# frozen_string_literal: true module EffectiveMenusHelper def render_menu(name, options = {}, &block) name = name.to_s menu = Array(EffectivePages.menus).find { |menu| menu.to_s == name } if menu.blank? raise("unable to find menu #{name}. Please add it to config/initializers/effective_pages.rb") end content_tag(:ul, options) { render('effective/pages/menu', menu: menu) } end def render_page_menu(page, options = {}, &block) raise('expected a page with menu true') unless page.kind_of?(Effective::Page) && page.menu? content_tag(:ul, options) { render('effective/pages/page_menu', page: page) } end def render_breadcrumbs(menu, page = @page, root: 'Home') return breadcrumbs_root_url(page, root: root) if request.path == '/' return breadcrumbs_fallback(page, root: root) unless page.kind_of?(Effective::Page) parents = [page.menu_parent&.menu_parent, page.menu_parent].compact content_tag(:ol, class: 'breadcrumb') do ( [content_tag(:li, link_to(root, root_path, title: root), class: 'breadcrumb-item')] + parents.map do |page| next if page.menu_root_with_children? # Don't show root pages becaues they have no content url = (page.menu_url.presence || effective_pages.page_path(page)) content_tag(:li, link_to(page, url, title: page.title), class: 'breadcrumb-item') end + [content_tag(:li, page, class: 'breadcrumb-item active', 'aria-current': 'page')] ).join.html_safe end end alias_method :render_breadcrumb, :render_breadcrumbs def breadcrumbs_root_url(page = @page, root: 'Home') content_tag(:ol, class: 'breadcrumb') do content_tag(:li, root, class: 'breadcrumb-item active', 'aria-current': 'page') end end def breadcrumbs_fallback(page = @page, root: 'Home') label = (page if page.kind_of?(Effective::Page)) || @page_title || 'Here' content_tag(:ol, class: 'breadcrumb') do [ content_tag(:li, link_to(root, root_path, title: root), class: 'breadcrumb-item'), content_tag(:li, label, class: 'breadcrumb-item active', 'aria-current': 'page') ].join.html_safe end end def admin_menu_parent_collection(page = nil) raise('expected a page') if page.present? && !page.kind_of?(Effective::Page) pages = Effective::Page.menuable.root_level.where.not(id: page) if EffectivePages.max_menu_depth == 2 # You can only select root level pages pages.group_by(&:menu_name) elsif EffectivePages.max_menu_depth == 3 # You can only select root level pages and immediate children pages.map do |page| [[page.to_s, page.id, page.menu_name]] + page.menu_children.map do |child| label = content_tag(:div) do arrow = "→" group = content_tag(:span, child.menu_group, class: 'badge badge-info') if child.menu_group.present? title = child.menu_to_s [arrow, group, title].compact.join(' ').html_safe end [child.to_s, child.to_param, { 'data-html': label }, child.menu_name] end end.flatten(1).group_by(&:last) end end end