# See Pagy API documentation: https://ddnexus.github.io/pagy/docs/api/pagy # frozen_string_literal: true require 'pathname' # Core class class Pagy VERSION = '8.0.0' # Root pathname to get the path of Pagy files like templates or dictionaries def self.root @root ||= Pathname.new(__dir__).freeze end # Core defult: constant for easy access, but mutable for customizable defaults DEFAULT = { page: 1, # rubocop:disable Style/MutableConstant items: 20, outset: 0, size: 7, cycle: false, # backend/collection count_args: [:all], # AR friendly # backend/url params: {}, page_param: :page, fragment: '', request_path: nil, # frontend/helpers anchor_string: nil } attr_reader :count, :page, :items, :vars, :pages, :last, :offset, :in, :from, :to, :prev, :next, :params, :request_path # Merge and validate the options, do some simple arithmetic and set the instance variables def initialize(vars) normalize_vars(vars) setup_vars(count: 0, page: 1, outset: 0) setup_items_var setup_pages_var setup_offset_var setup_params_var setup_request_path_var raise OverflowError.new(self, :page, "in 1..#{@last}", @page) if @page > @last @from = [@offset - @outset + 1, @count].min @to = [@offset - @outset + @items, @count].min @in = [@to - @from + 1, @count].min @prev = (@page - 1 unless @page == 1) @next = @page == @last ? (1 if @vars[:cycle]) : @page + 1 end # Return the array of page numbers and :gap items e.g. [1, :gap, 7, 8, "9", 10, 11, :gap, 36] def series(size: @vars[:size], **_) series = [] if size.is_a?(Array) && size.size == 4 && size.all? { |num| !num.negative? rescue false } # rubocop:disable Style/RescueModifier # This algorithm is up to ~5x faster and ~2.3x lighter than the previous one (pagy < 4.3) left_gap_start = 1 + size[0] left_gap_end = @page - size[1] - 1 right_gap_start = @page + size[2] + 1 right_gap_end = @last - size[3] left_gap_end = right_gap_end if left_gap_end > right_gap_end right_gap_start = left_gap_start if left_gap_start > right_gap_start start = 1 if (left_gap_end - left_gap_start).positive? series.push(*start...left_gap_start, :gap) start = left_gap_end + 1 end if (right_gap_end - right_gap_start).positive? series.push(*start...right_gap_start, :gap) start = right_gap_end + 1 end series.push(*start..@last) elsif size.is_a?(Integer) && size.positive? # only central series # The simplest and fastest algorithm size = @pages if size > @pages # reduce the max size to @pages left = ((size - 1) / 2.0).floor # left half might be 1 page shorter for even size start = if @page <= left # beginning pages 1 elsif @page > @pages - (size - left) # end pages @pages - size + 1 else # intermediate pages @page - left end series = (start..start + size - 1).to_a else return [] if size.empty? raise VariableError.new(self, :size, 'to be a single positive Integer or an Array of 4', size) end series[series.index(@page)] = @page.to_s series end # Label for any page. Allow the customization of the output (overridden by the calendar extra) def label_for(page) page.to_s end # Label for the current page. Allow the customization of the output (overridden by the calendar extra) def label @page.to_s end protected # Apply defaults, cleanup blanks and set @vars def normalize_vars(vars) @vars = DEFAULT.merge(vars.delete_if { |k, v| DEFAULT.key?(k) && (v.nil? || v == '') }) end # Setup and validates the passed vars: var must be present and value.to_i must be >= to min def setup_vars(name_min) name_min.each do |name, min| raise VariableError.new(self, name, ">= #{min}", @vars[name]) \ unless @vars[name]&.respond_to?(:to_i) && instance_variable_set(:"@#{name}", @vars[name].to_i) >= min end end # Setup @items (overridden by the gearbox extra) def setup_items_var setup_vars(items: 1) end # Setup @pages and @last (overridden by the gearbox extra) def setup_pages_var @pages = @last = [(@count.to_f / @items).ceil, 1].max end # Setup @offset based on the :gearbox_items variable def setup_offset_var @offset = (@items * (@page - 1)) + @outset # may be already set from gear_box end # Setup and validate @params def setup_params_var raise VariableError.new(self, :params, 'must be a Hash or a Proc', @params) \ unless (@params = @vars[:params]).is_a?(Hash) || @params.is_a?(Proc) end def setup_request_path_var request_path = @vars[:request_path] return if request_path.to_s.empty? raise VariableError.new(self, :request_path, 'must be a bare path like "/foo"', request_path) \ if !request_path.start_with?('/') || request_path.include?('?') @request_path = request_path end end require 'pagy/backend' require 'pagy/frontend' require 'pagy/exceptions'