# Conekta::OrderRequest ## Properties | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **charges** | [**Array<ChargeRequest>**](ChargeRequest.md) | List of [charges](https://developers.conekta.com/v2.1.0/reference/orderscreatecharge) that are applied to the order | [optional] | | **checkout** | [**CheckoutRequest**](CheckoutRequest.md) | | [optional] | | **currency** | **String** | Currency with which the payment will be made. It uses the 3-letter code of the [International Standard ISO 4217.](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217) | | | **customer_info** | [**OrderRequestCustomerInfo**](OrderRequestCustomerInfo.md) | | | | **discount_lines** | [**Array<OrderDiscountLinesRequest>**](OrderDiscountLinesRequest.md) | List of [discounts](https://developers.conekta.com/v2.1.0/reference/orderscreatediscountline) that are applied to the order. You must have at least one discount. | [optional] | | **fiscal_entity** | [**OrderFiscalEntityRequest**](OrderFiscalEntityRequest.md) | | [optional] | | **line_items** | [**Array<Product>**](Product.md) | List of [products](https://developers.conekta.com/v2.1.0/reference/orderscreateproduct) that are sold in the order. You must have at least one product. | | | **metadata** | **Hash<String, Object>** | Metadata associated with the order | [optional] | | **needs_shipping_contact** | **Boolean** | Allows you to fill out the shipping information at checkout | [optional] | | **pre_authorize** | **Boolean** | Indicates whether the order charges must be preauthorized | [optional][default to false] | | **processing_mode** | **String** | Indicates the processing mode for the order, either ecommerce, recurrent or validation. | [optional] | | **return_url** | **String** | Indicates the redirection callback upon completion of the 3DS2 flow. Do not use this parameter if your order has a checkout parameter | [optional] | | **shipping_contact** | [**CustomerShippingContacts**](CustomerShippingContacts.md) | | [optional] | | **shipping_lines** | [**Array<ShippingRequest>**](ShippingRequest.md) | List of [shipping costs](https://developers.conekta.com/v2.1.0/reference/orderscreateshipping). If the online store offers digital products. | [optional] | | **tax_lines** | [**Array<OrderTaxRequest>**](OrderTaxRequest.md) | List of [taxes](https://developers.conekta.com/v2.1.0/reference/orderscreatetaxes) that are applied to the order. | [optional] | | **three_ds_mode** | **String** | Indicates the 3DS2 mode for the order, either smart or strict. | [optional] | ## Example ```ruby require 'conekta' instance = Conekta::OrderRequest.new( charges: null, checkout: null, currency: MXN, customer_info: null, discount_lines: null, fiscal_entity: null, line_items: null, metadata: null, needs_shipping_contact: false, pre_authorize: null, processing_mode: ecommerce, return_url: https://my-website.com, shipping_contact: null, shipping_lines: null, tax_lines: null, three_ds_mode: null ) ```