, action), apis| next if ignored.include?(controller) next if ignored.include?("#{controller}##{action}") Apipie::Extractor::Writer.update_action_description((controller.safe_constantize || next), action) do |u| u.update_apis(apis) end end end end desc "Convert your examples from the old yaml into the new json format" task :convert_examples => :environment do yaml_examples_file = File.join(Rails.root, Apipie.configuration.doc_path, "apipie_examples.yml") if File.exist?(yaml_examples_file) #if SafeYAML gem is enabled, it will load examples as an array of Hash, instead of hash if defined? SafeYAML examples = YAML.load_file(yaml_examples_file, :safe=>false) else examples = YAML.load_file(yaml_examples_file) end else examples = {} end Apipie::Extractor::Writer.write_recorded_examples(examples) end end