# Dpl [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/travis-ci/dpl.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/travis-ci/dpl) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/travis-ci/dpl.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/travis-ci/dpl) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/dpl.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/dpl) Dpl (dee-pee-ell) is a deploy tool made for continuous deployment. Developed and used by Travis CI. ## Supported Providers: Dpl supports the following providers: * [AppFog](#appfog) * [Cloud 66](#cloud-66) * [Cloud Foundry](#cloud-foundry) * [cloudControl](#cloudcontrol) * [dotCloud (experimental)](#dotcloud) * [Engine Yard](#engine-yard) * [Heroku](#heroku) * [Nodejitsu](#nodejitsu) * [NPM](#npm) * [Openshift](#openshift) * [PyPi](#pypi) * [RubyGems](#rubygems) * [S3](#s3) * [Divshot.io](#divshotio) * [Rackspace Cloud Files](#rackspace-cloud-files) * [AWS OpsWorks](#opsworks) * [Modulus](#modulus) * [Github Releases](#github-releases) * [Ninefold](#ninefold) * [Hackage](#hackage) * [Deis](#deis) * [Google Cloud Storage](#google-cloud-storage) ## Installation: Dpl is published to rubygems. * Dpl requires ruby with a version greater than 1.8.7 * To install: `gem install dpl` ## Usage: ###Security Warning: Running dpl in a terminal that saves history is insecure as your password/api key will be saved as plain text by it. ###Global Flags * `--provider=` sets the provider you want to deploy to. Every provider has slightly different flags, which are documented in the section about your provider following. * Dpl will deploy by default from the latest commit. Use the `--skip_cleanup` flag to deploy from the current file state. Note that many providers deploy by git and could ignore this option. ### Heroku: #### Options: * **api-key**: Heroku API Key * **strategy[git/anvil]**: Deployment strategy for Dpl. Defaults to anvil. * **app**: Heroku app name. Defaults to the name of your git repo. * **username**: heroku username. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy. * **password**: heroku password. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy. #### Git vs Anvil Deploy: * Anvil will run the [buildpack](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks) compilation step on the Travis CI VM, whereas the Git strategy will run it on a Heroku dyno, which provides the same environment the application will then run under and might be slightly faster. * The Git strategy allows using *user* and *password* instead of *api-key*. * When using Git, Heroku might send you an email for every deploy, as it adds a temporary SSH key to your account. As a rule of thumb, you should switch to the Git strategy if you run into issues with Anvil or if you're using the [user-env-compile](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/labs-user-env-compile) plugin. #### Examples: dpl --provider=heroku --api-key=`heroku auth:token` dpl --provider=heroku --strategy=git --username= --password= --app= ### Nodejitsu: #### Options: * **username**: Nodejitsu Username * **api-key**: Nodejitsu API Key #### Examples: dpl --provider=nodejitsu --username= --api-key= ### Modulus #### Options: * **api-key** Modulus Authentication Token * **project-name** Modulus Project to Deploy #### Example: dpl --provider=modulus --api-key= --project-name= ### Engine Yard: #### Options: * **api-key**: Engine Yard Api Key * **username**: Engine Yard username. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy. * **password**: Engine Yard password. Not necessary if api-key is used. * **app**: Engine Yard Application name. Defaults to git repo's name. * **environment**: Engine Yard Application Environment. Optional. * **migrate**: Engine Yard migration commands. Optional. #### Examples: dpl --provider=engineyard --api-key= dpl --provider=engineyard --username= --password= --environment=staging dpl --provider=engineyard --api-key= --app= --migrate=`rake db:migrate` ### Openshift: #### Options: * **username**: Openshift Username. * **password**: Openshift Password. * **domain**: Openshift Application Domain. * **app**: Openshift Application. Defaults to git repo's name. ####Examples: dpl --provider=openshift --username= --password= --domain= dpl --provider=openshift --username= --password= --domain= --app= ### cloudControl: #### Options: * **email**: cloudControl email. * **password**: cloudControl password. * **deployment**: cloudControl Deployment. Follows the format "APP_NAME/DEP_NAME". #### Examples: dpl --provider=cloudcontrol --email= --password --deployment=`APP_NAME/DEP_NAME` ### RubyGems: #### Options: * **api-key**: Rubygems Api Key. #### Examples: dpl --provider=rubygems --api-key= ### PyPI: #### Options: * **user**: PyPI Username. * **password**: PyPI Password. * **server**: Optional. Only required if you want to release to a different index. Follows the form of "https://mypackageindex.com/index". * **distributions**: A space-separated list of distributions to be uploaded to PyPI. Defaults to 'sdist'. * **docs_dir**: A path to the directory to upload documentation from. Defaults to 'build/docs' #### Examples: dpl --provider=pypi --user= --password= dpl --provider=pypi --user= --password= --server='https://mypackageindex.com/index' --distributions='sdist bdist_wheel' ### NPM: #### Options: * **email**: NPM email. * **api-key**: NPM api key. Can be retrieved from your ~/.npmrc file. #### Examples: dpl --provider=npm --email= --api-key= ### S3: #### Options: * **access-key-id**: AWS Access Key ID. Can be obtained from [here](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#security_credential). * **secret-access-key**: AWS Secret Key. Can be obtained from [here](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#security_credential). * **bucket**: S3 Bucket. * **region**: S3 Region. Defaults