/* * This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.css, which will include all the files * listed below. * * Any CSS and SCSS file within this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets, * or vendor/assets/stylesheets of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path. * * You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at the bottom of the * compiled file so the styles you add here take precedence over styles defined in any styles * defined in the other CSS/SCSS files in this directory. It is generally better to create a new * file per style scope. * *= require selectize *= require_self *= require pickadate/classic *= require pickadate/classic.date *= require pickadate/classic.time */ @import "foundation_and_overrides"; html.turbolinks-progress-bar::before { background-color: $primary-color !important; height: 3px !important; z-index: 9; } /* Overrides and extensions to Foundation */ [class^="fi-"], [class~=" fi-"] { &:before { font-size: 1.25em; } } .top-bar { .logo { margin-top: -3px; } .active a { font-weight: $font-weight-bold; } .has-dropdown > a, .has-dropdown > a:hover { background: $white !important; } .dropdown { border: 1px solid $silver; border-top: none; } } .button i { margin-right: rem-calc(5); } .reveal-modal-bg { z-index: 1005; } .reveal-modal, dialog { z-index: 1006; } table { width: 100%; td p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } } /* Custom styles */ %block-link-bg { display: block; @include single-transition(background-color, 200ms); &:hover { background-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 95%); } } .header { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 5; width: 100%; height: rem-calc(60); background-color: $white; border-bottom: 1px solid $silver; } .main { padding-top: rem-calc(80); } .container { position: relative; margin-bottom: rem-calc(20); background-color: $white; border: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; @include radius($global-radius); .head { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: rem-calc(40); background-color: $white; border-bottom: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; @include radius($global-radius $global-radius 0 0); overflow: hidden; .btn { height: 100%; width: rem-calc(40); line-height: rem-calc(40); text-align: center; a { @extend %block-link-bg; } &.left { border-right: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; } &.right { border-left: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; } } .title { display: inline; padding: rem-calc(0 15); font-size: rem-calc(14); line-height: rem-calc(40); color: $oil; } .right .button { margin: rem-calc(6 10 0 0) } } .body { height: calc(100% - 40px); margin-top: rem-calc(40); } .padded { padding: rem-calc(20 15); } .headless { margin-top: 0; } } .node-list { @extend .no-bullet; margin: 0; .sortable-placeholder { background-color: scale-color($warning-color, $lightness: 95%); border-bottom: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; &:last-child { border-bottom: none; } } } .node-list-item { position: relative; border-bottom: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; &:last-child { border-bottom: none; } > a { display: block; @include single-transition(background-color, 200ms); &:hover { background-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 97.5%); .title { color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: -12%); } } } .title { height: rem-calc(40); padding: rem-calc(10 15 6); line-height: rem-calc(24); font-size: rem-calc(18); color: $tuatara; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; } .meta { height: rem-calc(40); padding: rem-calc(0 15 0); line-height: rem-calc(40); font-size: rem-calc(13); color: $aluminum; .label { margin-right: rem-calc(10); } } .buttons, .descendants { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; line-height: rem-calc(40); text-align: center; border-left: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; a { @extend %block-link-bg; color: $primary-color; } } .buttons { width: rem-calc(40); a, span { display: block; width: 100%; height: rem-calc(40); color: $gainsboro; &:first-child { border-bottom: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; } } a.alert { color: $alert-color; } a.success { color: $success-color; } } .descendants { width: rem-calc(90); .icon { height: rem-calc(40); padding-top: rem-calc(10); font-size: rem-calc(24); } .meta { padding: 0 !important; } } &.actionable { padding-right: rem-calc(40); } &.descendable { padding-right: rem-calc(90); } .handle { position: absolute; top: 6px; left: 6px; bottom: 6px; width: rem-calc(19); background-color: $white-smoke; cursor: move; @include single-transition(background-color, 200ms); &:hover { background-color: $gainsboro; } } .sortable & { .title, .meta { padding-left: rem-calc(40); } &.sortable-dragging { background-color: $white; border: 1px solid $primary-color; box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px #000 !important; .handle { background-color: $primary-color; } } } } .taxonomies-list-item { position: relative; background-color: $white; border: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; @include radius($global-radius); > a { display: block; @include single-transition(background-color, 200ms); &:hover { background-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 97.5%); .title { color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: -12%); } } } .title { padding: rem-calc(20 15); line-height: rem-calc(28); font-size: rem-calc(18); color: $tuatara; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; } .meta { height: rem-calc(40); padding: