module Hyperloop class ServerOp < Operation class << self def run(*args) hash = _Railway.params_wrapper.combine_arg_array(args) hash = serialize_params(hash) "#{`window.HyperloopEnginePath`}/execute_remote", payload: {json: {operation: name, params: hash}.to_json}, headers: {'X-CSRF-Token' => Hyperloop::ClientDrivers.opts[:form_authenticity_token] } ) .then do |response| deserialize_response response.json[:response] do |response| response.json[:error] end end if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' def run_from_client(security_param, controller, operation, params) operation.constantize.class_eval do if _Railway.params_wrapper.method_defined?(:controller) params[:controller] = controller elsif !_Railway.params_wrapper.method_defined?(security_param) raise AccessViolation end run(params) .then { |r| return { json: { response: serialize_response(r) } } } .fail { |e| return { json: { error: e }, status: 500 } } end rescue Exception => e { json: {error: e}, status: 500 } end def remote(path, *args) promise = uri = URI("#{path}execute_remote_api") http =, uri.port) request =, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json') if uri.scheme == 'https' http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end request.body = { operation: name, params: Hyperloop::Operation::ParamsWrapper.combine_arg_array(args) }.to_json promise.resolve http.request(request) rescue Exception => e promise.reject e end def serialize_params(hash) hash end def deserialize_params(hash) hash end def serialize_response(hash) hash end def deserialize_response(hash) hash end def serialize_dispatch(hash) hash end def deserialize_dispatch(hash) hash end def dispatch_to(*args, ®ulation) _dispatch_to(nil, args, ®ulation) if RUBY_ENGINE != 'opal' end def _dispatch_to(context, args=[], ®ulation) if args.count == 0 && regulation.nil? raise "must provide either a list of channel classes or a block to regulate_dispatch" elsif args.count > 0 && regulation raise "cannot provide both a list of channel classes and a block to regulate_dispatch" end regulation ||= proc { args } on_dispatch do |params, operation| serialized_params = serialize_dispatch(params.to_h) [operation.instance_exec(*context, ®ulation)].flatten.compact.uniq.each do |channel| Hyperloop.dispatch(channel: Hyperloop::InternalPolicy.channel_to_string(channel), operation:, params: serialized_params) end end end if RUBY_ENGINE != 'opal' def dispatch_from_server(params_hash) params = _Railway.receivers.each { |receiver| params } end end end class ControllerOp < ServerOp param :controller alias pre_controller_op_method_missing method_missing def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if params.controller.respond_to? name params.controller.send(name, *args, &block) else pre_controller_op_method_missing(name, *args, &block) end end end end