== blavosync

Add this line BELOW load 'config/deploy' in your Capfile

require 'blavosync'

adds the following tasks to projects using capistrano

cap local:backup_content
Downloads a tarball of shared content (identified by the :shared_content and
:content_directories properties) from a deployable environment (RAILS_ENV) to
the local filesystem.

cap local:backup_db
Backs up deployable environment's database (idgit loentified by the
RAILS_ENV environment variable, which defaults to 'production') and copies it to
the local machine

cap local:force_backup_content
Regenerate files.

cap local:force_backup_db
Regenerate files.

cap local:restore_content
Restores the backed up content (env var FROM specifies which environment
was backed up, defaults to RAILS_ENV) to the local development environment app

cap local:restore_db
Untars the backup file downloaded from local:backup_db (specified via the FROM
variable, which defalts to RAILS_ENV), and imports (via mysql command line tool)
it back into the database
defined in the RESTORE_ENV env variable (defaults to development).

cap local:resync_db
Ensure that a fresh remote data dump is retrieved before syncing to the local

cap local:sync
Wrapper for local:sync_db and local:sync_content
$> cap local:sync RAILS_ENV=production RESTORE_ENV=development

cap local:sync_content
Wrapper for local:backup_content and local:restore_content
$> cap local:sync_content RAILS_ENV=production RESTORE_ENV=development

cap local:sync_db
Wrapper for local:backup_db and local:restore_db.
$> cap local:sync_db RAILS_ENV=production RESTORE_ENV=development

cap local:sync_init
Wrapper for local:force_backup_db, local:force_backup_content, and the
local:sync to get
a completely fresh set of data from the server
$> cap local:sync RAILS_ENV=production RESTORE_ENV=development


the following variables (with defaults shown) are available in your deploy.rb

  set :blavosync_local_root,                Pathname.new('.').realpath                                 
  set :blavosync_content_directories,       content_directories ||= "system"                           
  set :blavosync_content_path,              File.join(shared_path, content_dir)                        
  set :blavosync_public_path,               File.join(latest_release, 'public')                        
  set :blavosync_remote_backup_expires,     100000                                                     
  set :blavosync_zip_command,               "gzip"                                                     
  set :blavosync_unzip_command,             "gunzip"                                                   
  set :blavosync_compressed_extension,      "gz"                                                       
  set :blavosync_tmp_dir,                   "tmp"                                                      
  set :blavosync_content_sync_method,       'rsync'                                                    
  set :blavosync_from_env,                  (ENV['FROM_ENV'].nil? ? 'production' : ENV['RAILS_ENV'])   
  set :blavosync_to_env,                    (ENV['TO_ENV'].nil? ? 'development' : ENV['TO_ENV'])       
  set :blavosync_rsync_content_backup_file, "#{shared_path}/system"                                    
  set :blavosync_tar_content_backup_file,   "#{shared_path}/backup_#{from_env}_content.tar.#{zip_ext}" 
  set :blavosync_db_backup_file,            "#{shared_path}/backup_#{from_env}_db.sql"                 
  set :blavosync_db_backup_zip_file,        "#{db_backup_file}.#{zip_ext}"                             

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
* Fork the project.
* Make your feature addition or bug fix.
* Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a
  future version unintentionally.
* Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
  (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
* Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2009 jayronc. See LICENSE for details.