rem-calc(0 15 0); line-height: rem-calc(40); font-size: rem-calc(13); color: $aluminum; border-top: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; .label { margin-right: rem-calc(10); } } } .taxonomy-term-list, .nested-taxonomy-term-list { margin: 0; list-style: none; } .nested-taxonomy-term-list { border-top: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; padding-left: rem-calc(40); &:empty { border-top: none; } .taxonomy-term-item { .show, form { border-left: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; } } .taxonomy-term-item, .angular-ui-tree-placeholder { &:before, &:after { position: absolute; right: 100%; top: 0; content: ' '; display: block; width: rem-calc(23); border-left: 6px solid $crumb-border-color; } &:before { height: rem-calc(43); border-bottom: 6px solid $crumb-border-color; } &:after { bottom: -1px; } &:last-child:after { display: none; } } } .taxonomy-term-item { position: relative; border-bottom: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; &:last-child { border-bottom: none; } .show { position: relative; } .title { height: rem-calc(40); padding: rem-calc(10 15 6 40); line-height: rem-calc(24); font-size: rem-calc(18); color: $tuatara; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; } .meta { height: rem-calc(40); padding: rem-calc(0 15 0 40); line-height: rem-calc(40); font-size: rem-calc(13); color: $aluminum; .label { margin-right: rem-calc(10); } } .buttons, .edit { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; line-height: rem-calc(40); text-align: center; border-left: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; a { @extend %block-link-bg; color: $primary-color; } } .buttons { width: rem-calc(40); a, span { display: block; width: 100%; height: rem-calc(40); color: $gainsboro; &:first-child { border-bottom: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; } } a.alert { color: $alert-color; } a.success { color: $success-color; } } .edit { width: rem-calc(90); .icon { height: rem-calc(40); padding-top: rem-calc(10); font-size: rem-calc(24); } .meta { padding: 0 !important; } } .handle { position: absolute; top: 6px; left: 6px; height: rem-calc(68); width: rem-calc(19); background-color: $white-smoke; cursor: move; @include single-transition(background-color, 200ms); &:hover { background-color: $gainsboro; } } form { overflow: auto; padding-top: rem-calc(16); } } .angular-ui-tree-empty, .angular-ui-tree-hidden { display: none; } .angular-ui-tree-placeholder { position: relative; width: auto !important; border-bottom: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; background-color: scale-color($warning-color, $lightness: 95%); &:last-child { border-bottom: none; } } .angular-ui-tree-drag { position: absolute; background-color: $white; border: 1px solid $primary-color; box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px #000 !important; pointer-events: none; opacity: .9; > li > div > .show .handle { background-color: $primary-color; } } .user-list-item { position: relative; background-color: $white; border: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; @include radius($global-radius); > a { display: block; @include single-transition(background-color, 200ms); &:hover { background-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 97.5%); .title { color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: -12%); } } } .avatar { position: absolute; top: rem-calc(10); left: rem-calc(10); width: 48px; height: 48px; font-size: rem-calc(22); line-height: 46px; text-align: center; color: $success-color; background-color: $white; border: 1px solid $info-color; @include radius(24px); } .title { height: rem-calc(60); padding: rem-calc(20 15 0 70); line-height: rem-calc(28); font-size: rem-calc(18); color: $tuatara; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; } .meta { height: rem-calc(40); padding: rem-calc(0 15 0); line-height: rem-calc(40); font-size: rem-calc(13); color: $aluminum; .label { margin-right: rem-calc(10); } } } .asset-list-item { background-color: $white; border: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; > a { display: block; @include single-transition(background-color, 200ms); &:hover { background-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 97.5%); .title { color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: -12%); } } } .preview img { border-bottom: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; } .title { height: rem-calc(64); padding: rem-calc(8 15); font-size: rem-calc(16); line-height: rem-calc(24); color: $tuatara; overflow: hidden; } } .panel { @include radius($global-radius); .submit, .cta { .button:last-of-type { margin: 0; } } } .side-panel { background-color: $panel-bg; border: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; @include radius($global-radius); .padded, .cta, .submit { padding: $panel-padding; } .cta, .submit { background-color: $white; @include radius(0 0 $global-radius $global-radius); .button { margin: 0; } } .text-button { text-align: center; margin-top: rem-calc(20); color: $aluminum; a { color: $primary-color; } &.success a { color: $success-color; } &.alert a { color: $alert-color; } } .asset-upload { margin-top: rem-calc(20); } .side-nav { padding: rem-calc(24 0); .heading { padding: rem-calc(0 14); } } } .meta-table { display: table; width: 100%; font-size: rem-calc(14); border-spacing: 0 3px; color: $oil; .meta-row { display: table-row; } .key, .value { display: table-cell; } .key { width: 25%; padding-right: rem-calc(10); } .value { padding: rem-calc(3 9); background: $vapor; color: $jumbo; border: 1px dotted $gainsboro; @include radius($global-radius); .button { margin: 