# encoding: utf-8 module Appium::Android # Returns an array of android classes that match the tag name # @param tag_name [String] the tag name to convert to an android class # @return [String] def tag_name_to_android tag_name tag_name = tag_name.to_s.downcase.strip # @private def prefix *tags tags.map!{ |tag| "android.widget.#{tag}" } end # note that 'secure' is not an allowed tag name on android # because android can't tell what a secure textfield is # they're all edittexts. # must match names in AndroidElementClassMap (Appium's Java server) case tag_name when 'abslist' prefix 'AbsListView' when 'absseek' prefix 'AbsSeekBar' when 'absspinner' prefix 'AbsSpinner' when 'absolute' prefix 'AbsoluteLayout' when 'adapterview' prefix 'AdapterView' when 'adapterviewanimator' prefix 'AdapterViewAnimator' when 'adapterviewflipper' prefix 'AdapterViewFlipper' when 'analogclock' prefix 'AnalogClock' when 'appwidgethost' prefix 'AppWidgetHostView' when 'autocomplete' prefix 'AutoCompleteTextView' when 'button' prefix 'Button', 'ImageButton' when 'breadcrumbs' prefix 'FragmentBreadCrumbs' when 'calendar' prefix 'CalendarView' when 'checkbox' prefix 'CheckBox' when 'checked' prefix 'CheckedTextView' when 'chronometer' prefix 'Chronometer' when 'compound' prefix 'CompoundButton' when 'datepicker' prefix 'DatePicker' when 'dialerfilter' prefix 'DialerFilter' when 'digitalclock' prefix 'DigitalClock' when 'drawer' prefix 'SlidingDrawer' when 'expandable' prefix 'ExpandableListView' when 'extract' prefix 'ExtractEditText' when 'fragmenttabhost' prefix 'FragmentTabHost' when 'frame' prefix 'FrameLayout' when 'gallery' prefix 'Gallery' when 'gesture' prefix 'GestureOverlayView' when 'glsurface' prefix 'GLSurfaceView' when 'grid' prefix 'GridView' when 'gridlayout' prefix 'GridLayout' when 'horizontal' prefix 'HorizontalScrollView' when 'image' prefix 'ImageView' when 'imagebutton' prefix 'ImageButton' when 'imageswitcher' prefix 'ImageSwitcher' when 'keyboard' prefix 'KeyboardView' when 'linear' prefix 'LinearLayout' when 'list' prefix 'ListView' when 'media' prefix 'MediaController' when 'mediaroutebutton' prefix 'MediaRouteButton' when 'multiautocomplete' prefix 'MultiAutoCompleteTextView' when 'numberpicker' prefix 'NumberPicker' when 'pagetabstrip' prefix 'PageTabStrip' when 'pagetitlestrip' prefix 'PageTitleStrip' when 'progress' prefix 'ProgressBar' when 'quickcontactbadge' prefix 'QuickContactBadge' when 'radio' prefix 'RadioButton' when 'radiogroup' prefix 'RadioGroup' when 'rating' prefix 'RatingBar' when 'relative' prefix 'RelativeLayout' when 'row' prefix 'TableRow' when 'rssurface' prefix 'RSSurfaceView' when 'rstexture' prefix 'RSTextureView' when 'scroll' prefix 'ScrollView' when 'search' prefix 'SearchView' when 'seek' prefix 'SeekBar' when 'space' prefix 'Space' when 'spinner' prefix 'Spinner' when 'stack' prefix 'StackView' when 'surface' prefix 'SurfaceView' when 'switch' prefix 'Switch' when 'tabhost' prefix 'TabHost' when 'tabwidget' prefix 'TabWidget' when 'table' prefix 'TableLayout' when 'text' prefix 'TextView' when 'textclock' prefix 'TextClock' when 'textswitcher' prefix 'TextSwitcher' when 'texture' prefix 'TextureView' when 'textfield' prefix 'EditText' when 'timepicker' prefix 'TimePicker' when 'toggle' prefix 'ToggleButton' when 'twolinelistitem' prefix 'TwoLineListItem' when 'view' 'android.view.View' when 'video' prefix 'VideoView' when 'viewanimator' prefix 'ViewAnimator' when 'viewflipper' prefix 'ViewFlipper' when 'viewgroup' prefix 'ViewGroup' when 'viewpager' prefix 'ViewPager' when 'viewstub' prefix 'ViewStub' when 'viewswitcher' prefix 'ViewSwitcher' when 'web' 'android.webkit.WebView' # WebView is not a widget when 'window' prefix 'FrameLayout' when 'zoom' prefix 'ZoomButton' when 'zoomcontrols' prefix 'ZoomControls' else raise "Invalid tag name #{tag_name}" end # return result of case end # Find all elements matching the attribute # On android, assume the attr is name (which falls back to text). # # ```ruby # find_eles_attr :text # ``` # # @param tag_name [String] the tag name to search for # @return [Element] def find_eles_attr tag_name, attribute=nil =begin sel1 = [ [4, 'android.widget.Button'], [100] ] sel2 = [ [4, 'android.widget.ImageButton'], [100] ] args = [ 'all', sel1, sel2 ] mobile :find, args =end array = ['all'] tag_name_to_android(tag_name).each do |name| # sel.className(name).getStringAttribute("name") array.push [ [4, name], [100] ] end mobile :find, array end # Selendroid only. # Returns a string containing interesting elements. # @return [String] def get_selendroid_inspect # @private def run node r = [] run_internal = lambda do |node| if node.kind_of? Array node.each { |node| run_internal.call node } return end keys = node.keys return if keys.empty? obj = {} # name is id obj.merge!( { id: node['name'] } ) if keys.include?('name') && !node['name'].empty? obj.merge!( { text: node['value'] } ) if keys.include?('value') && !node['value'].empty? # label is name obj.merge!( { name: node['label'] } ) if keys.include?