to us-east-1. * **endpoint**: S3 Endpoint. Defaults to s3.amazonaws.com. * **upload-dir**: S3 directory to upload to. Defaults to root directory. * **local-dir**: Local directory to upload from. Can be set from a global perspective (~/travis/build) or relative perspective (build) Defaults to project root. * **detect-encoding**: Set HTTP header `Content-Encoding` for files compressed with `gzip` and `compress` utilities. Defaults to not set. * **cache_control**: Set HTTP header `Cache-Control` to suggest that the browser cache the file. Defaults to `no-cache`. Valid options are `no-cache`, `no-store`, `max-age=`,`s-maxage=` `no-transform`, `public`, `private`. * **expires**: This sets the date and time that the cached object is no longer cacheable. Defaults to not set. The date must be in the format `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS -ZONE`. * **acl**: Sets the access control for the uploaded objects. Defaults to `private`. Valid options are `private`, `public_read`, `public_read_write`, `authenticated_read`, `bucket_owner_read`, `bucket_owner_full_controll`. * **dot_match**: When set to `true`, upload files starting a `.`. #### Examples: dpl --provider=s3 --access-key-id= --secret-access-key= --bucket= --acl=public_read dpl --provider=s3 --access-key-id= --secret-access-key= --bucket= --detect-encoding --cache_control=max-age=99999 --expires="2012-12-21 00:00:00 -0000" dpl --provider=s3 --access-key-id= --secret-access-key= --bucket= --region:us-west-2 --local-dir= BUILD --upload-dir=BUILDS ### OpsWorks: #### Options: * **access-key-id**: AWS Access Key ID. Can be obtained from [here](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#security_credential). * **secret-access-key**: AWS Secret Key. Can be obtained from [here](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#security_credential). * **app-id**: The app ID. * **migrate**: Migrate the database. (Default: false) * **wait-until-deployed**: Wait until the app is deployed and return the deployment status. (Default: false) #### Examples: dpl --provider=opsworks --access-key-id= --secret-access-key= --app-id= --migrate --wait-until-deployed ### Appfog: #### Options: * **email**: Appfog Email. * **password**: Appfog Password. * **app**: Appfog App. Defaults to git repo's name. #### Examples: dpl --provider=appfog --email= --password= dpl --provider=appfog --email= --password= --app= ### Divshot.io: #### Options: * **api-key**: Divshot.io API key * **environment**: Which environment (development, staging, production) to deploy to #### Examples: dpl --provider=divshot --api-key= --environment= ### Cloud Foundry: #### Options: * **username**: Cloud Foundry username. * **password**: Cloud Foundry password. * **organization**: Cloud Foundry target organization. * **api**: Cloud Foundry api URL * **space**: Cloud Foundry target space #### Examples: dpl --provider=cloudfoundry --username= --password= --organization= --api= --space= ### dotCloud: #### Options: * **api_key**: dotCloud api key. * **app**: dotcloud app. * **service**: dotcloud service to run commands on. Defaults to 'www'. #### Examples: dpl --provider=dotcloud --api_key= --app= dpl --provider=dotcloud --api_key= --app= --service= ### Rackspace Cloud Files: #### Options: * **username**: Rackspace Username. * **api-key**: Rackspace API Key. * **region**: Cloud Files Region. The region in which your Cloud Files container exists. * **container**: Container Name. The container where you would like your files to be uploaded. * **dot_match**: When set to `true`, upload files starting a `.`. #### Examples: dpl --provider=cloudfiles --username= --api-key= --region= --container= ### GitHub Releases: #### Options: * **api-key**: GitHub oauth token with `public_repo` or`repo` permission. * **user**: GitHub username. Not necessary if `api-key` is used. * **password**: GitHub Password. Not necessary if `api-key` is used. * **repo**: GitHub Repo. Defaults to git repo's name. * **file**: File to upload to GitHub Release. * **release-number**: Overide automatic release detection, set a release manually. #### GitHub Two Factor Authentication For accounts using two factor authentication, you have to use an oauth token as a username and password will not work. #### Examples: dpl --provider=releases --api-key= --file=build.tar.gz ### Cloud 66 #### Options: * **redeployment_hook**: The redeployment hook URL. Available from the Information menu within the Cloud 66 portal. #### Examples: dpl --provider=cloud66 --redeployment_hook= ### Ninefold #### Options: * **auth_token**: Ninefold deploy auth token * **app_id**: Ninefold deploy app ID #### Examples: dpl --provider=ninefold --auth_token= --app_id= ### Hackage: #### Options: * **username**: Hackage username. * **password**: Hackage password. #### Examples: dpl --provider=hackage --username= --password= ### Deis: #### Options: * **controller**: Deis controller e.g. deis.deisapps.com * **username**: Deis username * **password**: Deis password * **app**: Deis app #### Examples: dpl --provider=deis --controller=deis.deisapps.com --username=travis --password=secret --app=example ### Google Cloud Storage: #### Options: * **access-key-id**: GCS Interoperable Access Key ID. Info about Interoperable Access Key from [here](https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/migrating). * **secret-access-key**: GCS Interoperable Access Secret. * **bucket**: GCS Bucket. * **local-dir**: Local directory to upload from. Can be set from a global perspective (~/travis/build) or relative perspective (build) Defaults to project root. * **dot_match**: When set to `true`, upload files starting a `.`. #### Examples: dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id= --secret-access-key= --bucket= dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id= --secret-access-key= --bucket= --local-dir= BUILD