# 3.1.1 - Use Date.strptime to parse date fields # 3.1.0 - Use :binary for binary fields in ActiveRecord schemas # 3.0.8 - Fix uninitialized constant error under Rails 5 # 3.0.7 - Ignore non-existent records if header record count is incorrect # 3.0.6 - This version has been yanked from rubygems due to errors # 3.0.5 - Override table name for schema output # 3.0.4 - Adds -v command-line option to print version - Adds -r command-line option to create Sequel migration # 3.0.3 - Uninitialized (N)umbers should return nil # 3.0.2 - Performance improvements for large files # 3.0.1 - Support FoxPro (G) general field type - Fix ruby warnings # 3.0.0 - Requires Ruby version 2.0 and above - Support the (G) General Foxpro field type # 2.0.13 - Support 64-bit currency signed currency values (see https://github.com/infused/dbf/pull/71) # 2.0.12 - Parse (I) values as signed (see https://github.com/infused/dbf/pull/70) # 2.0.11 - Foxpro doubles should always return the full stored precision (see https://github.com/infused/dbf/pull/69) # 2.0.10 - allow 0 length fields, but always return nil as value # 2.0.9 - fix dBase IV attributes when memo file is missing # 2.0.8 - fix FoxPro currency fields on some builds of Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0.0 # 2.0.7 - fix the dbf binary on some linux systems # 2.0.6 - build_memo returns nil on errors # 2.0.5 - use correct FoxPro memo block size # 2.0.4 - memo fields return nil if memo file is missing # 2.0.3 - set encoding if table encoding is nil # 2.0.2 - Allow overriding the character encoding specified in the file # 2.0.1 - Add experimental support for character encodings under Ruby 1.8 # 2.0.0 - #44 Require FasterCSV gem on all platforms - Remove rdoc development dependency - #42 Fixes encoding of memos - #43 Improve handling of record attributes # 1.7.5 - fixes FoxPro currency (Y) fields # 1.7.4 - Replace Memo Type with Memo File boolean in command-line utility summary output # 1.7.3 - find_all/find_first should ignore deleted records # 1.7.2 - Fix integer division under Ruby 1.8 when requiring mathn standard library (see http://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/2121) # 1.7.1 - Fix Table.FOXPRO_VERSIONS breakage on Ruby 1.8 # 1.7.0 - allow DBF::Table to work with dbf data in memory - allow DBF::Table#to_csv to write to STDOUT # 1.6.7 - memo columns return nil when no memo file found # 1.6.6 - add binary data type support to ActiveRecord schema output # 1.6.5 - support for visual foxpro double (b) data type # 1.6.3 - Replace invalid chars with 'unicode replacement character' (U+FFFD) ## 1.6.2 - add Table#filename method - Rakefile now loads gems with bundler - add Table#supports_encoding? - simplify encodings.yml loader - add rake and rdoc as development dependencies - simplify open_memo file search logic - remove unnecessary requires in spec helper - fix cli summary ## 1.6.1 - fix YAML issue when using MRI version > 1.9.1 - remove Table#seek_to_index and Table#current_record private methods ## 1.6.0 - remove activesupport gem dependency ## 1.5.0 - Significant internal restructuring and performance improvements. Initial testing shows 4x faster performance. ## 1.3.0 - Only load what's needed from activesupport 3.0 - Updatate fastercsv dependency to 1.5.3 - Remove use of 'returning' method - Remove jeweler in favor of manual gemspec creation - Move Table#all_values_match? to Record#match? - Add attr_reader for Record#table - Use method_defined? instead of respond_to? when defining attribute accessors - Move memo file check into get_memo_header_info - Remove unnecessary seek_to_record in Table#each - Add rake console task - New Attribute class - Add a helper method for memo column type - Move constants into the classes where they are used - Use bundler ## 1.2.9 - Retain trailing whitespace in memos ## 1.2.8 - Handle missing zeros in date values [#11] ## 1.2.7 - MIT License ## 1.2.6 - Support for Ruby 1.9.2 ## 1.2.5 - Remove ruby warning switch - Requires activesupport version 2.3.5 ## 1.2.4 - Add csv output option to dbf command-line utility - Read Visual FoxPro memos ## 1.2.3 - Small performance gain when unpacking values from the dbf file - Correctly handle FoxPro's integer data type ## 1.2.2 - Handle invalid date fields ## 1.2.1 - Add support for F field type (Float) ## 1.2.0 - Add Table#to_a ## 1.1.1 - Return invalid DateTime columns as nil ## 1.1.0 - Add support for large table that will not fit into memory ## 1.0.13 - Allow passing an array of ids to find ## 1.0.11 - Attributes are now accessible by original or underscored name ## 1.0.9 - Fix incorrect integer column values (only affecting some dbf files) - Add CSV export ## 1.0.8 - Truncate column names on NULL - Fix schema dump for date and datetime columns - Replace internal helpers with ActiveSupport - Always underscore attribute names ## 1.0.7 - Remove support for original column names. All columns names are now downcased/underscored. ## 1.0.6 - DBF::Table now includes the Enumerable module - Return nil for memo values if the memo file is missing - Finder conditions now support the original and downcased/underscored column names ## 1.0.5 - Strip non-ascii characters from column names ## 1.0.4 - Underscore column names when dumping schemas (FieldId becomes field_id) ## 1.0.3 - Add support for Visual Foxpro Integer and Datetime columns ## 1.0.2 - Compatibility fix for Visual Foxpro memo files (ignore negative memo index values) ## 1.0.1 - Fixes error when using the command-line interface [#11984] ## 1.0.0 - Renamed classes and refactored code in preparation for adding the ability to save records and create/compact databases. - The Reader class has been renamed to Table - Attributes are no longer accessed directly from the record. Use record.attribute['column_name'] instead, or use the new attribute accessors detailed under Basic Usage. ## 0.5.4 - Ignore deleted records in both memory modes ## 0.5.3 - Added a standalone dbf utility (try dbf -h for help) ## 0.5.0 / 2007-05-25 - New find method - Full compatibility with the two flavors of memo file - Two modes of operation: - In memory (default): All records are loaded into memory on the first request. Records are retrieved from memory for all subsequent requests. - File I/O: All records are retrieved from disk on every request - Improved documentation and more usage examples