if defined? EventCalendar::Engine namespace "event_calendar" do # Migrate after schema in case there is no engine schema: at least we'll get the migrations. task :install => %w{assets db:schema db:migrate db:migrate:seed} desc "Import event_calendar's assets and new db migrations" task :update => %w{assets db:migrate} namespace :db do # def host_migration(new_migration_name, &block) require 'rails/generators/active_record' db_migrate = File.join Rails.root, *%w{db migrate} mkdir_p db_migrate unless File.exists? db_migrate # TODO Kill after https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994-ruby-on-rails/tickets/4412 sleep 1 # wait for timestamp to change. migration_number = ActiveRecord::Generators::Base.next_migration_number(db_migrate) new_migration = File.join db_migrate, "#{migration_number}_#{new_migration_name}.rb" tmp_migration = File.join Dir::tmpdir, "#{migration_number}_#{new_migration_name}.rb" File.open(tmp_migration, "w") do |f| f << block.call end cp tmp_migration, new_migration end def import_migration(original_file, new_migration_name, &block) host_migration new_migration_name do block.call File.read original_file end end desc "Import event_calendar's new db migrations" task :migrate do require 'rails/generators/active_record' db_migrate = File.join Rails.root, *%w{db migrate} # Consider the set of engine migrations, in chronological order. migrations = Dir[File.join EventCalendar::Engine.root, *%w{db migrate [0-9]*_*.rb}] migrations.sort! # See if the host already has a schema migration. last_migration_in_schema = migrations.reverse.detect do |migration| name = File.basename(migration).match(/\d+_(.*)\.rb/)[1] Dir[File.join(db_migrate, "[0-9]*_event_calendar_schema_after_#{name}.rb")].any? end # If so, do not import any migrations implied by the schema # (recall slice! *removes* the indicated range, leaving the rest.) migrations.slice! 0..migrations.index(last_migration_in_schema) if last_migration_in_schema # Of the remainder migrations.each do |old_migration| old_name = File.basename(old_migration).match(/\d+_(.*)\.rb/)[1] new_name = "event_calendar_#{old_name}" # Skip this single migration if we already have it next if Dir[File.join(db_migrate, "[0-9]*_#{new_name}.rb")].any? import_migration old_migration, new_name do |migration_source| migration_source.gsub "class #{old_name.camelize}", "class #{new_name.camelize}" end end end desc "Import event_calendar's schema as a db migration" task :schema do schema = File.join EventCalendar::Engine.root, *%w{db schema.rb} if File.exist? schema migrations = Dir[File.join EventCalendar::Engine.root, *%w{db migrate [0-9]*_*.rb}] latest_migration = migrations.sort.last migration_name = if latest_migration latest_migration_name = File.basename(latest_migration).match(/^\d+_(.+)\.rb$/)[1] "event_calendar_schema_after_#{latest_migration_name}" else "event_calendar_schema" end import_migration schema, migration_name do |schema_source| # Strip schema declaration schema_source.gsub! /\A.*^ActiveRecord::Schema.define\(:version => \d+\) do/m, '' schema_source.strip!.gsub!(/^end\Z/m, '').strip! # Indent everything 2 and strip trailing white space schema_source.gsub!(/^/, ' ').gsub!(/[\t ]+$/, '') # Wrap with migration class declaration <<-EOF class #{migration_name.camelize} < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up #{schema_source} end end EOF end end end task "migrate:seed" do migration_name = "event_calendar_seed" if File.exist? File.join(EventCalendar::Engine.root, 'db', 'seeds.rb') host_migration migration_name do <<-EOF class #{migration_name.camelize} < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up load File.join(EventCalendar::Engine.root, 'db', 'seeds.rb') end end EOF end end end desc "Load event_calendar's seed data" task :seed => :environment do seed_file = File.join(EventCalendar::Engine.root, 'db', 'seeds.rb') load(seed_file) if File.exist?(seed_file) end end desc "Link (or copy) event_calendar's static assets" task :assets, [:copy] => :environment do |t, args| engine_asset_path = File.join( Rails.application.paths.public.to_a.first, EventCalendar::Engine::ASSET_PREFIX) rm_rf engine_asset_path host_asset_path = EventCalendar::Engine.paths.public.to_a.first link = lambda do begin ln_s host_asset_path, engine_asset_path true rescue NotImplementedError false end end copy = lambda { cp_r host_asset_path, engine_asset_path } not args[:copy] and link.call or copy.call end end namespace :engines do desc "Load seed data from all engines" task "db:seed" => "event_calendar:db:seed" desc "Import new migrations from all engines" task "db:migrate" => "event_calendar:db:migrate" desc "Link (or copy) static assets from all engines" task :assets, [:copy] => "event_calendar:assets" desc "Import assets and new db migrations from all engines" task :update => "event_calendar:update" end task "db:seed" => "engines:db:seed" end