// Copyright 2012 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview A map data structure that offers a convenient API to * manipulate a key, value map. The key must be a string. * * This implementation also ensure that you can use keys that would * not be usable using a normal object literal {}. Some examples * include __proto__ (all newer browsers), toString/hasOwnProperty (IE * <= 8). */ goog.provide('goog.labs.structs.Map'); goog.require('goog.array'); goog.require('goog.asserts'); goog.require('goog.labs.object'); goog.require('goog.object'); /** * Creates a new map. * @constructor */ goog.labs.structs.Map = function() { // clear() initializes the map to the empty state. this.clear(); }; /** * @type {function(this: Object, string): boolean} * @private */ goog.labs.structs.Map.objectPropertyIsEnumerable_ = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; /** * @type {function(this: Object, string): boolean} * @private */ goog.labs.structs.Map.objectHasOwnProperty_ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; /** * Primary backing store of this map. * @type {!Object} * @private */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.map_; /** * Secondary backing store for keys. The index corresponds to the * index for secondaryStoreValues_. * @type {!Array.} * @private */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.secondaryStoreKeys_; /** * Secondary backing store for keys. The index corresponds to the * index for secondaryStoreValues_. * @type {!Array.<*>} * @private */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.secondaryStoreValues_; /** * Adds the (key, value) pair, overriding previous entry with the same * key, if any. * @param {string} key The key. * @param {*} value The value. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.set = function(key, value) { this.assertKeyIsString_(key); var newKey = !this.hasKeyInPrimaryStore_(key); this.map_[key] = value; // __proto__ is not settable on object. if (key == '__proto__' || // Shadows for built-in properties are not enumerable in IE <= 8 . (!goog.labs.structs.Map.BrowserFeature.OBJECT_CREATE_SUPPORTED && !goog.labs.structs.Map.objectPropertyIsEnumerable_.call( this.map_, key))) { delete this.map_[key]; var index = goog.array.indexOf(this.secondaryStoreKeys_, key); if ((newKey = index < 0)) { index = this.secondaryStoreKeys_.length; } this.secondaryStoreKeys_[index] = key; this.secondaryStoreValues_[index] = value; } if (newKey) this.count_++; }; /** * Gets the value for the given key. * @param {string} key The key whose value we want to retrieve. * @param {*=} opt_default The default value to return if the key does * not exist in the map, default to undefined. * @return {*} The value corresponding to the given key, or opt_default * if the key does not exist in this map. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.get = function(key, opt_default) { this.assertKeyIsString_(key); if (this.hasKeyInPrimaryStore_(key)) { return this.map_[key]; } var index = goog.array.indexOf(this.secondaryStoreKeys_, key); return index >= 0 ? this.secondaryStoreValues_[index] : opt_default; }; /** * Removes the map entry with the given key. * @param {string} key The key to remove. * @return {boolean} True if the entry is removed. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.remove = function(key) { this.assertKeyIsString_(key); if (this.hasKeyInPrimaryStore_(key)) { this.count_--; delete this.map_[key]; return true; } else { var index = goog.array.indexOf(this.secondaryStoreKeys_, key); if (index >= 0) { this.count_--; goog.array.removeAt(this.secondaryStoreKeys_, index); goog.array.removeAt(this.secondaryStoreValues_, index); return true; } } return false; }; /** * Adds the content of the map to this map. If a new entry uses a key * that already exists in this map, the existing key is replaced. * @param {!goog.labs.structs.Map} map The map to add. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.addAll = function(map) { goog.array.forEach(map.getKeys(), function(key) { this.set(key, map.get(key)); }, this); }; /** * @return {boolean} True if the map is empty. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.isEmpty = function() { return !this.count_; }; /** * @return {number} The number of the entries in this map. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.getCount = function() { return this.count_; }; /** * @param {string} key The key to check. * @return {boolean} True if the map contains the given key. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.containsKey = function(key) { this.assertKeyIsString_(key); return this.hasKeyInPrimaryStore_(key) || goog.array.contains(this.secondaryStoreKeys_, key); }; /** * Whether the map contains the given value. The comparison is done * using !== comparator. Also returns true if the passed value is NaN * and a NaN value exists in the map. * @param {*} value Value to check. * @return {boolean} True if the map contains the given value. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.containsValue = function(value) { var found = goog.object.some(this.map_, function(v, k) { return this.hasKeyInPrimaryStore_(k) && goog.labs.object.is(v, value); }, this); return found || goog.array.contains(this.secondaryStoreValues_, value); }; /** * @return {!Array.} An array of all the keys contained in this map. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.getKeys = function() { var keys; if (goog.labs.structs.Map.BrowserFeature.OBJECT_KEYS_SUPPORTED) { keys = goog.array.clone(Object.keys(this.map_)); } else { keys = []; for (var key in this.map_) { if (goog.labs.structs.Map.objectHasOwnProperty_.call(this.map_, key)) { keys.push(key); } } } goog.array.extend(keys, this.secondaryStoreKeys_); return keys; }; /** * @return {!Array.<*>} An array of all the values contained in this map. * There may be duplicates. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.getValues = function() { var values = []; var keys = this.getKeys(); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { values.push(this.get(keys[i])); } return values; }; /** * @return {!Array.} An array of entries. Each entry is of the * form [key, value]. Do not rely on consistent ordering of entries. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.getEntries = function() { var entries = []; var keys = this.getKeys(); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; entries.push([key, this.get(key)]); } return entries; }; /** * Clears the map to the initial state. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.clear = function() { this.map_ = goog.labs.structs.Map.BrowserFeature.OBJECT_CREATE_SUPPORTED ? Object.create(null) : {}; this.secondaryStoreKeys_ = []; this.secondaryStoreValues_ = []; this.count_ = 0; }; /** * Clones this map. * @return {!goog.labs.structs.Map} The clone of this map. */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.clone = function() { var map = new goog.labs.structs.Map(); map.addAll(this); return map; }; /** * @param {string} key The key to check. * @return {boolean} True if the given key has been added successfully * to the primary store. * @private */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.hasKeyInPrimaryStore_ = function(key) { // New browsers that support Object.create do not allow setting of // __proto__. In other browsers, hasOwnProperty will return true for // __proto__ for object created with literal {}, so we need to // special case it. if (key == '__proto__') { return false; } if (goog.labs.structs.Map.BrowserFeature.OBJECT_CREATE_SUPPORTED) { return key in this.map_; } return goog.labs.structs.Map.objectHasOwnProperty_.call(this.map_, key); }; /** * Asserts that the given key is a string. * @param {string} key The key to check. * @private */ goog.labs.structs.Map.prototype.assertKeyIsString_ = function(key) { goog.asserts.assert(goog.isString(key), 'key must be a string.'); }; /** * Browser feature enum necessary for map. * @enum {boolean} */ goog.labs.structs.Map.BrowserFeature = { // TODO(user): Replace with goog.userAgent detection. /** * Whether Object.create method is supported. */ OBJECT_CREATE_SUPPORTED: !!Object.create, /** * Whether Object.keys method is supported. */ OBJECT_KEYS_SUPPORTED: !!Object.keys };