## 1. First step of the `test-unit` Let's getting start `test-unit`. This document creates an example gem package called `sample` with the `test-unit` testing framework. ## 2. Install bundler and test-unit. * First, install the `bundler` gem for generating gem template. * Second, install the `test-unit` itself. ~~~ !!!plain gem install bundler gem install test-unit ~~~ The `gem list` command output installed packages. You will find the following lines. ~~~ !!!plain gem list ... bundler (1.14.6) ... test-unit (3.2.3) ~~~ ## 3. Create gem template. Next, create a gem template using `bundler` command. This command generates package skeleton with a testing framework. However, this command can't generate test templates for `test-unit`. So, First create gem template with the `minitest` testing framework. (It's similar to `unit-test`). After that, replace some files for `test-unit`. The `bundle gem -t minitest sample` command will generate the following files. ~~~ !!!plain . |-- Gemfile |-- README.md |-- Rakefile |-- bin | |-- console | `-- setup |-- lib | |-- sample | | `-- version.rb | `-- sample.rb |-- sample.gemspec # <- Modify `-- test |-- sample_test.rb # <- Modify `-- test_helper.rb # <- Modify ~~~ ## 4. Edit files for `test-unit` ### 4.1. Edit gemspec Edit `sample.gemspec` like the below. Replace `minitest` line to `test-unit`. Before ~~~ !!!ruby spec.add_development_dependency "minitest", "~> 5.0" ~~~ After ~~~ !!!ruby spec.add_development_dependency "test-unit", "~> 3.2.3" ~~~ ### 4.2. Edit `test/test_helper.rb` Next, edit the `test/test_helper.rb` file. Before ~~~ !!!ruby $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) require 'sample' require 'minitest/autorun' # <-- Modify this line. ~~~ After ~~~ !!!ruby $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) require 'sample' require 'test/unit' # <-- After modification. ~~~ ### 4.3 Rakefile (No edit) This file doesn't need to modify. The output is the below. ~~~ !!!ruby require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rake/testtask" Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t| t.libs << "test" t.libs << "lib" t.test_files = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'] end task :default => :test ~~~ ### 4.4 Edit `test/sample_test.rb` The bundler generate the file `test/sample_test.rb`. This file originally templates for `minitest`. Let's modify this file for `test-unit` before ~~~ !!!ruby require 'test_helper' class SampleTest < Minitest::Test # <- Modify here def test_that_it_has_a_version_number refute_nil ::Sample::VERSION end def test_it_does_something_useful assert false end end ~~~ After ~~~ !!!ruby require 'test_helper' class SampleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase # <- After modification def test_that_it_has_a_version_number refute_nil ::Sample::VERSION end def test_it_does_something_useful assert false end end ~~~ ## 5. Execute test. The `rake test` command execute test scenarios in the `test` directory. Now it tries to two tests. One will success the other one fails. ~~~ !!!plain rake test Loaded suite /path/to/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/rake-12.0.0/lib/rake/rake_test_loader Started F ================================================================================ Failure: is not true. test_it_does_something_useful(SampleTest) /path/to/sample/test/sample_test.rb:9:in `test_it_does_something_useful' 6: end 7: 8: def test_it_does_something_useful => 9: assert false 10: end 11: end ================================================================================ . Finished in 0.011521 seconds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 tests, 2 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications 50% passed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 173.60 tests/s, 173.60 assertions/s rake aborted! Command failed with status (1) Tasks: TOP => test (See full trace by running task with --trace) ~~~ ## 6. Create original tests. Let's create your original tests with the following rules. * Create a test file in the `test` directory. * The file needs suffix `xxx_test.rb`. * You can put test file into the subdirectory like `test/sub`. Example directory layout. ~~~ !!!plain test |-- sample_test.rb |-- sub | `-- sample2_test.rb `-- test_helper.rb ~~~ Example test file in the sub directory. ~~~ !!!ruby require 'test_helper' module Sub class Sample2Test < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_that_it_has_a_version_number refute_nil ::Sample::VERSION end def test_it_does_something_useful assert false end end end ~~~ ## 7. For more information Let's read the official document. * [test-unit](http://test-unit.github.io/index.html)