module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Matchers module ActionController # :nodoc: # Ensures a controller responded with expected 'response' content type. # # You can pass an explicit content type such as 'application/rss+xml' # or its symbolic equivalent :rss # or a regular expression such as /rss/ # # Example: # # it { should respond_with_content_type(:xml) } # it { should respond_with_content_type(:csv) } # it { should respond_with_content_type(:atom) } # it { should respond_with_content_type(:yaml) } # it { should respond_with_content_type(:text) } # it { should respond_with_content_type('application/rss+xml') } # it { should respond_with_content_type(/json/) } def respond_with_content_type(content_type) end class RespondWithContentTypeMatcher # :nodoc: def initialize(content_type) @content_type = look_up_content_type(content_type) end def description "respond with content type of #{@content_type}" end def matches?(controller) @controller = controller content_type_matches_regexp? || content_type_matches_string? end def failure_message "Expected #{expectation}" end def negative_failure_message "Did not expect #{expectation}" end protected def content_type_matches_regexp? if @content_type.is_a?(Regexp) response_content_type =~ @content_type end end def content_type_matches_string? response_content_type == @content_type end def response_content_type @controller.response.content_type.to_s end def look_up_by_extension(extension) Mime::Type.lookup_by_extension(extension.to_s).to_s end def look_up_content_type(content_type) if content_type.is_a?(Symbol) look_up_by_extension(content_type) else content_type end end def expectation "content type to be #{@content_type}, but was #{response_content_type}" end end end end end