0; } } .editable { color: $oil; cursor: pointer; &:hover { color: $primary-color; background: $ghost; } } } .pagination-stats { margin-bottom: rem-calc(9); font-size: rem-calc(12); text-transform: uppercase; color: $oil; } .dashboard { margin-top: rem-calc(40); padding: rem-calc(80 0); border: 6px dashed $gainsboro; h1 { font-family: $code-font-family; text-align: center; color: $gainsboro; } } .empty-default { padding: rem-calc(38 50); border: 1px solid $crumb-border-color; color: $oil; background-color: $white; .container & { padding: rem-calc(14 50 10); border: none; } } /* Form stuff */ input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="date"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="month"], input[type="week"], input[type="email"], input[type="number"], input[type="search"], input[type="tel"], input[type="time"], input[type="url"], input[type="color"], textarea { font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.5em; } textarea { min-height: 7.5em; } form .title { input[type="text"] { margin-bottom: rem-calc(8); font-size: rem-calc(23); font-weight: 700; } .error input[type="text"] { margin-bottom: 0; } } form .permalink { .columns { opacity: 0; } .visible { opacity: 1 !important; @include single-transition(opacity, 500ms); } .key, .value { margin-right: 8px; color: $form-label-font-color; } .key { font-size: $form-label-font-size; line-height: rem-calc(30); font-weight: $font-weight-bold; } .value { display: inline-block; min-width: 50%; padding: rem-calc(0 8); font-size: 0; line-height: 0; background-color: $ghost; border: 1px dashed $silver; @include radius($global-radius); span { font-size: rem-calc(14); line-height: rem-calc(30); } } } .error-icon { display: inline; font-size: $form-label-font-size; color: $alert-color; i { font-size: rem-calc(18); vertical-align: middle; } } #publish-date-fields { max-width: 360px; } form .publish-date { select { display: inline; width: auto; padding-right: rem-calc(20); font-size: rem-calc(12); } } form .asset-upload { margin-bottom: rem-calc(20) !important; } .asset-upload { .dropzone { height: 175px; padding: $panel-padding; border: 4px dashed $crumb-border-color; @include single-transition(border-color, 200ms); .prompt, .icon { text-align: center; } .prompt { color: $aluminum; font-style: italic; } .icon { margin-top: rem-calc(24px); font-size: rem-calc(48px); color: $gainsboro; @include single-transition(color, 200ms); } &.hover { background-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 97.5%); border-color: $primary-color; .icon { color: $primary-color; } } } .preview { border: 1px solid $table-border-color; } } %field-module { margin: rem-calc(0 0 16); border: 1px solid $input-border-color; .error small.error, &.error { margin-bottom: 0; } label { color: $form-label-font-color; } .error label { color: $alert-color; } } .asset-field { @extend %field-module; padding: rem-calc(8); box-shadow: $input-box-shadow; .preview { border: 1px solid $table-border-color; } .button { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } } .repeater-field { @extend %field-module; table { margin: 0; border: none; } .remove { width: rem-calc(40); text-align: center; a { color: $alert-color; } } .plus { padding: 0.5625rem 0.625rem; } .button, input, select, textarea, label, .selectize-control, %field-module { margin: 0; } textarea { min-height: 4em; } } .markdown textarea { height: 400px; font-family: $font-family-monospace; } .date, .time { input[readonly] { background: white; cursor: pointer; &.picker__input--active { background-color: $input-focus-bg-color; border-color: $input-focus-border-color; } } .picker { margin-top: -#{ rem-calc(17) }; } .error .picker, .repeater-field & .picker { margin-top: 0; } .picker__footer { padding-bottom: 0.75em; button { margin-bottom: 0; border-bottom: none; &:before { margin-right: rem-calc(8); } } } .picker__button--today { color: $primary-color; &:hover { background-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 85%); } } .picker__button--clear { color: $alert-color; &:hover { background-color: scale-color($alert-color, $lightness: 85%); } } .picker__button--close { color: $monsoon; &:hover { background-color: scale-color($monsoon, $lightness: 85%); } } .picker__list { padding-bottom: 0.75em; } .picker__list-item { small { float: right; line-height: 2.75em; color: $aluminum; } } } .selectize-input { min-height: 42px; font-size: $input-font-size; line-height: 1.5em; color: $input-font-color; background-color: $input-bg-color; border-color: $input-border-color; @include radius(0); &.focus { background-color: #fff; border-color: $input-focus-border-color; @include radius(0); } &.dropdown-active { background-color: #fff; } &.dropdown-active::before { background: $input-border-color; } input { border: 0; height: auto; } } .selectize-control { margin-bottom: 1rem; &.multi { .item { padding-left: 10px !important; padding-right: 10px !important; background-color: $secondary-color; @include radius($label-radius); } &.plugin-remove_button .item { padding-right: 35px !important; } &.plugin-remove_button .remove { width: 25px !important; font-size: 16px !important; font-weight: 600 !important; color: $base !important; border-left-color: $input-border-color !important; } } .error & { margin-bottom: 0; line-height: 0.5em; } } .selectize-dropdown { font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.5em; border-color: $input-focus-border-color; @include radius(0); .option { padding: 0.5rem; font-style: italic; } .option.selected { color: $base; } } .tabs { border: 1px solid $silver; border-bottom: none; background-color: $silver; } @import "foundation-icons";