module Tabula class ZoneEntity attr_accessor :top, :left, :width, :height attr_accessor :texts def initialize(top, left, width, height) = top self.left = left self.width = width self.height = height self.texts = [] end def bottom + self.height end def right self.left + self.width end # [x, y] def midpoint [self.left + (self.width / 2), + (self.height / 2)] end def area self.width * self.height end def merge!(other) = [,].min self.left = [self.left, other.left].min self.width = [self.right, other.right].max - left self.height = [self.bottom, other.bottom].max - top end def horizontal_distance(other) (other.left - self.right).abs end def vertical_distance(other) (other.bottom - self.bottom).abs end # Roughly, detects if self and other belong to the same line def vertically_overlaps?(other) vertical_overlap = [0, [self.bottom, other.bottom].min - [,].max].max vertical_overlap > 0 end # detects if self and other belong to the same column def horizontally_overlaps?(other) horizontal_overlap = [0, [self.right, other.right].min - [self.left, other.left].max].max horizontal_overlap > 0 end def overlaps?(other, ratio_tolerance=0.00001) self.overlap_ratio(other) > ratio_tolerance end def overlap_ratio(other) intersection_width = [0, [self.right, other.right].min - [self.left, other.left].max].max intersection_height = [0, [self.bottom, other.bottom].min - [,].max].max intersection_area = [0, intersection_height * intersection_width].max union_area = self.area + other.area - intersection_area intersection_area / union_area end def to_h hash = {} [:top, :left, :width, :height].each do |m| hash[m] = self.send(m) end hash end def to_json(options={}) self.to_h.to_json end end class Page < ZoneEntity attr_reader :rotation, :number def initialize(width, height, rotation, number, texts=[]) super(0, 0, width, height) @rotation = rotation @number = number self.texts = texts end # get text, optionally from a provided area in the page [top, left, bottom, right] def get_text(area=nil) area = [0, 0, width, height] if area.nil? # spaces are not detected, b/c they have height == 0 # ze =[0], area[1], area[3] - area[1], area[2] - area[0]) # { |t| t.overlaps? ze } { |t| > area[0] && + t.height < area[2] && t.left > area[1] && t.left + t.width < area[3] } end def to_json(options={}) { :width => self.width, :height => self.height, :number => self.number, :rotation => self.rotation, :texts => self.texts }.to_json(options) end end class TextElement < ZoneEntity attr_accessor :font, :font_size, :text, :width_of_space CHARACTER_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 1.5 TOLERANCE_FACTOR = 0.25 def initialize(top, left, width, height, font, font_size, text, width_of_space) super(top, left, width, height) self.font = font self.font_size = font_size self.text = text self.width_of_space = width_of_space end # more or less returns True if distance < tolerance def should_merge?(other) raise TypeError, "argument is not a TextElement" unless other.instance_of?(TextElement) overlaps = self.vertically_overlaps?(other) tolerance = ((self.font_size + other.font_size) / 2) * TOLERANCE_FACTOR overlaps or (self.height == 0 and other.height != 0) or (other.height == 0 and self.height != 0) and self.horizontal_distance(other) < tolerance end # more or less returns True if (tolerance <= distance < CHARACTER_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD*tolerance) def should_add_space?(other) raise TypeError, "argument is not a TextElement" unless other.instance_of?(TextElement) overlaps = self.vertically_overlaps?(other) up_tolerance = ((self.font_size + other.font_size) / 2) * TOLERANCE_FACTOR down_tolerance = 0.95 dist = self.horizontal_distance(other).abs rv = overlaps && (dist.between?(self.width_of_space * down_tolerance, self.width_of_space + up_tolerance)) rv end def merge!(other) raise TypeError, "argument is not a TextElement" unless other.instance_of?(TextElement) # unless self.horizontally_overlaps?(other) or self.vertically_overlaps?(other) # raise ArgumentError, "won't merge TextElements that don't overlap" # end if self.horizontally_overlaps?