import classic from "ember-classic-decorator"; import { debounce } from "@ember/runloop"; import { action, computed } from "@ember/object"; import Controller from "@ember/controller"; import { ajax, getLocalStorage, setLocalStorage, } from "client-app/lib/utilities"; import Preload from "client-app/lib/preload"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; @classic export default class IndexController extends Controller { @tracked loading = false; @tracked buildingGroupingPattern = false; @tracked rowMessagesForGroupingPattern = []; showDebug = getLocalStorage("showDebug", false); showInfo = getLocalStorage("showInfo", false); showWarn = getLocalStorage("showWarn", true); showErr = getLocalStorage("showErr", true); showFatal = getLocalStorage("showFatal", true); search = null; queryParams = ["search"]; @computed get showSettings() { return Preload.get("patterns_enabled"); } @computed get backToSiteLinkText() { return Preload.get("back_to_site_link_text"); } @computed get backToSiteLinkPath() { return Preload.get("back_to_site_link_path"); } get actionsInMenu() { return ( /mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ); } get showCreateGroupingPattern() { return ( this.buildingGroupingPattern && this.rowMessagesForGroupingPattern.length > 1 ); } @computed("search") get searchTerm() { if ( { this.doSearch(; return; } return null; } async doSearch(term) { this.model.set("search", term); this.loading = true; await this.model.reload(); this.loading = false; this.model.updateSelectedRow(); } resizePanels(amount) { const bottomPanel = document.getElementById("bottom-panel"); const topPanel = document.getElementById("top-panel"); = `${amount - 13}px`; = `${amount + 12}px`; } @action expandMessage(message) { message.expand(); } @action selectRowAction(row, opts = {}) { this.model.selectRow(row, opts); } @action handleCheckboxChange(row, event) { if ( { this.rowMessagesForGroupingPattern = [ ...this.rowMessagesForGroupingPattern, row.message, ]; } else { this.rowMessagesForGroupingPattern = this.rowMessagesForGroupingPattern.filter((i) => i !== row.message); } } @action tabChangedAction(newTab) { this.model.tabChanged(newTab); } @action showMoreBefore() { this.model.showMoreBefore(); } @action loadMore() { return this.model.loadMore(); } @action async clear() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert if (confirm("Clear the logs?\n\nCancel = No, OK = Clear")) { await ajax("/clear", { type: "POST" }); this.model.reload(); this.loading = false; } } @action removeMessage(msg) { const group = ? this.model.currentRow : null; const rows = this.model.rows; const idx = group ? rows.indexOf(group) : rows.indexOf(msg); msg.destroy(); msg.set("selected", false); this.model.set("total", - 1); let removedRow = false; let messageIndex = 0; if (group) { messageIndex = group.messages.indexOf(msg); group.messages.removeObject(msg); messageIndex = Math.min(messageIndex, group.messages.length - 1); if (group.messages.length === 0) { rows.removeObject(group); removedRow = true; } } else { rows.removeObject(msg); removedRow = true; } if (removedRow) { if (idx > 0) { this.model.selectRow(rows[idx - 1]); } else if ( > 0) { this.model.selectRow(rows[0]); } else { this.model.reload(); } } else if (group) { this.model.selectRow(rows[idx], { messageIndex }); } } @action solveMessage(msg) { this.model.solve(msg); } @action groupedMessageChangedAction(newPosition) { this.model.groupedMessageChanged(newPosition); } @action envChangedAction(newPosition) { this.model.envChanged(newPosition); } @action async updateFilter(name) { this.toggleProperty(name); this.model.set(name, this[name]); setLocalStorage(name, this[name]); this.loading = true; await this.model.reload(); this.loading = false; this.model.updateSelectedRow(); } @action updateSearch(event) { const term =; if (term === { return; } if (term && term.length === 1) { return; } debounce(this, this.doSearch, term, 250); } @action toggleGroupingPatternFromSelectedRows() { this.buildingGroupingPattern = !this.buildingGroupingPattern; this.rowMessagesForGroupingPattern = []; } @action async createGroupingPatternFromSelectedRows() { let match = this.findLongestMatchingPrefix( this.rowMessagesForGroupingPattern ); match = this.escapeRegExp(match); if ( match.trim().length && // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert confirm( `Do you want to create the grouping pattern\n\n"${match}"\n\nCancel = No, OK = Create` ) ) { await ajax("/patterns/grouping.json", { method: "POST", data: { pattern: match, }, }); this.rowMessagesForGroupingPattern = []; this.buildingGroupingPattern = false; this.model.reload(); } else if (!match.trim().length) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert alert("Can not create a grouping pattern with the given rows"); } } findLongestMatchingPrefix(strings) { const shortestString = strings.reduce( (shortest, str) => (str.length < shortest.length ? str : shortest), strings[0] ); let longestMatchingSubstring = ""; for (let i = 0; i < shortestString.length; i++) { const currentSubstring = shortestString.substring(0, i + 1); if (strings.every((str) => str.includes(currentSubstring))) { longestMatchingSubstring = currentSubstring; } else { break; } } return longestMatchingSubstring; } escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); // $& means the whole matched string } }