module ActsPermissive class Circling < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :circle belongs_to :circleable, :polymorphic => true belongs_to :usable, :polymorphic => true set_table_name :permissive_circlings validates_uniqueness_of :circle_id, :scope => [:circleable_type, :circleable_id] class << self ## Return all items in the circle. Not that this could simply be done with the one line ## where(:circle_id =>{|c| c.circleable}.compact ## if we were not allowing ActiveResource associations in our circles. However, given ## that we are, ActiveResource models have no way to automatically translate from ## 'circleable' to the model because they are missing the 'scoped' method. Thus, we ## catch that no method error and instantiate the model manually. It's possible ## we could do this by opening ActiveResource, but I thought this was less intrusive def items_in circle lst = where(:circle_id => do |c| begin c.circleable rescue NoMethodError c.circleable_type.constantize.find(c.circleable_id) end end lst.compact end end end end