3.0.0.rc2 / 2013-08-28 * Enhancements * (Re-)Start logging the beginning, erroring, and ending of steps * Raise errors if a step fails 3.0.0.rc1 / 2013-08-08 * Enhancements * :field_name can be passed as an Array like [ :first_name, :last_name ], which will join them with a space 3.0.0.beta / 2013-07-26 * Enhancements * test steps with after: and every: options, referring to row counts in the previous step * :limit option for import steps - oh yeah * :random_skip option - goes nicely with :limit if you're debugging * Bug fixes * Make sure to stringify data_miner(:append) option 3.0.0.alpha / 2013-07-24 * breaking changes * :dictionary is now just a plain Hash-like object (responds to []) - and no longer attempts to refresh between runs * no more unit conversions * always nullifies blank strings * always overwrites columns whether there was a non-null value there before or not (no more :overwrite option) * don't use synthesize option, just pass a block * synthesized values get the same whitespace compression and stripping as other values * not tested against the Earth library, which has particular requirements and makes testing too complicated * doesn't keep DataMiner::Run or DataMiner::Run::ColumnStatistic records * no more :matcher option * enhancements * if you have a postgres hstore column called "foo", you can do store 'foo.bar' 2.5.2 / 2013-07-05 * Bug fixes * Get connection from the right connection pool (namely, the model's, not AR::Base's) 2.5.1 / 2013-03-15 * Enhancements * Just suggest that people use roo > 1.10.3 2.5.0 / 2013-03-15 * Breaking changes * Lock to roo 1.10.1 and activerecord > 3 * Enhancements * If you don't define a `key` in a data_miner block, then just keep appending records - thanks @towerhe * Got rid of ridiculous "install unicode-utils" warning * Bug fixes * Don't die because an Alchemist::NumericConversion is passed to a function that expects a plain Float - thanks @towerhe 2.4.1 / 2012-07-26 * Enhancements * Support sqlite in sql steps * More accurately detect if a table has been created during a run 2.4.0 / 2012-07-26 * Breaking changes * Entirely remove taps support - it doesn't preserve foreign key constraints and adds a lot of complexity * Enhancements * New "sql" step - executes SQL provided as a string OR a local/remote SQL file provided as a URL * Die with a useful error message if a column specified in an import step doesn't exist - thanks @chrisle https://github.com/seamusabshere/data_miner/issues/17 * Allow setting :validate => true on import steps - thanks @chrisle https://github.com/seamusabshere/data_miner/issues/18 2.3.4 / 2012-07-06 * Bug fixes * Fix silly deadlock 2.3.3 / 2012-07-06 * Bug fixes * Always register data miner scripts with DataMiner.model_names or else DataMiner.run won't work as expected - just bad logic before 2.3.2 / 2012-06-25 * Bug fixes * Make sure 't', 'true', 1, '1', 'on', 'yes', etc. are treated as true for boolean columns (and 'f', 'false', 'FALSE', etc.) 2.3.1 / 2012-06-22 * Bug fixes * Avoid duplicate rows by correctly identifying auto-increment versus non-auto-increment integer primary keys * Properly sort per-row column statistics 2.3.0 / 2012-06-21 * Enhancements * Using https://github.com/seamusabshere/upsert to speed up import steps when possible. 2.2.0 / 2012-06-11 * Breaking changes * You must specify DataMiner.units_convert = {:alchemist,:conversions} * Enhancements * Swappable unit conversion libraries [@dkastner] * Intelligent parsing of commas and periods in number fields [@ihough] 2.1.2 / 2012-05-22 * Breaking changes * DataMiner::Run#column_statistics_for(column_name, period) -> {initial,final}_column_statistics(column_name) * Remove std dev from statistics kept * Enhancements * Added zero count and null count 2.1.1 / 2012-05-16 * Enhancements * Keep row counts from before and after runs. * If DataMiner.per_column_statistics?, keep per-column statistics from before and after runs. 2.1.0 / 2012-05-10 * Enhancements * Don't use "perform" as a class or instance method name - it can interfere with Resque or Sidekiq. * Don't lock DataMiner::Run#perform. Provide instructions for how people can do this manually. * Bug fixes * Don't blow up trying to get current database name on SQLite3 2.0.3 / 2012-05-07 * Enhancements * Rename :nullify to :nullify_blank_strings to clarify that it only affects textual columns and means "treat blank input as null". * Don't try to set units for a column that is currently nil (thanks @ihough) * Bug fixes * Don't blow up if mass-assignment rules are strict. * Don't accidentally set a numeric column to 0.0 when the input is blank or nil. 2.0.2 / 2012-05-04 * Breaking changes * Import descriptions are no longer optional * Import options are no longer optional (but then, they never were) * Enhancements * Real documentation! * Make it easier to clear locks with DataMiner::Run.clear_locks * Replace class-level mutexes with simple Thread.exclusive calls * Simplified DataMiner::Dictionary 2.0.1 / 2012-04-18 * Enhancements * DataMiner.run -> DataMiner.perform * Some basic tests that don't rely on Earth * Bug fixes * Fix the "call stack" - the thing that keeps infinite loops from occurring * Make sure sources get refreshed every time you re-run data miner * Make sure dictionaries " " " " " " " 2.0.0 / 2012-04-17 * Breaking changes * Renamed data_miner_config to data_miner_script (etc. for class/method naming) * Simplify DataMiner.run arguments was: DataMiner.run(:resource_names => ['Country']) now: DataMiner.run(['Country']) * Rename "resources" to "models" was: DataMiner.resource_names now: DataMiner.model_names * Expect procs instead of lambdas (because they are just instance-eval'ed now, Blockenspiel is no longer guessing where to find methods) was: :synthesize => lambda { class_method } now: :synthesize => proc { Klass.class_method } * Use UnicodeUtils to correctly upcase and downcase * Use throw/catch instead of exceptions to signal to force a step to stop successfully was: DataMiner::Succeed now: throw :data_miner_succeed * Import steps no longer accept deprecated :table => RemoteTable or :errata => Errata options * DataMiner::Run structure has changed (in addition to other internals) * Enhancements * Easy to modify data miner scripts using DataMiner::Script#{append|prepend|append_once|prepend_once} * DRYer codebase * No longer depends on Blockenspiel * Uses UnixUtils instead of its own spawning code * Should be threadsafe (no more autoload, has mutexes, more careful/fewer singletons, etc.) 1.1.0 * fixed dependency issues 1.0.0 * bundler and gemspec instead of jeweler * clear up memory leaks and destructive argument borking * mostly backwards compatible (but no add_hints! in remote_table transforms, for example) 0.2.6 * Upgrade to remote_table 0.1.6 to handle UTF-8 CSVs and long urls. 0.3.0 * Removed association code... now data_miner focuses on just importing. * New, simpler DSL * Upgrade to remote_table 0.2.1 for row_hashes and better blank row handling * Remove all association-related code