module Metanorma module IEEE class Converter < Standoc::Converter ASSETS_TO_STYLE = "//termsource | //formula | //termnote | " \ "//p[not(ancestor::boilerplate)] | //li[not(p)] | //dt | " \ "//dd[not(p)] | //td[not(p)][not(ancestor::boilerplate)] | " \ "//th[not(p)][not(ancestor::boilerplate)] | //example".freeze def extract_text(node) return "" if node.nil? node1 = Nokogiri::XML.fragment(node.to_s) node1.xpath("//link | //locality | //localityStack").each(&:remove) ret = "" node1.traverse { |x| ret += x.text if x.text? } end def asset_style(root) root.xpath(ASSETS_TO_STYLE).each { |e| style(e, extract_text(e)) } end def style_regex(regex, warning, node, text) (m = regex.match(text)) && style_warning(node, warning, m[:num]) end def style_warning(node, msg, text = nil) return if @novalid w = msg w += ": #{text}" if text @log.add("Style", node, w) end def style(node, text) return if @novalid style_number(node, text) style_percent(node, text) style_units(node, text) end # Style manual 14.2 def style_number(node, text) style_regex(/\b(?[0-9]+,[0-9]+)/i, "possible decimal comma", node, text) style_regex(/(?:^|\s)(?[\u2212-]?\.[0-9]+)/i, "decimal without initial zero", node, text) end # Style manual 14.2 def style_percent(node, text) style_regex(/\b(?[0-9.]+%)/, "no space before percent sign", node, text) end # leaving out as problematic: N J K C S T H h d B o E SI_UNIT = "(m|cm|mm|km|μm|nm|g|kg|mgmol|cd|rad|sr|Hz|Hz|MHz|Pa|hPa|kJ|" \ "V|kV|W|MW|kW|F|μF|Ω|Wb|°C|lm|lx|Bq|Gy|Sv|kat|l|t|eV|u|Np|Bd|" \ "bit|kB|MB|Hart|nat|Sh|var)".freeze # Style manual 14.2 def style_units(node, text) style_regex(/(\b|^)(?[0-9][0-9.]*#{SI_UNIT})\b/o, "no space between number and SI unit", node, text) style_regex(/(\b|^)(?[0-9.]+\s*\u00b1\s*[0-9.]+\s*#{SI_UNIT})\b/o, "unit is needed on both value and tolerance", node, text) end # Style manual 16.2, 16.3.2 def table_style(docxml) docxml.xpath("//td").each do |td| style_regex(/^(?[\u2212-]?[0-9]{5,}[.0-9]*|-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]{5,})$/, "number in table not broken up in threes", td, td.text) end docxml.xpath("//table").each { |t| table_style_columns(t) } docxml.xpath("//table/name | //th").each do |td| style_regex(/^(?\p{Lower}\S*)/, "table heading should be capitalised", td, td.text) end end # deliberately doing naive, ignoring rowspan def table_style_columns(table) table_extract_columns(table).each do |col| col.any? do |x| /^[0-9. ]+$/.match?(x) && (/\d{3} \d/.match?(x) || /\d \d{3}/.match?(x)) end or next col.each do |x| /^[0-9. ]+$/.match?(x) && /\d{4}/.match?(x) and @log.add("Style", table, "#{x} is a 4-digit number in a table column with " \ "numbers broken up in threes") end end end def table_extract_columns(table) ret = table.xpath(".//tr").each_with_object([]) do |tr, m| tr.xpath("./td | ./th").each_with_index do |d, i| m[i] ||= [] m[i] << d.text end end { |x| x.is_a?(Array) ? x : [] } end def title_validate(xml) title_validate_type(xml) title_validate_capitalisation(xml) end # Style Manual 11.3 def title_validate_type(xml) title ="//bibdata/title") or return draft ="//bibdata//draft") trial ="//bibdata/ext/trial-use[text() = 'true']") target = draft ? "Draft " : "" target += trial ? "Trial-Use " : "" target += @doctype ? "#{strict_capitalize_phrase(@doctype)} " : "" /^#{target}/.match?(title.text) or @log.add("Style", title, "Expected title to start as: #{target}") end def strict_capitalize_phrase(str) ret = str.split(/[ -]/).map do |w| letters = w.chars letters.first.upcase! unless /^[ -]/.match?(w) letters.join end.join(" ") ret = "Trial-Use" if ret == "Trial Use" ret end # Style Manual 11.3 def title_validate_capitalisation(xml) title ="//bibdata/title") or return found = false title.text.split(/[ -]/).each do |w| /^[[:upper:]]/.match?(w) or preposition?(w) or found = true end found and @log.add("Style", title, "Title contains uncapitalised word other than preposition") end def preposition?(word) %w(aboard about above across after against along amid among anti around as at before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but by concerning considering despite down during except excepting excluding following for from in inside into like minus near of off on onto opposite outside over past per plus regarding round save since than through to toward towards under underneath unlike until up upon versus via with within without a an the).include?(word) end end end end