/** * SORTABLE */ var sortableOptions = { stop: function(event, ui) { ui.item.css('z-index', 0) }, placeholder: "ui-state-highlight", update: function () { if ( $('.popup-warning').length > 0 ) { $('.sortable').addClass('sortable--disabled') $('.popup-warning').removeClass('popup-warning--hidden') $(this).sortable('option','disabled', true) } let url = $(this).data('update-url') let data = $(this).sortable('serialize') // If there is a pagination update accordingly data = data.concat(`&id=${$(this).attr('id')}`) $.post( url, data ) } } export default function() { if ( $('.sortable').length > 0 ) { // Initialize sortable item $('.sortable').sortable( sortableOptions ) // Check if sortable item needs handles $('.sortable').each( function() { if ( $(this).find('.sortable--handle').length > 0 ) { $(this).sortable('option', 'handle', '.sortable--handle') } else { $(this).addClass('sortable--no-handle') } }) $('.sortable--disabled').sortable('disable') } // If there is a sortable toggle button prepare the sortable items accordingly if ( $('.sortable--toggle').length > 0 ) { setupSortableToggle() } // Add event to any sortable toggle button // TODO: make this event available to element which aren't standard form repeaters $(document).on('click', '.standard-form--repeater .sortable--toggle', toggleSortable) } function setupSortableToggle() { $('.sortable--toggle').each(function() { let id = '#' + $( this ).data('repeater-id') $( id ).find('.form-item--collapsable').addClass('form-item--collapsed') $( id ).find('.form-item--repeater-fields').each(close) }) } function close() { this.style.maxHeight = '0px' } function open() { this.style.maxHeight = this.scrollHeight + "px"; } function toggleSortable(event) { event.preventDefault() let id = '#' + $( this ).data('repeater-id') if ( $( id ).hasClass('sortable--disabled') ) { $( id ).sortable('enable') $( id ).find('.form-item--repeater-fields').each(close) $( id ).find('.form-item--collapsable').addClass('form-item--collapsed') } else { $( id ).sortable('disable') } $( id ).toggleClass('sortable--disabled') $( id ).toggleClass('sortable--enabled') $( this ).children('.sortable--toggle-text').toggle() }