module Skylight module Normalizers # Base Normalizer for Rails rendering class RenderNormalizer < Normalizer include Skylight::Util::AllocationFree def setup @paths = [] Gem.path.each do |path| @paths << "#{path}/bundler/gems".freeze @paths << "#{path}/gems".freeze @paths << path end @paths.concat(Array(config["normalizers.render.view_paths"])) end # Generic normalizer for renders # @param category [String] # @param payload [Hash] # @option payload [String] :identifier # @return [Array] def normalize_render(category, payload) if (path = payload[:identifier]) title = relative_path(path) end [category, title, nil] end def relative_path(path) return path if relative_path?(path) if (root = array_find(@paths) { |p| path.start_with?(p) }) start = root.size start += 1 if path.getbyte(start) == SEPARATOR_BYTE path[start, path.size].sub( # Matches a Gem Version or 12-digit hex (sha) # that is preceeded by a `-` and followed by `/` # Also matches 'app/views/' if it exists %r{-(?:#{Gem::Version::VERSION_PATTERN}|[0-9a-f]{12})/(?:app/views/)*}, ": ".freeze ) else "Absolute Path".freeze end end private def relative_path?(path) !absolute_path?(path) end SEPARATOR_BYTE = File::SEPARATOR.ord if File.const_defined?(:NULL) ? File::NULL == "NUL" : RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /mingw|mswin32/ # This is a DOSish environment ALT_SEPARATOR_BYTE = File::ALT_SEPARATOR&.ord COLON_BYTE = ":".ord SEPARATOR_BYTES = [SEPARATOR_BYTE, ALT_SEPARATOR_BYTE].freeze def absolute_path?(path) if alpha?(path.getbyte(0)) && path.getbyte(1) == COLON_BYTE SEPARATOR_BYTES.include?(path.getbyte(2)) end end def alpha?(byte) (byte >= 65 && byte <= 90) || (byte >= 97 && byte <= 122) end else def absolute_path?(path) path.getbyte(0) == SEPARATOR_BYTE end end end end end