--- title: About the azure_virtual_machine_datadisk Resource platform: azure --- # azure\_virtual\_machine\_datadisk Use this resource to ensure that a specific data disk attached to a machine has been created properly. ## Syntax The name of the resource group and machine are required to use this resource. describe azure_virtual_machine_data_disk(group_name: 'InSpec-Azure', name: 'MyVM') do its('property') { should eq 'value' } end where * `MyVm` is the name of the virtual machine as seen in Azure. (It is **not** the hostname of the machine) * `InSpec-Azure` is the name of the resource group that the machine is in. * `property` is a resource property * `value` is the expected output from the matcher
## Examples The following examples show to use this InSpec audit resource. ### Check that the first data disk is of the correct size describe azure_virtual_machine_data_disk(group_name: 'InSpec-Azure', name: 'Linux-Internal-VM').where(number: 1) do its('size') { should cmp >= 15 } end
## Resource Parameters * `group_name`, `name`, `apiversion` ## Parameter Examples The options that can be passed to the resource are as follows. ### group_name (required) Use this parameter to define the Azure Resource Group to be tested. describe azure_virtual_machine_data_disk(group_name: 'InSpec-Azure') do ... end ### name Use this parameter to define the name of the Azure resource to test. describe azure_virtual_machine_data_disk(group_name: 'InSpec-Azure', name: 'Windows-Internal-VM') do ... end ### apiversion The API Version to use when querying the resource. Defaults to the latest version for the resource. describe azure_virtual_machine_data_disk(group_name: 'InSpec-Azure', name: 'Windows-Internal-VM', apiversion: '2.0') do ... end These options can also be set using the environment variables: * `AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME` * `AZURE_RESOURCE_NAME` * `AZURE_RESOURCE_API_VERSION` When the options have been set as well as the environment variables, the environment variables take priority.
## Filter Criteria * `number`, `disk`
## Filter Examples ### disk The zero based index of the disk attached to the machine. describe azure_virtual_machine_data_disk(group_name: 'InSpec-Azure', name: 'Windows-Internal-VM').where(disk: 0) end ### number The '1' based index of the disk attached to the machine. describe azure_virtual_machine_data_disk(group_name: 'InSpec-Azure', name: 'Windows-Internal-VM').where(number: 1) end
## Properties * `count`, `disk`, `number`, `name`, `size`, `lun`, `caching`, `create_option`, `is_managed_disk?`, `vhd_uri`, `storage_account_name`, `storage_account_type`, `id`, `subscription_id`, `resource_group`
## Property Examples ### count Returns the number of data disks attached to the machine its('count') { should eq 1 } ### name Returns a string of the name of the disk. its('name') { should cmp 'linux-external-datadisk-1' } ### size Returns an integer of size of this disk in GB. its('size') { should cmp >= 15 } ### lun The disk number as reported by Azure. Has a zero-based index value. its('lun') { should cmp 0 } ### caching String stating the caching that has been set on the disk. its('caching') { should cmp 'none' } ### create\_option How the disk was created. Typically for data disks, this will be the string value 'Empty'. its('create_option') { should cmp 'Empty' } ### is\_managed\_disk? Boolean stating if the disk is a managed disk or not. If it is not a managed disk then it is one that is stored in a Storage Account. its('is_managed_disk?') { should cmp 'false' } ### vhd\_uri If this _not_ a managed disk, then the `vhd_uri` will be the full URI to the disk in the storage account. its('vhd_uri') { should cmp ' https://primary_storage.blob.core.windows.net/container_name/vm_name.vhd' } ### storage\_account\_name If this is _not_ a managed disk this will be the storage account name in which the disk is stored. This derived from the `vhd_uri`. its('storage_account_name') { should cmp 'primary_storage' } ### storage\_account\_type If this is a managed disk this is the storage account type, e.g. `Standard_LRS`. its('storage_account_type') { should cmp 'Standard_LRS' } ### id If this is a managed disk then this is the fully qualified id for the disk in Azure. its('id') { should cmp '/subscriptions/1234abcd-e567-890f-g123-456h78i9jkl0/resourceGroups/InSpec-Azure' } ### subscription\_id If this is a managed disk, this returns the subscription id of where the disk is stored. This is derived from the `id`. its('subscription_id') { should cmp '1234abcd-e567-890f-g123-456h78i9jkl0' } ### resource\_group If this is a managed disk, this returns the resource group in which the disk is stored. This is derived from the `id`. its('resource_group') { should cmp 'InSpec-Azure' }
## Matchers This InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, please visit our [matchers page](https://www.inspec.io/docs/reference/matchers/). The following properties are applied to the virtual machine itself and not specific disks. ### have\_data\_disks Returns a boolean denoting if any data disks are attached to the machine. it { should have_data_disks } ### have\_managed\_disks Returns a boolean stating if the machine has Managed Disks for data disks. it { should have_managed_disks }
## References * [Azure Ruby SDK - Compute](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-ruby/tree/master/management/azure_mgmt_compute) * [Linux Internal Data Disks](https://github.com/chef/inspec/blob/master/test/azure/verify/controls/virtual_machine_linux_external_vm_datadisk.rb) * [Windows Internal Data Disk](https://github.com/chef/inspec/blob/master/test/azure/verify/controls/virtual_machine_windows_internal_vm_datadisk.rb)