module Administrador # A registered engine represents a rails engine that is registered to # administrador. # # You can register an engine as follows: # # # blorgh/app/config/initializers/administrador.rb # Administrador.configure { |c| c.register_engine(Blorgh::Engine', {}) } # # The register_engine methods accepts an option hash. Available options are: # # * show_in_engine_sidebar: # default: true # Controls wether the engine will be shown in the main menu (engine sidebar) or not. # # A special case is when you want to register your rails application into # administrador. You can do that like this: # # # app/config/initializers/main_app.rb # require 'example_app/configuration' # Administrador.configure { |c| c.register_engine('ExampleApp::Application', {}) } # # You will need to add a confifguration module: # # # lib/example_app/configuration.rb # module ExampleApp # module Configuration # # mattr_accessor(:resources_controllers) { ->{[]} } # # mattr_accessor(:resource_controllers) { ->{[]} } # # mattr_accessor(:service_controllers) { ->{[]} } # # mattr_accessor(:sidebar_controllers) { ->{[]} } # end # end # class RegisteredEngine attr_accessor :options, :name def initialize(name, options) options.reverse_merge!( show_in_engine_sidebar: true ) @name, @options = name, options end def engine @name.constantize end def main_app? engine.ancestors.include?(::Rails::Application) end def to_key @name.underscore.split("/") end def model_name param_key:'/', '_') end def translated_name I18n.t("classes.#{}") end def router_name if main_app? :main_app else @name.deconstantize.underscore.gsub('/', '_') end end def configuration "#{@name.deconstantize}::Configuration".constantize end def resources_controllers if configuration.respond_to?(:registered_controllers) elsif configuration.respond_to?(:resources_controllers) else Rails.logger.warn("Administrador: The namespace #{} either does not define a Configuration class or the class #{}::Configuration does not respond_to :resources_controllers.") [] end end def resource_controllers if configuration.respond_to?(:resource_controllers) else Rails.logger.warn("Administrador: The namespace #{} either does not define a Configuration class or the class #{}::Configuration does not respond_to :resource_controllers.") [] end end def service_controllers if configuration.respond_to?(:registered_services) elsif configuration.respond_to?(:service_controllers) else Rails.logger.warn("Administrador: The namespace #{} either does not define a Configuration class or the class #{}::Configuration does not respond_to :service_controllers.") [] end end def sidebar_controllers if configuration.respond_to?(:sidebar_controllers) else Rails.logger.warn("Administrador: The namespace #{} either does not define a Configuration class or the class #{}::Configuration does not respond_to :sidebar_controllers.") [] end end end end