// this is the grid framework // @category grid @import "config"; @import "compass"; @import "../util"; // calculate the width of a grid block // @function _getGridWidth // @private // @param $columns {Number} the number or fraction of columns to span, if fraction, must specify $of // @param $of {Number} the total number of columns spanned, only use with fractional $columns // @param $indent {List} total indent for both left and right sides (needed to adjust for box-model padding) // @return $width {Number} calculated width // @usage: // _getGridWidth(5) => width of 5 columns // _getGridWidth(1/3, $of: 8) => splits an 8 column grid into 1/3 // _getGridWidth(5, $indent: (10px 0px)) => subtracts the $indent from the total width @function _getGridWidth($columns, $of: false, $indent: false) { $width: 0; // if we're doing 1/3, 2/3, etc... @if($of or $columns < 1) { @if(type-of($of) != number) { $of: $CONFIG_GRID_MAX_COLUMNS; } // check if the divisors conform to our restrictions @if($CONFIG_GRID_ALLOWED_DIVISORS) { $allowed-column-factors: (); @each $divisor in $CONFIG_GRID_ALLOWED_DIVISORS { $numerator: $divisor; @while($numerator > 0) { $numerator: ($numerator - 1); $allowed-column-factors: append($allowed-column-factors, ($numerator / $divisor)); } } @if(not index($allowed-column-factors, $columns)) { @warn "you can't divide a block into #{columns}"; $columns: 1; } } // check if the specified columns are valid @if($CONFIG_GRID_ALLOWED_DIVISABLE) { @if(not index($CONFIG_GRID_ALLOWED_DIVISABLE, $of)) { @warn "you can't divide #{of} columns"; $of: $CONFIG_GRID_MAX_COLUMNS; } } $columns: ($columns * $of); @if($columns < $CONFIG_GRID_MIN_THRESHOLD and $columns > 0) { @warn "#{$columns} of #{$of} columns is too small. Use a larger column size"; $columns: $CONFIG_GRID_MIN_THRESHOLD; } } // calculate $width: ($columns * $CONFIG_GRID_COLUMN) + (($columns - 1) * $CONFIG_GRID_GUTTER); @if(length($indent) == 2) { $width: ($width - nth($indent,1) - nth($indent,2)); } @return $width; } // abstract function to indent or outdent a grid block // @function _gridDent // @private // @param $list {List} list of dents // @param $left {Number} the number of units to dent left // @param $right {Number} the number of units to dent right // @param $direction {String} [in|out] the direction to dent // @param $abuse {Boolean} @see _getUnit // @return $dent {List} list of dents @function _gridDent($list: false, $left: 0, $right: 0, $direction: in, $abuse: false) { $factor: if($direction == out, -1, 1) * $CONFIG_GRID_SPACING_FACTOR; $dent: (); $list: get-collection($list, ($left $right), $min: 2); @each $unit in $list { $unit: ($factor * $unit); $dent: append($dent, horizontal-spacing($unit, $abuse: $abuse), space); } @if(length($dent) == 1) { $dent: append($dent, $dent); } @return $dent; } // calculate indents on a grid block // @function grid-indent // @param $list {List} list of indents // @param $left {Number} the number of units to indent left // @param $right {Number} the number of units to indent right // @param $abuse {Boolean} @see _getUnit // @return {List} list of indents @function grid-indent($list: false, $left: 0, $right: 0, $abuse: false) { @return _gridDent($list, $left, $right, $direction: in, $abuse: $abuse); } // calculate outdents on a grid block // @function grid-outdent // @param $list {List} list of outdents // @param $left {Number} the number of units to outdent left // @param $right {Number} the number of units to outdent right // @param $abuse {Boolean} @see _getUnit // @return {List} list of outdents @function grid-outdent($list: false, $left: 0, $right: 0, $abuse: false) { @return _gridDent($list, $left, $right, $direction: out, $abuse: $abuse); } // generate the negative margins needed for a grid-outdent // @mixin grid-outdent // @param $list {List} list of outdents // @param $left {Number} the number of units to outdent left // @param $right {Number} the number of units to outdent right @mixin grid-outdent($list: false, $left: 0, $right: 0) { $outdent: grid-outdent($list, $left, $right); @include grid-output-left-right(margin, $outdent); @include hack-negative-margin(); } // calculate offsets for a grid block // @function grid-offset // @param $list {List} list of offsets // @param $left {Number} the number of columns to offset left // @param $right {Number} the number of columns to offset right // @param $of {Number} the total number of columns, used if $left/$right are fractional // @return {List} list of offsets @function grid-offset($list: false, $left: 0, $right: 0, $of: false) { $list: get-collection($list, ($left, $right), $min: 