module Hobo module Model module Permissions def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do extend ClassMethods alias_method_chain :create, :hobo_permission_check alias_method_chain :update, :hobo_permission_check alias_method_chain :destroy, :hobo_permission_check class << self alias_method_chain :has_many, :hobo_permission_check alias_method_chain :has_one, :hobo_permission_check alias_method_chain :belongs_to, :hobo_permission_check end attr_accessor :acting_user, :origin, :origin_attribute bool_attr_accessor :exempt_from_edit_checks define_callbacks :after_user_new end end def self.find_aliased_name(klass, method_name) # The method +method_name+ will have been aliased. We jump through some hoops to figure out # what it's new name is method_name = method_name.to_sym method = klass.instance_method method_name methods = (klass.private_instance_methods + klass.instance_methods).*.to_sym new_name = {|m| klass.instance_method(m) == method }.find { |m| m != method_name } end module ClassMethods def user_find(user, *args) record = find(*args) yield(record) if block_given? record.user_view user record end def user_new(user, attributes={}) new(attributes) do |r| r.set_creator user yield r if block_given? r.user_view(user) r.with_acting_user(user) { r.send :run_callbacks, :after_user_new } end end def user_create(user, attributes={}, &block) if attributes.is_a?(Array) { |attrs| user_create(user, attrs) } else record = user_new(user, attributes, &block) record.user_save(user) record end end def user_create!(user, attributes={}, &block) if attributes.is_a?(Array) { |attrs| user_create(user, attrs) } else record = user_new(user, attributes, &block) record.user_save!(user) record end end def viewable_by?(user, attribute=nil) new.viewable_by?(user, attribute) end # ensure active_user gets passed down to :dependent => destroy # associations (Ticket #528) def has_many_with_hobo_permission_check(association_id, options = {}, &extension) has_many_without_hobo_permission_check(association_id, options, &extension) reflection = reflections[association_id] if reflection.options[:dependent]==:destroy #overriding dynamic method created in ActiveRecord::Associations#configure_dependency_for_has_many method_name = "has_many_dependent_destroy_for_#{}".to_sym define_method(method_name) do send( { |r| r.is_a?(Hobo::Model) ? r.user_destroy(acting_user) : r.destroy } end end end def has_one_with_hobo_permission_check(association_id, options = {}, &extension) has_one_without_hobo_permission_check(association_id, options, &extension) reflection = reflections[association_id] if reflection.options[:dependent]==:destroy #overriding dynamic method created in ActiveRecord::Associations#configure_dependency_for_has_one method_name = "has_one_dependent_destroy_for_#{}".to_sym define_method(method_name) do association = send( unless association.nil? association.is_a?(Hobo::Model) ? association.user_destroy(acting_user) : association.destroy end end end end def belongs_to_with_hobo_permission_check(association_id, options = {}, &extension) belongs_to_without_hobo_permission_check(association_id, options, &extension) reflection = reflections[association_id] if reflection.options[:dependent]==:destroy #overriding dynamic method created in ActiveRecord::Associations#configure_dependency_for_belongs_to method_name = "belongs_to_dependent_destroy_for_#{}".to_sym define_method(method_name) do association = send( unless association.nil? association.is_a?(Hobo::Model) ? association.user_destroy(acting_user) : association.destroy end end end end end # --- Hook ActiveRecord CRUD actions --- # def permission_check_required? # Lifecycle steps are exempt from permission checks acting_user && !(self.class.has_lifecycle? && lifecycle.active_step) end def create_with_hobo_permission_check(*args, &b) if permission_check_required? create_permitted? or raise PermissionDeniedError, "#{}#create" end create_without_hobo_permission_check(*args, &b) end def update_with_hobo_permission_check(*args) if permission_check_required? update_permitted? or raise PermissionDeniedError, "#{}#update" end update_without_hobo_permission_check(*args) end def destroy_with_hobo_permission_check if permission_check_required? destroy_permitted? or raise PermissionDeniedError, "#{}#.destroy" end destroy_without_hobo_permission_check end # -------------------------------------- # # --- Permissions API --- # def with_acting_user(user) old = acting_user self.acting_user = user result = yield self.acting_user = old result end def user_save(user, validate = true) with_acting_user(user) { save(:validate => validate) } end def user_save!(user) with_acting_user(user) { save! } end def user_destroy(user) with_acting_user(user) { destroy } end def user_view(user, attribute=nil) raise PermissionDeniedError unless viewable_by?(user, attribute) end def user_update_attributes(user, attributes) with_acting_user(user) do self.attributes = attributes save end end def user_update_attributes!(user, attributes) with_acting_user(user) do self.attributes = attributes save! end end def creatable_by?(user) with_acting_user(user) { create_permitted? } end def updatable_by?(user) with_acting_user(user) { update_permitted? } end def destroyable_by?(user) with_acting_user(user) { destroy_permitted? } end def method_callable_by?(user, method) permission_method = "#{method}_permitted?" respond_to?(permission_method) && with_acting_user(user) { send(permission_method) } end def viewable_by?(user, attribute=nil) if attribute attribute = attribute.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '').to_sym return false if attribute && self.class.never_show?