require 'forwardable'
require_relative './evaluation_context'
require_relative './executable'
module Saxon
module XSLT
# The simplest way to construct an {XSLT::Compiler} is to call
# {Saxon::Processor#xslt_compiler}.
# processor = Saxon::Processor.create
# # Simplest, default options
# compiler = processor.xslt_compiler
# In order to set compile-time options, declare static compile-time
# parameters then pass a block to the method using the DSL syntax (see
# {Saxon::XSLT::EvaluationContext::DSL}
# compiler = processor.xslt_compiler {
# static_parameters 'param' => 'value'
# default_collation ''
# }
# The static evaluation context for a Compiler cannot be changed, you must
# create a new one with the context you want. It’s very simple to create a
# new Compiler based on an existing one. Declaring a parameter with a an
# existing name overwrites the old value.
# new_compiler = compiler.create {
# static_parameters 'param' => 'new value'
# }
# new_compiler.default_collation #=> ""
# If you wanted to remove a value, you need to start from scratch. You can,
# of course, extract any data you want from a compiler instance separately
# and use that to create a new one.
# params = compiler.static_parameters
# new_compiler = processor.xslt_compiler {
# static_parameters params
# }
# new_compiler.default_collation #=> nil
# Once you have a compiler, call {Compiler#compile} and pass in a
# {Saxon::Source} or an existing {Saxon::XDM::Node}. Parameters and other
# run-time configuration options can be set using a block in the same way as
# creating a compiler. You'll be returned a {Saxon::XSLT::Executable}.
# source = Saxon::Source.create('my.xsl')
# xslt = compiler.compile(source) {
# initial_template_parameters 'param' => 'other value'
# }
# You can also pass in (or override) parameters at stylesheet execution
# time, but if you'll be executing the same stylesheet against many
# documents with the same initial parameters then setting them at compile
# time is simpler.
# Global and initial template parameters can be set at compiler creation
# time, compile time, or execution time. Static parameters can only be set
# at compiler creation or compile time.
# xslt = compiler.compile(source) {
# static_parameters 'static-param' => 'static value'
# global_parameters 'param' => 'global value'
# initial_template_parameters 'param' => 'other value'
# initial_template_tunnel_parameters 'param' => 'tunnel value'
# }
class Compiler
# Create a new XSLT::Compiler using the supplied Processor.
# Passing a block gives access to a DSL for setting up the compiler's
# static context.
# @param processor [Saxon::Processor] the {Saxon::Processor} to use
# @yield An XSLT compiler DSL block
# @return [Saxon::XSLT::Compiler] the new compiler instance
def self.create(processor, &block)
evaluation_context = XSLT::EvaluationContext.define(block)
new(processor.to_java, evaluation_context)
extend Forwardable
attr_reader :evaluation_context
private :evaluation_context
# @api private
# @param s9_processor [net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor] the Saxon
# Processor to wrap
# @param evaluation_context [Saxon::XSLT::EvaluationContext] the static context
# XPaths compiled using this compiler will have
def initialize(s9_processor, evaluation_context)
@s9_processor, @evaluation_context = s9_processor, evaluation_context
def_delegators :evaluation_context, :default_collation, :static_parameters, :global_parameters, :initial_template_parameters, :initial_template_tunnel_parameters
# @!attribute [r] declared_collations
# @return [Hash java.text.Collator>] declared collations as URI => Collator hash
# @!attribute [r] default_collation
# @return [String] the URI of the default declared collation
# @!attribute [r] static_parameters
# @return [Hash Saxon::XDM::Value, Saxon::XDM::Node,
# Saxon::XDM::AtomicValue>] parameters required at compile time as QName => value hash
# @param source [Saxon::Source] the Source to compile
# @yield the block is executed in the context of an {XSLT::EvaluationContext} DSL instance
# @return [Saxon::XSLT::Executable] the executable stylesheet
def compile(source, &block)
new_evaluation_context = evaluation_context.define(block)
s9_compiler = new_compiler(new_evaluation_context)
# Allows the creation of a new {Compiler} starting from a copy of this
# Compiler's static context. As with {.create}, passing a block gives
# access to a DSL for setting up the compiler's static context.
# @yield An XSLT compiler DSL block
# @return [Saxon::XSLT::Compiler] the new compiler instance
def create(&block)
new_evaluation_context = evaluation_context.define(block), new_evaluation_context)
def new_compiler(evaluation_context)
compiler = @s9_processor.newXsltCompiler
compiler.declareDefaultCollation(evaluation_context.default_collation) unless evaluation_context.default_collation.nil?
evaluation_context.static_parameters.each do |qname, value|
compiler.setParameter(qname.to_java, value.to_java)