require 'spec_helper' require 'open3' RSpec::Matchers.define_negated_matcher :excluding, :include describe Puppet::Type.type(:user).provider(:pw) do let :resource do Puppet::Type.type(:user).new(:name => "testuser", :provider => :pw) end context "when creating users" do let :provider do prov = resource.provider expect(prov).to receive(:exists?).and_return(nil) prov end it "should run pw with no additional flags when no properties are given" do expect(provider.addcmd).to eq([described_class.command(:pw), "useradd", "testuser"]) expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with([described_class.command(:pw), "useradd", "testuser"], kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should use -o when allowdupe is enabled" do resource[:allowdupe] = true expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-o"), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should use -c with the correct argument when the comment property is set" do resource[:comment] = "Testuser Name" expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-c").and(include("Testuser Name")), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should use -e with the correct argument when the expiry property is set" do resource[:expiry] = "2010-02-19" expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-e").and(include("19-02-2010")), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should use -e 00-00-0000 if the expiry property has to be removed" do resource[:expiry] = :absent expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-e").and(include("00-00-0000")), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should use -g with the correct argument when the gid property is set" do resource[:gid] = 12345 expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-g").and(include(12345)), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should use -G with the correct argument when the groups property is set" do resource[:groups] = "group1" allow(Puppet::Util::POSIX).to receive(:groups_of).with('testuser').and_return([]) expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-G").and(include("group1")), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should use -G with all the given groups when the groups property is set to an array" do resource[:groups] = ["group1", "group2"] allow(Puppet::Util::POSIX).to receive(:groups_of).with('testuser').and_return([]) expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-G").and(include("group1,group2")), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should use -d with the correct argument when the home property is set" do resource[:home] = "/home/testuser" expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-d").and(include("/home/testuser")), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should use -m when the managehome property is enabled" do resource[:managehome] = true expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-m"), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should call the password set function with the correct argument when the password property is set" do resource[:password] = "*" expect(provider).to receive(:execute) expect(provider).to receive(:password=).with("*") provider.create end it "should call execute with sensitive true when the password property is set" do Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug resource[:password] = "abc123" expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(kind_of(Array), hash_including(sensitive: true)) popen = double("popen", :puts => nil, :close => nil) expect(Open3).to receive(:popen3).and_return(popen) expect(popen).to receive(:puts).with("abc123") provider.create expect(@logs).not_to be_any {|log| log.level == :debug and log.message =~ /abc123/} end it "should call execute with sensitive false when a non-sensitive property is set" do resource[:managehome] = true expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(kind_of(Array), hash_including(sensitive: false)) provider.create end it "should use -s with the correct argument when the shell property is set" do resource[:shell] = "/bin/sh" expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-s").and(include("/bin/sh")), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end it "should use -u with the correct argument when the uid property is set" do resource[:uid] = 12345 expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-u").and(include(12345)), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end # (#7500) -p should not be used to set a password (it means something else) it "should not use -p when a password is given" do resource[:password] = "*" expect(provider.addcmd).not_to include("-p") expect(provider).to receive(:password=) expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(excluding("-p"), kind_of(Hash)) provider.create end end context "when deleting users" do it "should run pw with no additional flags" do provider = resource.provider expect(provider).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) expect(provider.deletecmd).to eq([described_class.command(:pw), "userdel", "testuser"]) expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with([described_class.command(:pw), "userdel", "testuser"], hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.delete end # The above test covers this, but given the consequences of # accidentally deleting a user's home directory it seems better to # have an explicit test. it "should not use -r when managehome is not set" do provider = resource.provider expect(provider).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) resource[:managehome] = false expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(excluding("-r"), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.delete end it "should use -r when managehome is set" do provider = resource.provider expect(provider).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) resource[:managehome] = true expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-r"), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.delete end end context "when modifying users" do let :provider do resource.provider end it "should run pw with the correct arguments" do expect(provider.modifycmd("uid", 12345)).to eq([described_class.command(:pw), "usermod", "testuser", "-u", 12345]) expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with([described_class.command(:pw), "usermod", "testuser", "-u", 12345], hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.uid = 12345 end it "should use -c with the correct argument when the comment property is changed" do resource[:comment] = "Testuser Name" expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-c").and(include("Testuser New Name")), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.comment = "Testuser New Name" end it "should use -e with the correct argument when the expiry property is changed" do resource[:expiry] = "2010-02-19" expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-e").and(include("19-02-2011")), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.expiry = "2011-02-19" end it "should use -e with the correct argument when the expiry property is removed" do resource[:expiry] = :absent expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-e").and(include("00-00-0000")), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.expiry = :absent end it "should use -g with the correct argument when the gid property is changed" do resource[:gid] = 12345 expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-g").and(include(54321)), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.gid = 54321 end it "should use -G with the correct argument when the groups property is changed" do resource[:groups] = "group1" expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-G").and(include("group2")), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.groups = "group2" end it "should use -G with all the given groups when the groups property is changed with an array" do resource[:groups] = ["group1", "group2"] expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-G").and(include("group3,group4")), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.groups = "group3,group4" end it "should use -d with the correct argument when the home property is changed" do resource[:home] = "/home/testuser" expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-d").and(include("/newhome/testuser")), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.home = "/newhome/testuser" end it "should use -m and -d with the correct argument when the home property is changed and managehome is enabled" do resource[:home] = "/home/testuser" resource[:managehome] = true expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-d").and(include("/newhome/testuser")).and(include("-m")), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.home = "/newhome/testuser" end it "should call the password set function with the correct argument when the password property is changed" do resource[:password] = "*" expect(provider).to receive(:password=).with("!") provider.password = "!" end it "should use -s with the correct argument when the shell property is changed" do resource[:shell] = "/bin/sh" expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-s").and(include("/bin/tcsh")), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) = "/bin/tcsh" end it "should use -u with the correct argument when the uid property is changed" do resource[:uid] = 12345 expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(include("-u").and(include(54321)), hash_including(custom_environment: {})) provider.uid = 54321 end it "should print a debug message with sensitive data redacted when the password property is set" do Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug resource[:password] = "*" popen = double("popen", :puts => nil, :close => nil) expect(Open3).to receive(:popen3).and_return(popen) expect(popen).to receive(:puts).with("abc123") provider.password = "abc123" expect(@logs).not_to be_any {|log| log.level == :debug and log.message =~ /abc123/} end it "should call execute with sensitive false when a non-sensitive property is set" do Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug resource[:home] = "/home/testuser" resource[:managehome] = true expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(kind_of(Array), hash_including(sensitive: false)) provider.home = "/newhome/testuser" end end end