2); $left: nth($list,1); $left: if($left > 0, _getGridWidth($columns: $left, $of: $of) + $CONFIG_GRID_GUTTER, 0); $right: nth($list,2); $right: if($right > 0, _getGridWidth($columns: $right, $of: $of) + $CONFIG_GRID_GUTTER, 0); @return ($left, $right); } // convenience mixin for grid-offset @mixin grid-offset($list: false, $left: 0, $right: 0, $of: false, $first: false, $method: $CONFIG_GRID_OFFSET_METHOD) { $offset: grid-offset($list: $list, $left: $left, $right: $right, $of: $of); @if($method == position) { @include grid-offset-position($offset: $offset); } @else { @include grid-offset-margin($offset: $offset, $first: $first); } } // convenience method for using the position offset method @mixin grid-offset-position($offset) { position: relative; @include grid-output-left-right($values: $offset); } // convenience method for using the margin offset method @mixin grid-offset-margin($offset, $first: false, $outdent: false) { $outdent: get-collection($outdent, 0, $min: 2); $gutter: if($first, 0, $CONFIG_GRID_GUTTER); @include grid-output-left-right(margin, list-add($outdent, list-add($offset, ($gutter $gutter))), $ignore: ($gutter)); @include hack-negative-margin(); } // calculate push (offset) for a grid block // @function grid-push // @param $columns {List} the number of columns to offset left // @param $of {Number} the total number of columns, used if $left is fractional // @return {List} list of pushes @function grid-push($columns: 0, $of: false) { @return grid-offset($left: $columns, $of: $of); } // convenience mixin for grid-push @mixin grid-push($columns:0, $of: false, $first: false, $method: position) { @include grid-offset($left: $columns, $of: $of, $first: false, $method: $method); } // calculate pull (offset) for a grid block // @function grid-pull // @param $columns {List} the number of columns to offset right // @param $of {Number} the total number of columns, used if $right is fractional // @return {List} list of pulls @function grid-pull($columns: 0, $of: false) { @return grid-offset($right: $columns, $of: $of); } // convenience mixin for grid-push @mixin grid-pull($columns: 0, $of: false, $first: false, $method: position) { @include grid-offset($right: $columns, $of: $of, $first: false, $method: $method); } // this makes it possible to undo $first: true // @mixin grid-not-first @mixin grid-not-first() { margin-#{rtl(left, $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION)}: $CONFIG_GRID_GUTTER; } // this makes it possible to force a non first-column to behave as a first-column // @mixin grid-is-first @mixin grid-is-first() { margin-#{rtl(left, $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION)}: 0; } // given a set of values, output the left and right properties // @mixin grid-output-left-right // @param $property {String} prefix [margin|padding|border|etc] if false, no prefix is used // @param $values {List} the list of values to output e.g. (10px 5px). if only one value (10px), it's used for both left and right // @param $ignore {List} list of values to ignore, @see if-set @mixin grid-output-left-right($property: false, $values: false, $ignore: false) { $property: if($property, unquote('#{$property}-'), unquote('')); $left: 0; @if(length($values) > 0) { $left: nth($values,1); } $right: 0; @if(length($values) > 1) { $right: nth($values,2); } @include if-set(#{$property}#{rtl(left, $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION)}, $left, $ignore: $ignore); @include if-set(#{$property}#{rtl(right, $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION)}, $right, $ignore: $ignore); } // this lets rows clear the floated containers // @mixin grid-row // @param $debug {Boolean} use debug stylings @mixin grid-row($debug: false) { @include grid-block(true); @include debug-hover-box(rgb(255, 0, 255), $if: ($debug or $CONFIG_GRID_DEBUG)); } // output the block methods // @mixin grid-block // @param $row {Boolean} is this block a row @mixin grid-block($row: false) { // FLOAT @if($CONFIG_GRID_ALIGN_METHOD == float){ @if($row) { @include legacy-pie-clearfix(); } @else { // make it a floater float: #{rtl(left, $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION)}; } } // INLINE-BLOCK @else if($CONFIG_GRID_ALIGN_METHOD == inline-block) { @if($row) { // if the reading direction is different from the grid direction, // we have to switch the direction of the individual rows @if(reading-direction() != $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION) { direction: $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION; } // fix to collapse white space between inline-block elements