class RemoteExecutionProvider EFFECTIVE_USER_METHODS = %w[sudo dzdo su].freeze class << self def provider_for(type) providers[type.to_s] || providers[:SSH] end def providers @providers ||= { }.with_indifferent_access end def register(key, klass) providers[key.to_sym] = klass end def provider_names end def proxy_command_options(template_invocation, host) {:proxy_operation_name => proxy_operation_name} end def secrets(_host) {} end def proxy_operation_name 'ssh' end def humanized_name end def supports_effective_user? false end def effective_user(template_invocation) template_invocation.effective_user end def effective_user_method(host) method = host_setting(host, :remote_execution_effective_user_method) unless EFFECTIVE_USER_METHODS.include?(method) raise _('Effective user method "%{current_value}" is not one of %{valid_methods}') % { :current_value => method, :valid_methods => EFFECTIVE_USER_METHODS} end method end def cleanup_working_dirs?(host) setting = host_setting(host, :remote_execution_cleanup_working_dirs) [true, 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', '1'].include?(setting) end def sudo_password(host) host_setting(host, :remote_execution_sudo_password) end def effective_interfaces(host) interfaces = [] %w(execution primary provision).map do |flag| interfaces << host.send(flag + '_interface') end interfaces.compact.uniq end def find_ip_or_hostname(host) interfaces = effective_interfaces host find_ip(host, interfaces) || find_fqdn(interfaces) || raise(_('Could not find any suitable interface for execution')) end def find_ip(host, interfaces) if host_setting(host, :remote_execution_connect_by_ip) interfaces.find { |i| i.ip.present? }.try(:ip) end end def find_fqdn(interfaces) interfaces.find { |i| i.fqdn.present? }.try(:fqdn) end def host_setting(host, setting) host.host_param(setting.to_s) || Setting[setting] end def ssh_password(_host) end def ssh_key_passphrase(_host) end def proxy_action_class ForemanRemoteExecutionCore::Actions::RunScript end # Return a specific proxy selector to use for running a given template # Returns either nil to use the default selector or an instance of a (sub)class of ::ForemanTasks::ProxySelector def required_proxy_selector_for(_template) end end end