Given /^a Rails app$/ do %w{ app app/controllers app/models app/views }.each do |pattern| Dir[pattern].should_not be_empty end end Given /^I have the generator in "([^"]*)"$/ do |folder| folder = File.expand_path(File.join(Rails.root, folder)) File.exists?(folder+"/USAGE").should be_true end Then /^I can instanciate the models "([^"]*)"$/ do |models| models.split(" ").each do |model| puts model #(model.constantize).table_name.should == model.underscore.pluralize end end Given /^I have bobby installed$/ do actual_output ='Gemfile') actual_output.should(match(/bobby/)) end When /^I invoke "([^"]*)" generator$/ do |generator| f = open("|rails generate #{generator}") foo = f.close foo.should include('bobby_create_tables') foo.should include('roles') foo.should include('permissions') foo.should include('group_users') end