('label') && !node['label'].empty? obj.merge!( { class: node['type'] } ) if keys.include?('type') && !obj.empty? obj.merge!( { shown: node['shown'] } ) if keys.include?('shown') r.push obj if !obj.empty? run_internal.call node['children'] if keys.include?('children') end run_internal.call node r end json = get_source node = json['children'] results = run node out = '' results.each { |e| no_text = e[:text].nil? no_name = e[:name].nil? || e[:name] == 'null' next unless e[:shown] # skip invisible # Ignore elements with id only. next if no_text && no_name out += e[:class].split('.').last + "\n" # name is id when using selendroid. # remove id/ prefix e[:id].sub!(/^id\//, '') if e[:id] out += " class: #{e[:class]}\n" # id('back_button').click out += " id: #{e[:id]}\n" unless e[:id].nil? # find_element(:link_text, 'text') out += " text: #{e[:text]}\n" unless no_text # label is name. default is 'null' # find_element(:link_text, 'Facebook') out += " name: #{e[:name]}\n" unless no_name # out += " visible: #{e[:shown]}\n" unless e[:shown].nil? } out end def get_page_class r = [] run_internal = lambda do |node| if node.kind_of? Array node.each { |node| run_internal.call node } return end keys = node.keys return if keys.empty? r.push node['@class'] if keys.include?('@class') run_internal.call node['node'] if keys.include?('node') end json = get_source run_internal.call json['hierarchy'] res = [] r = r.sort r.uniq.each do |ele| res.push "#{r.count(ele)}x #{ele}\n" end count_sort = ->(one,two) { two.match(/(\d+)x/)[1].to_i <=> one.match(/(\d+)x/)[1].to_i } res.sort(&count_sort).join '' end # Count all classes on screen and print to stdout. # Useful for appium_console. def page_class puts get_page_class nil end # Android only. # Returns a string containing interesting elements. # If an element has no content desc or text, then it's not returned by this method. # @return [String] def get_android_inspect # @private def run node r = [] run_internal = lambda do |node| if node.kind_of? Array node.each { |node| run_internal.call node } return end keys = node.keys return if keys.empty? if keys == %w(hierarchy) run_internal.call node['hierarchy'] return end n_content = '@content-desc' n_text = '@text' n_class = '@class' n_resource = '@resource-id' n_node = 'node' # Store the object if it has a content description, text, or resource id. # If it only has a class, then don't save it. obj = {} obj.merge!( { desc: node[n_content] } ) if keys.include?(n_content) && !node[n_content].empty? obj.merge!( { text: node[n_text] } ) if keys.include?(n_text) && !node[n_text].empty? obj.merge!( { resource_id: node[n_resource] } ) if keys.include?(n_resource) && !node[n_resource].empty? obj.merge!( { class: node[n_class] } ) if keys.include?(n_class) && !obj.empty? r.push obj if !obj.empty? run_internal.call node[n_node] if keys.include?(n_node) end run_internal.call node r end lazy_load_strings json = get_source node = json['hierarchy'] results = run node out = '' results.each { |e| e_desc = e[:desc] e_text = e[:text] e_class = e[:class] e_resource_id = e[:resource_id] out += e_class.split('.').last + "\n" out += " class: #{e_class}\n" if e_text == e_desc out += " text, name: #{e_text}\n" unless e_text.nil? else out += " text: #{e_text}\n" unless e_text.nil? out += " name: #{e_desc}\n" unless e_desc.nil? end out += " resource_id: #{e_resource_id}\n" unless e_resource_id.nil? || e_resource_id.empty? # there may be many ids with the same value. # output all exact matches. id_matches = @strings_xml.select do |key, value| value == e_desc || value == e_text end if id_matches && id_matches.length > 0 match_str = '' # [0] = key, [1] = value id_matches.each do |match| match_str += ' ' * 6 + "#{match[0]}\n" end out += " id: #{match_str.strip}\n" end } out end # Automatically detects selendroid or android. # Returns a string containing interesting elements. # @return [String] def get_inspect @device == :selendroid ? get_selendroid_inspect : get_android_inspect end # Intended for use with console. # Inspects and prints the current page. def page puts get_inspect nil end # JavaScript code from https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/app/android.js # # ```javascript # Math.round(1.0/28.0 * 28) = 1 # ``` # # We want steps to be exactly 1. If it's zero then a tap is used instead of a swipe. def fast_duration 0.0357 # 1.0/28.0 end # Lists package, activity, and adb shell am start -n value for current app. # Works on local host only (not remote). def current_app line = `adb shell dumpsys window windows`.each_line.grep(/mFocusedApp/).first.strip pair = line.split(' ').last.gsub('}','').split '/' pkg = pair.first act = pair.last OpenStruct.new line: line, package: pkg, activity: act, am_start: pkg + '/' + act end # Find by id. Useful for selendroid # @param id [String] the id to search for # @return [Element] def id id lazy_load_strings # resource ids must include ':' and they're not contained in strings_xml raise "Invalid id `#{id}`" unless @strings_xml[id] || id.include?(':') find_element :id, id end end # module Appium::Android