letter-spacing: -0.313em; // webkit @if($legacy-support-for-ie6 or $legacy-support-for-ie7) { *letter-spacing: normal; // restore for IE6/7 } word-spacing: -0.438em; // IE/firefox // other methods: no browsers support this yet // http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/#white-space-collapsing //white-space-collapse: discard; //text-space-collapse: collapse; } @else { // if reading direction is different from the grid direction, // reset the reading direction of the inner container @if(reading-direction() != $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION) { direction: reading-direction(); } @include inline-block(); vertical-align: top; // restore spacing @see grid-row letter-spacing: normal; word-spacing: normal; } } // TABLE-CELL (doesn't work well) @else if($CONFIG_GRID_ALIGN_METHOD == table-cell) { @warn "table-cell method doesn't work yet!"; @if($row) { // if the reading direction is different from the grid direction, // we have to switch the direction of the individual rows @if(reading-direction() != $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION) { direction: $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION; } display: table; // table cells don't respect margin, so we have to use border-spacing border-spacing: $CONFIG_GRID_GUTTER 0; } @else { // if reading direction is different from the grid direction, // reset the reading direction of the inner container @if(reading-direction() != $CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION) { direction: reading-direction(); } @if($legacy-support-for-ie6 or $legacy-support-for-ie7) { *display: inline; } display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; @include has-layout(); } } } // convenience method for creating a grid canvas, @see grid // @mixin grid-canvas // @param $columns {Number} the number or fraction of columns to span, if fraction, must specify $of // @param $of {Number} the total number of columns spanned, only use with fractional $columns // @param $debug {Boolean} use debug stylings @mixin grid-canvas($columns: false, $of: false, $debug: false) { @include grid($columns: $columns, $of: $of, $debug: $debug, $canvas: true); } // the main grid mixin // @mixin grid // @param $columns {Number} the number or fraction of columns to span, if fraction, must specify $of // @param $first {Boolean} is this the first grid block of a row // @param $of {Number} the total number of columns spanned, only use with fractional $columns // @param $indent {List} the grid indents @see grid-indent // @param $outdent {List} the grid outdents @see grid-outdent // @param $offset {List} the grid offsets @see grid-offset, grid-push, grid-pull // @param $canvas {Boolean} treat this grid block as a canvas; a canvas is a non-floated, centered grid-block // @param $row {Boolean} @see grid-row // @param $center {Boolean} whether or not to center the grid block // @param $debug {Boolean} use debug stylings @mixin grid($columns: false, $first: false, $of: false, $indent: false, $outdent: false, $offset: false, $offset-method: $CONFIG_GRID_OFFSET_METHOD, $canvas: false, $row: false, $center: false, $debug: false) { @if($row) { @include grid-row($debug: $debug); } @else { @if(not $columns) { $columns: $CONFIG_GRID_MAX_COLUMNS; } $width: _getGridWidth($columns, $of, $indent); // margin @if(not ($first or $canvas or $center)) { @include grid-not-first(); } @if($canvas or $center) { // center it margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; // debug @if(is-debug-enabled($debug or $CONFIG_GRID_DEBUG)) { @include column-grid-background($CONFIG_GRID_MAX_COLUMNS, $CONFIG_GRID_COLUMN, $CONFIG_GRID_GUTTER); } @if($CONFIG_GRID_ALIGN_METHOD == inline-block) { // the inline-block method needs to use horizontal overflow on the canvas to prevent an unwanted scrollbar //overflow-x: hidden; } } @else { // align the block @include grid-block(); // debug @include debug-hover-box($if: ($debug or $CONFIG_GRID_DEBUG)); } // offset (push, pull) @if($offset) { // ... with positioning @if($offset-method == position) { @include grid-offset-position($offset); } // ... with margin (adjust outdent) @else if($offset-method == margin) { @include grid-offset-margin($offset: $offset, $first: $first, $outdent: $outdent); $outdent: false; } // ... with padding (adjust indent) @else { $indent: list-add(get-collection($indent, 0, $min: 2), $offset); } } // indent @if($indent) { @include grid-output-left-right(padding, $indent); } // outdent @if($outdent) { @include grid-output-left-right(margin, $outdent); @include hack-negative-margin(); } // width width: $width; } }