.. -*- rst -*- .. highlightlang:: none .. groonga-command .. database: functions_highlight_full highlight_full ============== .. caution:: This feature is experimental. API will be changed. Summary ------- ``highlight_full`` tags target text. It can use to highlight the search keyword. It can specify use/not use HTML escape, the normalizer name and change the tag for each keyword. Syntax ------ ``highlight_full`` has required parameter and optional parameter:: highlight_full(column, normalizer_name, use_html_escape, keyword1, open_tag1, close_tag1, ... [keywordN, open_tagN, close_tagN]) Usage ----- Here are a schema definition and sample data to show usage. .. groonga-command .. include:: ../../example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_setup.log .. table_create Entries TABLE_NO_KEY .. column_create Entries body COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText .. table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram --normalizer NormalizerAuto .. column_create Terms document_index COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Entries body .. load --table Entries .. [ .. ["content"], .. {"body": "Mroonga is a MySQL storage engine based on Groonga. Rroonga is a Ruby binding of Groonga."} .. ] ``highlight_full`` can be used in only ``--output_columns`` in :doc:`/reference/commands/select`. ``highlight_full`` requires Groonga 4.0.5 or later. ``highlight_full`` requires :doc:`/reference/command/command_version` 2 or later. The following example uses HTML escape and normalzier is ``NormalizeAuto``. It specifies the tags ```` and ```` of the keyword ``groonga``, and the tags ```` and ```` of the keyword ``mysql``. .. groonga-command .. include:: ../../example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_basic.log .. select Entries --output_columns 'highlight_full(body, "NormalizerAuto", true, "Groonga", "", "", "mysql", "", "")' --command_version 2 The text are scanned by the keywords for tagging after they are normalized by ``NormalizerAuto`` normalizer. ``--query "groonga mysql"`` matches to the first record's body. ``highight_full`` surrounds the keywords ``groonga`` contained in the text with ```` and ````, and the keywords ``mysql`` contained in the text with with ```` and ````. Special characters such as ``<`` and ``>`` are escapsed as ``<`` and ``>``. You can specify string literal instead of column. .. groonga-command .. include:: ../../example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_string_literal.log .. select Entries --output_columns 'highlight_full("Groonga is very fast fulltext search engine.", "NormalizerAuto", true, "Groonga", "", "", "mysql", "", "")' --command_version 2 --match_columns body --query "groonga" Parameters ---------- There are three required parameters, ``column``, ``normalizer_name`` and ``use_html_escape``. There are three or over optional parameters, ``keywordN``, ``open_tagN`` and ``end_tagN``. ``column`` ^^^^^^^^^^ It specifies a column of the table. ``normalizer_name`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It specifies a normalizer name. ``use_html_escape`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It specifies use or not use HTML escape. If it is ``true`` , use HTML escape. If it is ``false`` , not use HTML escape. ``keywordN`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^ It specifies a keyword for tagging. You can specify multiple keywords for each three arguments. ``open_tagN`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It specifies a open tag. You can specify multiple open tags for each three arguments. ``close_tagN`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It specifies a close tag. You can specify multiple close tags for each three arguments. Return value ------------ ``highlight_full`` returns a tagged string or ``null``. If ``highlight_full`` can't find any keywords, it returns ``null``. See also -------- * :doc:`/reference/commands/select` * :doc:`/reference/functions/highlight_html`