# Upsert Finally, all those SQL MERGE tricks codified so that you can do "upsert" on MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Sqlite. ## Usage Let's say you have... class Pet < ActiveRecord::Base # col :name # col :breed end ### One at a time upsert = Upsert.new Pet.connection, Pet.table_name selector = {:name => 'Jerry'} document = {:breed => 'beagle'} upsert.row selector, document ### Multiple upserts bundled together for speed Upsert.stream(Pet.connection, Pet.table_name) do |upsert| # [...] upsert.row({:name => 'Jerry'}, :breed => 'beagle') # [...] upsert.row({:name => 'Pierre'}, :breed => 'tabby') # [...] end Rows are buffered in memory until it's efficient to send them to the database. ## Real-world usage
We use `upsert` for [big data processing at Brighter Planet](http://brighterplanet.com/research) and in production at * [Brighter Planet's impact estimate web service](http://impact.brighterplanet.com) * [Brighter Planet's reference data web service](http://data.brighterplanet.com) Originally written to speed up the [`data_miner`](https://github.com/seamusabshere/data_miner) data mining library. ## Supported databases ### MySQL Using the [mysql2](https://rubygems.org/gems/mysql2) driver. Upsert.new Mysql2::Connection.new([...]), :pets #### Speed From the tests: Upsert was 77% faster than find + new/set/save Upsert was 84% faster than create + rescue/find/update Upsert was 82% faster than find_or_create + update_attributes Upsert was 47% faster than faking upserts with activerecord-import #### SQL MERGE trick "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" where we just set everything to the value of the insert. # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/insert-on-duplicate.html INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE a=VALUES(a),b=VALUES(b),c=VALUES(c); Since this is an upsert helper library, not a general-use ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE wrapper, you **can't** do things like `c=c+1`. ### PostgreSQL Using the [pg](https://rubygems.org/gems/pg) driver. Upsert.new PG.connect([...]), :pets #### Speed From the tests: Upsert was 73% faster than find + new/set/save Upsert was 84% faster than find_or_create + update_attributes Upsert was 87% faster than create + rescue/find/update # (can't compare to activerecord-import because you can't fake it on pg) #### SQL MERGE trick # http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/interactive/plpgsql-control-structures.html#PLPGSQL-ERROR-TRAPPING CREATE TABLE db (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b TEXT); CREATE FUNCTION merge_db(key INT, data TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN LOOP -- first try to update the key UPDATE db SET b = data WHERE a = key; IF found THEN RETURN; END IF; -- not there, so try to insert the key -- if someone else inserts the same key concurrently, -- we could get a unique-key failure BEGIN INSERT INTO db(a,b) VALUES (key, data); RETURN; EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN -- Do nothing, and loop to try the UPDATE again. END; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT merge_db(1, 'david'); SELECT merge_db(1, 'dennis'); The decision was made **not** to use the following because it's not straight from the manual: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1109061/insert-on-duplicate-update-postgresql UPDATE table SET field='C', field2='Z' WHERE id=3; INSERT INTO table (id, field, field2) SELECT 3, 'C', 'Z' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE id=3); This was also rejected because there's something we can use in the manual: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5269590/why-doesnt-this-rule-prevent-duplicate-key-violations BEGIN; CREATE TEMP TABLE stage_data(key_column, data_columns...) ON COMMIT DROP; \copy stage_data from data.csv with csv header -- prevent any other updates while we are merging input (omit this if you don't need it) LOCK target_data IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE; -- insert into target table INSERT INTO target_data(key_column, data_columns...) SELECT key_column, data_columns... FROM stage_data WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM target_data WHERE target_data.key_column = stage_data.key_column) END; ### Sqlite Using the [sqlite3](https://rubygems.org/gems/sqlite3) driver. Upsert.new SQLite3::Database.open([...]), :pets #### Speed FIXME tests are segfaulting. Pull request would be lovely. #### SQL MERGE trick # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2717590/sqlite-upsert-on-duplicate-key-update # bad example because we're not doing on-duplicate-key update INSERT OR IGNORE INTO visits VALUES (, 1); UPDATE visits SET visits = 1 WHERE ip LIKE; ### Rails / ActiveRecord (assuming that one of the other three supported drivers is being used under the covers) Upsert.new Pet.connection, Pet.table_name #### Speed Depends on the driver being used! #### SQL MERGE trick Depends on the driver being used! ## Features ### Tested to be fast and portable In addition to correctness, the library's tests check that it is 1. Faster than comparable upsert techniques 2. Compatible with supported databases ### Not dependent on ActiveRecord As below, all you need is a raw database connection like a `Mysql2::Connection`, `PG::Connection` or a `SQLite3::Database`. These are equivalent: # with activerecord Upsert.new ActiveRecord::Base.connection, :pets # with activerecord, prettier Upsert.new Pet.connection, Pet.table_name # without activerecord Upsert.new Mysql2::Connection.new([...]), :pets ### For a specific use case, faster and more portable than `activerecord-import` You could also use [activerecord-import](https://github.com/zdennis/activerecord-import) to upsert: Pet.import columns, all_values, :timestamps => false, :on_duplicate_key_update => columns This, however, only works on MySQL and requires ActiveRecord—and if all you are doing is upserts, `upsert` is tested to be 40% faster. And you don't have to put all of the rows to be upserted into a single huge array - you can stream them using `Upsert.stream`. ### Loosely based on mongo-ruby-driver's upsert functionality The `selector` and `document` arguments are inspired by the upsert functionality of the [mongo-ruby-driver's update method](http://api.mongodb.org/ruby/1.6.4/Mongo/Collection.html#update-instance_method). ## Wishlist 1. `Pet.upsert`... duh 2. Don't need a separate buffer class... just extend an instance of Upsert with the appropriate database driver module. ## Copyright Copyright 2012 Brighter Planet, Inc.