# frozen_string_literal: true require "graphql/compatibility/execution_specification/counter_schema" require "graphql/compatibility/execution_specification/specification_schema" module GraphQL module Compatibility # Test an execution strategy. This spec is not meant as a development aid. # Rather, when the strategy _works_, run it here to see if it has any differences # from the built-in strategy. # # - Custom scalar input / output # - Null propagation # - Query-level masking # - Directive support # - Typecasting # - Error handling (raise / return GraphQL::ExecutionError) # - Provides Irep & AST node to resolve fn # # Some things are explicitly _not_ tested here, because they're handled # by other parts of the system: # # - Schema definition (including types and fields) # - Parsing & parse errors # - AST -> IRep transformation (eg, fragment merging) # - Query validation and analysis # - Relay features # module ExecutionSpecification # Make a minitest suite for this execution strategy, making sure it # fulfills all the requirements of this library. # @param execution_strategy [<#new, #execute>] An execution strategy class # @return [Class] A test suite for this execution strategy def self.build_suite(execution_strategy) Class.new(Minitest::Test) do class << self attr_accessor :counter_schema, :specification_schema end self.specification_schema = SpecificationSchema.build(execution_strategy) self.counter_schema = CounterSchema.build(execution_strategy) def execute_query(query_string, **kwargs) kwargs[:root_value] = SpecificationSchema::DATA self.class.specification_schema.execute(query_string, **kwargs) end def test_it_fetches_data query_string = %| query getData($nodeId: ID = "1001") { flh: node(id: $nodeId) { __typename ... on Person { name @include(if: true) skippedName: name @skip(if: true) birthdate age(on: 1477660133) } ... on NamedEntity { ne_tn: __typename ne_n: name } ... on Organization { org_n: name } } } | res = execute_query(query_string) assert_equal nil, res["errors"], "It doesn't have an errors key" flh = res["data"]["flh"] assert_equal "Fannie Lou Hamer", flh["name"], "It returns values" assert_equal Time.new(1917, 10, 6).to_i, flh["birthdate"], "It returns custom scalars" assert_equal 99, flh["age"], "It runs resolve functions" assert_equal "Person", flh["__typename"], "It serves __typename" assert_equal "Person", flh["ne_tn"], "It serves __typename on interfaces" assert_equal "Fannie Lou Hamer", flh["ne_n"], "It serves interface fields" assert_equal false, flh.key?("skippedName"), "It obeys @skip" assert_equal false, flh.key?("org_n"), "It doesn't apply other type fields" end def test_it_iterates_over_each query_string = %| query getData($nodeId: ID = "1002") { node(id: $nodeId) { ... on Person { organizations { name } } } } | res = execute_query(query_string) assert_equal ["SNCC"], res["data"]["node"]["organizations"].map { |o| o["name"] } end def test_it_propagates_nulls_to_field query_string = %| query getOrg($id: ID = "2001"){ failure: node(id: $id) { ... on Organization { name leader { name } } } success: node(id: $id) { ... on Organization { name } } } | res = execute_query(query_string) failure = res["data"]["failure"] success = res["data"]["success"] assert_equal nil, failure, "It propagates nulls to the next nullable field" assert_equal({"name" => "SNCC"}, success, "It serves the same object if no invalid null is encountered") assert_equal 1, res["errors"].length , "It returns an error for the invalid null" end def test_it_propages_nulls_to_operation query_string = %| { foundOrg: organization(id: "2001") { name } organization(id: "2999") { name } } | res = execute_query(query_string) assert_equal nil, res["data"] assert_equal 1, res["errors"].length end def test_it_exposes_raised_and_returned_user_execution_errors query_string = %| { organization(id: "2001") { name returnedError raisedError } organizations { returnedError raisedError } } | res = execute_query(query_string) assert_equal "SNCC", res["data"]["organization"]["name"], "It runs the rest of the query" expected_errors = [ { "message"=>"This error was returned", "locations"=>[{"line"=>5, "column"=>19}], "path"=>["organization", "returnedError"] }, { "message"=>"This error was raised", "locations"=>[{"line"=>6, "column"=>19}], "path"=>["organization", "raisedError"] }, { "message"=>"This error was raised", "locations"=>[{"line"=>10, "column"=>19}], "path"=>["organizations", 