require 'spec_helper' require 'active_model' require 'json_validator' class FakeValidatingModel include ActiveModel::Validations attr_accessor :json_data def initialize(json_data) self.json_data = json_data.to_hash end end describe JsonValidator do describe '#validate_each' do let(:model) { } subject { [:json_data], schema: json_schema) } context 'when the schema is empty' do let(:json_data) do { 'soup' => 'tastes good' } end subject { [:json_data], schema: {}) } it 'does not set any errors' do expect { subject.validate_each(model, :json_data, json_data) }.to_not change { model.errors.empty? } end end context 'when a schema specifies required fields' do let(:json_data) do { 'bread' => 'is crusty' } end let(:json_schema) do { 'type' => 'object', 'required' => ['soup'] } end it 'sets errors for required fields that are blank' do expect { subject.validate_each(model, :json_data, json_data) }.to change { model.errors.to_hash }.from( {} ).to( { json_data: ["is invalid (the property '#/' did not contain a required property of 'soup')"] } ) end end context 'when a schema specifies minLength' do let(:json_data) do { 'menu' => 'does not have enough variety', 'address' => 'is fine' } end let(:json_schema) do { 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => { 'menu' => { 'type' => 'string', 'minLength' => 200 }, 'address' => { 'type' => 'string', 'minLength' => 3 } } } end it 'sets errors for fields with minLength that do not meet the required length' do expect { subject.validate_each(model, :json_data, json_data) }.to change { model.errors.to_hash }.from( {} ).to( { json_data: ["is invalid (the property '#/menu' was not of a minimum string length of 200)"] } ) end end end describe '#initialize' do context 'when a schema is not specified' do it 'raises an error' do expect { [:name]) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError).with_message( 'Schema unspecified. Please specify :schema as either a Proc or a hash' ) end end end describe '#schema' do context 'when initialized with a :schema option' do context 'that is a lambda' do subject { [:name], schema: ->(model) { { foo: } }) } it 'is the result of the lambda (passed the model)' do expect(subject.schema(double(name: 'ack'))).to eq(foo: 'ack') end end context 'that is a hash' do subject { [:name], schema: { foo: :bar }) } it 'is the hash' do expect(subject.schema(double)).to eq(foo: :bar) end end end end describe '#json' do subject { [:name], schema: {}) } it 'returns the input when passed a hash' do expect(subject.json('foo' => 'bar')).to eq('foo' => 'bar') end it 'parses the input as JSON when passed a string' do expect(subject.json('{"foo": "bar"}')).to eq('foo' => 'bar') end it 'calls #to_hash when passed any other object' do expect(subject.json(double(to_hash: { 'foo' => 'bar' }))).to eq('foo' => 'bar') end end describe '#translate_message' do subject { [:name], schema: { foo: :bar }) } it 'translates json-schema messages to slightly more readable ones' do msg = "The property '#/menu' was not of a minimum string length of 200 in schema 40148e2f-45d6-51b7-972a-179bd9de61d6#" expect(subject.translate_message(msg)).to eq("is invalid (the property '#/menu' was not of a minimum string length of 200)") end end describe '#VERSION' do it 'is the same as JsonValidatorMeta::VERSION' do expect(described_class.const_get(:VERSION)).to eq(JsonValidatorMeta::VERSION) end end end