class Spork::AppFramework::Rails < Spork::AppFramework def preload(&block) STDERR.puts "Preloading Rails environment" STDERR.flush ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test' preload_rails yield end def entry_point @entry_point ||= File.expand_path("config/environment.rb", Dir.pwd) end alias :environment_file :entry_point def boot_file @boot_file ||= File.join(File.dirname(environment_file), 'boot') end def application_file @application_file ||= File.join(File.dirname(environment_file), 'application') end def environment_contents @environment_contents ||= end def vendor @vendor ||= File.expand_path("vendor/rails", Dir.pwd) end def deprecated_version @version ||= ( if /^[^#]*RAILS_GEM_VERSION\s*=\s*["']([!~<>=]*\s*[\d.]+)["']/.match(environment_contents) $1 else nil end ) end def preload_rails if deprecated_version && (not /^3/.match(deprecated_version)) puts "This version of spork only supports Rails 3.0. To use spork with rails 2.3.x, downgrade to spork 0.8.x." exit 1 end require application_file ::Rails.application ::Rails::Engine.class_eval do def eager_load! # turn off eager_loading, all together end end # Spork.trap_method(::AbstractController::Helpers::ClassMethods, :helper) Spork.trap_method(::ActiveModel::Observing::ClassMethods, :instantiate_observers) Spork.each_run { ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection rescue nil } if Object.const_defined?(:ActiveRecord) AbstractController::Helpers::ClassMethods.module_eval do def helper(*args, &block) ([args].flatten - [:all]).each do |arg| next unless arg.is_a?(String) filename = arg + "_helper" unless ::ActiveSupport::Dependencies.search_for_file(filename) # this error message must raise in the format such that LoadError#path returns the filename raise"Missing helper file helpers/%s.rb" % filename) end end Spork.each_run(false) do modules_for_helpers(args).each do |mod| add_template_helper(mod) end _helpers.module_eval(&block) if block_given? end end end end end