(attribute) end with_acting_user(user) { view_permitted?(attribute) } end def editable_by?(user, attribute=nil) return false if attribute_protected?(attribute) return true if exempt_from_edit_checks? # Can't view implies can't edit return false unless viewable_by?(user, attribute) if attribute attribute = attribute.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '').to_sym # Try the attribute-specific edit-permission method if there is one if has_hobo_method?(meth = "#{attribute}_edit_permitted?") return with_acting_user(user) { send(meth) } end # No setter = no edit permission return false if !respond_to?("#{attribute}=") refl = self.class.reflections[attribute.to_sym] if refl && refl.macro != :belongs_to # a belongs_to is handled the same as a regular attribute return association_editable_by?(user, refl) end end with_acting_user(user) { edit_permitted?(attribute) } end def attribute_protected?(attribute) attribute = attribute.to_s return true if self.class.attributes_protected_by_default.include? attribute if !self.class.accessible_attributes.empty? return true if !self.class.accessible_attributes.include?(attribute) elsif self.class.protected_attributes return true if self.class.protected_attributes.include?(attribute) end # Readonly attributes can be set on creation but not thereafter return self.class.readonly_attributes.include?(attribute) if !new_record? && self.class.readonly_attributes false end def association_editable_by?(user, reflection) # has_one and polymorphic associations are not editable (for now) return false if reflection.macro == :has_one || reflection.options[:polymorphic] return false unless reflection.options[:accessible] record = if (through = reflection.through_reflection) # For edit permission on a has_many :through, # the user needs create+destroy permission on the join model send( else # For edit permission on a regular has_many, # the user needs create/destroy permission on the member model send( end record.creatable_by?(user) && record.destroyable_by?(user) end # ----------------------- # # --- Permission Declaration Helpers --- # def only_changed?(*attributes) attributes = do |attr| with_attribute_or_belongs_to_keys(attr) { |a, ftype| ftype ? [a, ftype] : a } end.flatten changed.all? { |attr| attributes.include?(attr) } end def none_changed?(*attributes) attributes = do |attr| with_attribute_or_belongs_to_keys(attr) { |a, ftype| ftype ? [a, ftype] : a } end.flatten attributes.all? { |attr| !changed.include?(attr) } end def any_changed?(*attributes) attributes.any? do |attr| with_attribute_or_belongs_to_keys(attr) do |a, ftype| if ftype changed.include?(a) || changed.include?(ftype) else changed.include?(a) end end end end def all_changed?(*attributes) attributes = prepare_attributes_for_change_helpers(attributes) attributes.all? do |attr| with_attribute_or_belongs_to_keys(attr) do |a, ftype| if ftype changed.include?(a) || changed.include?(ftype) else changed.include?(a) end end end end def with_attribute_or_belongs_to_keys(attribute) if (refl = self.class.reflections[attribute.to_sym]) && refl.macro == :belongs_to if refl.options[:polymorphic] yield refl.primary_key_name, refl.options[:foreign_type] else yield refl.primary_key_name, nil end else yield attribute.to_s, nil end end # -------------------------------------- # # --- Default *_permitted? methods --- # # Conservative default permissions # def create_permitted?; false end def update_permitted?; false end def destroy_permitted?; false end # Allow viewing by default def view_permitted?(attribute) true end # By default, attempt to derive edit permission from create/update permission def edit_permitted?(attribute) unknownify_attribute(attribute) if attribute new_record? ? create_permitted? : update_permitted? rescue Hobo::UndefinedAccessError # The permission is dependent on the unknown value # so this attribute is not editable false ensure deunknownify_attribute(attribute) if attribute end # Add some singleton methods to +record+ to give the effect that +attribute+ is unknown. That is, # attempts to access the attribute will result in a Hobo::UndefinedAccessError def unknownify_attribute(attr) metaclass.class_eval do define_method attr do raise Hobo::UndefinedAccessError end end if (refl = self.class.reflections[attr.to_sym]) && refl.macro == :belongs_to # A belongs_to -- also unknownify the underlying fields unknownify_attribute refl.primary_key_name unknownify_attribute refl.options[:foreign_type] if refl.options[:polymorphic] else # A regular field -- hack the dirty tracking methods metaclass.class_eval do define_method "#{attr}_change" do raise Hobo::UndefinedAccessError end define_method "#{attr}_was" do read_attribute attr end define_method "#{attr}_changed?" do true end def changed? true end define_method :changed do changed_attributes.keys | [attr.to_s] end def changes raise Hobo::UndefinedAccessError end end end end # Best. Name. Ever def deunknownify_attribute(attr, remove_globals = true) attr = attr.to_sym metaclass.send :remove_method, attr if (refl = self.class.reflections[attr]) && refl.macro == :belongs_to # A belongs_to -- restore the underlying fields deunknownify_attribute refl.primary_key_name deunknownify_attribute(refl.options[:foreign_type], false) if refl.options[:polymorphic] else # A regular field -- restore the dirty tracking methods # if remove_globals is false, skip the top-level methods, as we have already removed them to_remove = remove_globals ? [:changed?, :changed, :changes] : [] (["#{attr}_change", "#{attr}_was", "#{attr}_changed?"] + to_remove).each do |m| metaclass.send :remove_method, m.to_sym end end end end end end