require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'xmlsimple' module IB # FLEX is a web-based service from IB that helps you to retrieve your activity, # trades and positions. It is working independently from TWS or Gateway, using your # internet connection directly. See /misc/flex for extended FLEX documentation. # # In order to use this service, activate it and configure your token first. # Your Token is located at Account Management->Reports->Delivery Settings->Flex Web Service. # You need to activate Flex Web Service and generate new token(s) there. # Your Flex Query Ids are in Account Management->Reports->Activity->Flex Queries. # Create new Flex query and make sure to set its output format to XML. # # IB::Flex object incapsulates a single pre-defined Flex query. class Flex class << self attr_accessor :token, :uri # By default, uri is a well known FLEX Web Service URI def uri #@uri || '' @uri || '' end end # Create new Flex query with options: # :token => 1111111111111111111111111111111111 # CHANGE to your actual token! # :query_id => 11111 # CHANGE to actual query id! # :format => :xml (default) / :csv # :verbose => true / false (default) def initialize opts @query_id = opts[:query_id] @token = opts[:token] || Flex.token @format = opts[:format] || :xml @verbose = !!opts[:verbose] yield self if block_given? end # Run a pre-defined Flex query against IB Flex Web Service # Returns a (parsed) report or raises FlexError in case of problems def run # Initiate FLEX request at a known FLEX Web Service URI resp = get_content Flex.uri, :t => @token, :q => @query_id, :v => 3 error("#{resp['ErrorCode']}: #{resp['ErrorMessage']}", :flex) if resp['Status'] == 'Fail' reference_code = resp['ReferenceCode'] report_uri = resp['Url'] # Retrieve the FLEX report report = nil until report do report = get_content(report_uri, :t => @token, :q => reference_code, :v => 3, :text_ok => @format != :xml) # If Status is specified, returned xml contains only error message, not actual report if report.is_a?(Hash) && report['Status'] =~ /Fail|Warn/ error_code = report['ErrorCode'].to_i error_message = "#{error_code}: #{report['ErrorMessage']}" case error_code when 1001..1009, 1018, 1019, 1021 # Report is just not ready yet, wait and retry puts error_message if @verbose report = nil sleep 1 else # Fatal error error error_message, :flex end end end report end # Helper method to get (and parse XML) responses from IB Flex Web Service def get_content address, fields text_ok = fields.delete(:text_ok) resp = get address, fields if resp.content_type == 'text/xml' XmlSimple.xml_in(resp.body, :ForceArray => false) else error("Expected xml, got #{resp.content_type}", :flex) unless text_ok resp.body end end # Helper method to get raw responses from IB Flex Web Service def get address, fields uri = URI("#{address}?" + { |k, v| "#{k}=#{URI.encode(v.to_s)}" }.join('&')) server =, uri.port) server.use_ssl = (uri.scheme == 'https') server.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if server.use_ssl? # Avoid OpenSSL failures resp = server.start do |http| req = http.request(req) end error("URI responded with #{resp.code}", :flex) unless resp.code.to_i == 200 resp end end end