# gitstats-ruby

gitstats-ruby is a clone of http://gitstats.sourceforce.net written in ruby. It's written to support templates and should be easily extendable.

## Installation

    gem install gitstats-ruby

## Getting started

The basic usage is quite simple. Just run gitstats with the git directory as parameter. If you want to generate stats of more than one repository just list them one after another. Note that this will generate only one statistic but consider the commits from all repositories.
Additionally you can also specify a name and a ref for each repository. To do this please use the following format: `<name>:<path to repository>:<ref>`.
For example:

    gitstats gitstats-ruby:.:master

For more options please read sections about caching below or run `gitstats -h`.

## Caching

gitstats-ruby implements two types of caches but one of them is just useful when developing new statistic classes. The one useful for the end-user is the stats-cache and the other one (for the devs) is the commit-cache.

### stats-cache

The stats-cache caches the statistic objects used internally. This drastically improves the speed of incremental updates because only the new commits have to be taken into account. To activate this cache pass the `-c` command line flag. By default this creates the stats-cache file in the output directory. If you want to use another file you can specify it by using `--statcache <filename>`.

Please note that this cache can only be used when working on the same repositories as used in the previous run. Identification is done using the repository name or, if not specified, using the given (not relative!) path.

### commit-cache

As already mentioned this cache is only useful if you want to develope new statistic classes. It works by caching the internal commit objects to a per repository file that can be reread when running again. This is especially useful if you experiment with big repositories (i.e. the linux kernel with ~275000 commits) where this cache is about twice as fast as the `git log` command used internally.

This cache can be activated with the `-C` command line flag. By default the commitcache is written into the output directory (./stats by default). If you want to use another directory you can specify it by using `--commitcache <directory name>`.

## Examples

* [gitstats-ruby](http://chrisistuff.github.com/gitstats-ruby/gitstats-ruby/)
* [Linux](http://chrisistuff.github.com/gitstats-ruby/linux/)

## Dependencies

* [HAML](http://haml-lang.com)
* [SASS](http://sass-lang.com)
* [Compass](http://compass-style.org)
* [Gnuplot (GEM)](http://rubygems.org/gems/gnuplot)
* [Gnuplot binary](http://www.gnuplot.info/)

## License