# Capistrano::FasterAssets This gem speeds up asset compilation by skipping the assets:precompile task if none of the assets were changed since last release. **Feature**: Skipping the webpack:compile task if none of the `app/javascript/*` or `yarn.lock` changed since last release. This Gem is fork form **capistrano-faster-assets** and one of amazing PR of this gem. Original Gem was amazing, but unfortunately it was stop maintenance from 5 years ago. So I fork it and push this gem to rubygem. Original Version: https://github.com/capistrano-plugins/capistrano-faster-assets Original PR: https://github.com/AutoUncle/capistrano-faster-assets Works *only* with Capistrano 3+. ### Installation Add this to `Gemfile`: group :development do gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.1' gem 'capistrano-rails', '~> 1.1' gem 'capistrano-faster-assets-and-packs', '~> 1.0' end And then: $ bundle install ### Setup and usage #### assets compilation Add this line to `Capfile`, after `require 'capistrano/rails/assets'` require 'capistrano/faster_assets' Configure your asset depedencies in deploy.rb if you need to check additional paths (e.g. if you have some assets in YOUR_APP/engines/YOUR_ENGINE/app/assets). Default paths are: set :assets_dependencies, %w(app/assets lib/assets vendor/assets Gemfile.lock config/routes.rb) ### webpack compilation Configure your webpack depedencies in deploy.rb if you need to check additional paths. Default paths are: set :webpack_dependencies, %w(app/javascript app/yarn.lock) Configure your webpack source_entry_packs in deploy.rb, if your `source_entry_packs` configuration in config/webpack.yml is not `packs`. Default is: set :webpack_entry_path, 'packs' ### Reference Original Gem: https://github.com/capistrano-plugins/capistrano-faster-assets The PR Version: https://github.com/AutoUncle/capistrano-faster-assets