0, "raisedError"] }, { "message"=>"This error was raised", "locations"=>[{"line"=>10, "column"=>19}], "path"=>["organizations", 1, "raisedError"] }, { "message"=>"This error was returned", "locations"=>[{"line"=>9, "column"=>19}], "path"=>["organizations", 0, "returnedError"] }, { "message"=>"This error was returned", "locations"=>[{"line"=>9, "column"=>19}], "path"=>["organizations", 1, "returnedError"] }, ] expected_errors.each do |expected_err| assert_includes res["errors"], expected_err end end def test_it_applies_masking no_org = ->(member, ctx) { member.name == "Organization" } query_string = %| { node(id: "2001") { __typename } }| err = assert_raises(GraphQL::UnresolvedTypeError) { execute_query(query_string, except: no_org) } query_string = %| { organization(id: "2001") { name } }| res = execute_query(query_string, except: no_org) assert_equal nil, res["data"] assert_equal 1, res["errors"].length assert_equal "SNCC", err.value.name assert_equal GraphQL::Relay::Node.interface, err.field.type assert_equal 1, err.possible_types.length assert_equal "Organization", err.resolved_type.name assert_equal "Query", err.parent_type.name query_string = %| { __type(name: "Organization") { name } }| res = execute_query(query_string, except: no_org) assert_equal nil, res["data"]["__type"] assert_equal nil, res["errors"] end def test_it_provides_nodes_to_resolve query_string = %| { organization(id: "2001") { name nodePresence } }| res = execute_query(query_string) assert_equal "SNCC", res["data"]["organization"]["name"] assert_equal [true, true, false], res["data"]["organization"]["nodePresence"] end def test_it_runs_the_introspection_query execute_query(GraphQL::Introspection::INTROSPECTION_QUERY) end def test_it_propagates_deeply_nested_nulls query_string = %| { node(id: "1001") { ... on Person { name first_organization { leader { name } } } } } | res = execute_query(query_string) assert_equal nil, res["data"]["node"] assert_equal 1, res["errors"].length end def test_it_doesnt_add_errors_for_invalid_nulls_from_execution_errors query_string = %| query getOrg($id: ID = "2001"){ failure: node(id: $id) { ... on Organization { name leader { name } } } } | res = execute_query(query_string, context: {return_error: true}) error_messages = res["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } assert_equal ["Error on Nullable"], error_messages end def test_it_only_resolves_fields_once_on_typed_fragments res = self.class.counter_schema.execute(" { counter { count } ... on HasCounter { counter { count } } } ") expected_data = { "counter" => { "count" => 1 } } assert_equal expected_data, res["data"] assert_equal 1, self.class.counter_schema.metadata[:count] # Deep typed children are correctly distinguished: res = self.class.counter_schema.execute(" { counter { ... on Counter { counter { count } } ... on AltCounter { counter { count, t: __typename } } } } ") expected_data = { "counter" => { "counter" => { "count" => 2 } } } assert_equal expected_data, res["data"] end def test_it_runs_middleware log = [] query_string = %| { node(id: "2001") { __typename } }| res = execute_query(query_string, context: {middleware_log: log}) assert_equal ["node", "__typename"], log end def test_it_uses_type_error_hooks_for_invalid_nulls log = [] query_string = %| { node(id: "1001") { ... on Person { name first_organization { leader { name } } } } }| res = execute_query(query_string, context: { type_errors: log }) assert_equal nil, res["data"]["node"] assert_equal [nil], log end def test_it_uses_type_error_hooks_for_failed_type_resolution log = [] query_string = %| { node(id: "2003") { __typename } }| assert_raises(GraphQL::UnresolvedTypeError) { execute_query(query_string, context: { type_errors: log }) } assert_equal [SpecificationSchema::BOGUS_NODE], log end def test_it_treats_failed_type_resolution_like_nil log = [] ctx = { type_errors: log, gobble: true } query_string = %| { node(id: "2003") { __typename } }| res = execute_query(query_string, context: ctx) assert_equal nil, res["data"]["node"] assert_equal false, res.key?("errors") assert_equal [SpecificationSchema::BOGUS_NODE], log query_string_2 = %| { requiredNode(id: "2003") { __typename } }| res = execute_query(query_string_2, context: ctx) assert_equal nil, res["data"] assert_equal false, res.key?("errors") assert_equal [SpecificationSchema::BOGUS_NODE, SpecificationSchema::BOGUS_NODE], log end end end end end end