(other) and < self.text = other.text + self.text else self.text << other.text end super(other) end def to_h hash = super [:font, :text].each do |m| hash[m] = self.send(m) end hash end end class Line < ZoneEntity attr_accessor :text_elements def initialize self.text_elements = [] end def <<(t) if self.text_elements.size == 0 self.text_elements << t = self.left = t.left self.width = t.width self.height = t.height else if in_same_column = self.text_elements.find { |te| te.horizontally_overlaps?(t) } in_same_column.merge!(t) else self.text_elements << t self.merge!(t) end end end end class Column < ZoneEntity attr_accessor :text_elements def initialize(left, width, text_elements=[]) super(0, left, width, 0) @text_elements = text_elements end def <<(te) self.text_elements << te self.update_boundaries!(te) self.text_elements.sort_by! { |t| } end def update_boundaries!(text_element) self.merge!(text_element) end # this column can be merged with other_column? def contains?(other_column) self.horizontally_overlaps?(other_column) end def average_line_distance # avg distance between lines # this might help to MERGE lines that are shouldn't be split # e.g. cells with > 1 lines of text 1.upto(self.text_elements.size - 1).map { |i| self.text_elements[i].top - self.text_elements[i - 1].top }.inject{ |sum, el| sum + el }.to_f / self.text_elements.size end def inspect vars = (self.instance_variables - [:@text_elements]).map{ |v| "#{v}=#{instance_variable_get(v).inspect}" } texts = self.text_elements.sort_by { |te| }.map { |te| te.text } "<#{self.class}: #{vars.join(', ')}, @text_elements=[#{texts.join('], [')}]>" end end require_relative './core_ext' class Ruling < ZoneEntity # 2D line intersection test taken from FAQ def intersects?(other) r = ((*(other.right-other.left) - (self.left-other.left)*( \ / ((self.right-self.left)*(*(other.right-other.left)) s = ((*(self.right-self.left) - (self.left-other.left)*( \ / ((self.right-self.left)*( - (*(other.right-other.left)) r >= 0 and r < 1 and s >= 0 and s < 1 end def vertical? left == right end def horizontal? top == bottom end def to_json(arg) [left, top, right, bottom].to_json end def to_xml "" \ % [left, top, right, bottom] end def self.clean_rulings(rulings, max_distance=4) # merge horizontal and vertical lines # TODO this should be iterative skip = false horiz = { |r| r.horizontal? && r.width > max_distance } .group_by(&:top) .values.reduce([]) { |memo, rs| rs = rs.sort_by(&:left) memo << if rs.size > 1[0].top, rs[0].left, rs[-1].right - rs[0].left, 0) else rs.first end } .sort_by(&:top) h = [] horiz.size.times do |i| if i == horiz.size - 1 h << horiz[-1] break end if skip skip = false; next end d = (horiz[i+1].top - horiz[i].top).abs h << if d < 4 # THRESHOLD DISTANCE between horizontal lines skip = true[i].top + d / 2, [horiz[i].left, horiz[i+1].left].min, [horiz[i+1].width.abs, horiz[i].width.abs].max, 0) else horiz[i] end end horiz = h vert = { |r| r.vertical? && r.height > max_distance } .group_by(&:left) .values.reduce([]) { |memo, rs| rs = rs.sort_by(&:top) memo << if rs.size > 1[0].top, rs[0].left, 0, rs[-1].bottom - rs[0].top) else rs.first rs.first end } .sort_by(&:left) v = [] vert.size.times do |i| if i == vert.size - 1 v << vert[-1] break end if skip skip = false; next end d = (vert[i+1].left - vert[i].left).abs v << if d < 4 # THRESHOLD DISTANCE between vertical lines skip = true[vert[i+1].top, vert[i].top].min, vert[i].left + d / 2, 0, [vert[i+1].height.abs, vert[i].height.abs].max) else vert[i] end end vert = v # - only keep horizontal rulings that intersect with at least one vertical ruling # - only keep vertical rulings that intersect with at least one horizontal ruling # yeah, it's a naive heuristic. but hey, it works. # h_mean = horiz.reduce(0) { |accum, i| accum + i.width } / horiz.size # horiz.reject { |h| h.width < h_mean } #vert.delete_if { |v| !horiz.any? { |h| h.intersects?(v) } } unless horiz.empty? #horiz.delete_if { |h| !vert.any? { |v| v.intersects?(h) } } unless vert.empty? return horiz += vert end end end