# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
# Source: google/cloud/datacatalog/lineage/v1/lineage.proto for package 'Google.Cloud.DataCatalog.Lineage.V1'
# Original file comments:
# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

require 'grpc'
require 'google/cloud/datacatalog/lineage/v1/lineage_pb'

module Google
  module Cloud
    module DataCatalog
      module Lineage
        module V1
          module Lineage
            # Lineage is used to track data flows between assets over time. You can
            # create [LineageEvents][google.cloud.datacatalog.lineage.v1.LineageEvent]
            # to record lineage between multiple sources and a single target, for
            # example, when table data is based on data from multiple tables.
            class Service

              include ::GRPC::GenericService

              self.marshal_class_method = :encode
              self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
              self.service_name = 'google.cloud.datacatalog.lineage.v1.Lineage'

              # Creates a new process.
              rpc :CreateProcess, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::CreateProcessRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::Process
              # Updates a process.
              rpc :UpdateProcess, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::UpdateProcessRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::Process
              # Gets the details of the specified process.
              rpc :GetProcess, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::GetProcessRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::Process
              # List processes in the given project and location. List order is descending
              # by insertion time.
              rpc :ListProcesses, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::ListProcessesRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::ListProcessesResponse
              # Deletes the process with the specified name.
              rpc :DeleteProcess, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::DeleteProcessRequest, ::Google::Longrunning::Operation
              # Creates a new run.
              rpc :CreateRun, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::CreateRunRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::Run
              # Updates a run.
              rpc :UpdateRun, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::UpdateRunRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::Run
              # Gets the details of the specified run.
              rpc :GetRun, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::GetRunRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::Run
              # Lists runs in the given project and location. List order is descending by
              # `start_time`.
              rpc :ListRuns, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::ListRunsRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::ListRunsResponse
              # Deletes the run with the specified name.
              rpc :DeleteRun, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::DeleteRunRequest, ::Google::Longrunning::Operation
              # Creates a new lineage event.
              rpc :CreateLineageEvent, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::CreateLineageEventRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::LineageEvent
              # Gets details of a specified lineage event.
              rpc :GetLineageEvent, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::GetLineageEventRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::LineageEvent
              # Lists lineage events in the given project and location. The list order is
              # not defined.
              rpc :ListLineageEvents, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::ListLineageEventsRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::ListLineageEventsResponse
              # Deletes the lineage event with the specified name.
              rpc :DeleteLineageEvent, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::DeleteLineageEventRequest, ::Google::Protobuf::Empty
              # Retrieve a list of links connected to a specific asset.
              # Links represent the data flow between **source** (upstream)
              # and **target** (downstream) assets in transformation pipelines.
              # Links are stored in the same project as the Lineage Events that create
              # them.
              # You can retrieve links in every project where you have the
              # `datalineage.events.get` permission. The project provided in the URL
              # is used for Billing and Quota.
              rpc :SearchLinks, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::SearchLinksRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::SearchLinksResponse
              # Retrieve information about LineageProcesses associated with specific
              # links. LineageProcesses are transformation pipelines that result in data
              # flowing from **source** to **target** assets. Links between assets
              # represent this operation.
              # If you have specific link names, you can use this method to
              # verify which LineageProcesses contribute to creating those links.
              # See the
              # [SearchLinks][google.cloud.datacatalog.lineage.v1.Lineage.SearchLinks]
              # method for more information on how to retrieve link name.
              # You can retrieve the LineageProcess information in every project where you
              # have the `datalineage.events.get` permission. The project provided in the
              # URL is used for Billing and Quota.
              rpc :BatchSearchLinkProcesses, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::BatchSearchLinkProcessesRequest, ::Google::Cloud::DataCatalog::Lineage::V1::BatchSearchLinkProcessesResponse

            Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class