function MediumEditor(elements, options) { 'use strict'; return this.init(elements, options); } if (typeof module === 'object') { module.exports = MediumEditor; } (function (window, document) { 'use strict'; function extend(b, a) { var prop; if (b === undefined) { return a; } for (prop in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(prop) && b.hasOwnProperty(prop) === false) { b[prop] = a[prop]; } } return b; } // // by Tim Down function saveSelection() { var i, len, ranges, sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) { ranges = []; for (i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; i += 1) { ranges.push(sel.getRangeAt(i)); } return ranges; } return null; } function restoreSelection(savedSel) { var i, len, sel = window.getSelection(); if (savedSel) { sel.removeAllRanges(); for (i = 0, len = savedSel.length; i < len; i += 1) { sel.addRange(savedSel[i]); } } } // // by You function getSelectionStart() { var node = document.getSelection().anchorNode, startNode = (node && node.nodeType === 3 ? node.parentNode : node); return startNode; } // // by Tim Down function getSelectionHtml() { var i, html = '', sel, len, container; if (window.getSelection !== undefined) { sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.rangeCount) { container = document.createElement('div'); for (i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; i += 1) { container.appendChild(sel.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents()); } html = container.innerHTML; } } else if (document.selection !== undefined) { if (document.selection.type === 'Text') { html = document.selection.createRange().htmlText; } } return html; } MediumEditor.prototype = { defaults: { allowMultiParagraphSelection: true, anchorInputPlaceholder: 'Paste or type a link', buttons: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'anchor', 'header1', 'header2', 'quote'], buttonLabels: false, delay: 0, diffLeft: 0, diffTop: -10, disableReturn: false, disableToolbar: false, firstHeader: 'h3', forcePlainText: true, placeholder: 'Type your text', secondHeader: 'h4', targetBlank: false, anchorPreviewHideDelay: 500 }, // // by rg89 isIE: ((navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') || ((navigator.appName === 'Netscape') && (new RegExp('Trident/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})').exec(navigator.userAgent) !== null))), init: function (elements, options) { this.elements = typeof elements === 'string' ? document.querySelectorAll(elements) : elements; if (this.elements.nodeType === 1) { this.elements = [this.elements]; } if (this.elements.length === 0) { return; } this.isActive = true; this.parentElements = ['p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'pre']; = document.querySelectorAll('.medium-editor-toolbar').length + 1; this.options = extend(options, this.defaults); return this.initElements() .bindSelect() .bindPaste() .setPlaceholders() .bindWindowActions(); }, initElements: function () { var i, addToolbar = false; for (i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 1) { this.elements[i].setAttribute('contentEditable', true); if (!this.elements[i].getAttribute('data-placeholder')) { this.elements[i].setAttribute('data-placeholder', this.options.placeholder); } this.elements[i].setAttribute('data-medium-element', true); this.bindParagraphCreation(i).bindReturn(i).bindTab(i).bindAnchorPreview(i); if (!this.options.disableToolbar && !this.elements[i].getAttribute('data-disable-toolbar')) { addToolbar = true; } } // Init toolbar if (addToolbar) { this.initToolbar() .bindButtons() .bindAnchorForm(); } return this; }, serialize: function () { var i, elementid, content = {}; for (i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 1) { elementid = (this.elements[i].id !== '') ? this.elements[i].id : 'element-' + i; content[elementid] = { value: this.elements[i].innerHTML.trim() }; } return content; }, bindParagraphCreation: function (index) { var self = this; this.elements[index].addEventListener('keyup', function (e) { var node = getSelectionStart(), tagName; if (node && node.getAttribute('data-medium-element') && node.children.length === 0 && !(self.options.disableReturn || node.getAttribute('data-disable-return'))) { document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, 'p'); } if (e.which === 13 && !e.shiftKey) { node = getSelectionStart(); tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (!(self.options.disableReturn || this.getAttribute('data-disable-return')) && tagName !== 'li' && !self.isListItemChild(node)) { document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, 'p'); if (tagName === 'a') { document.execCommand('unlink', false, null); } } } }); return this; }, isListItemChild: function (node) { var parentNode = node.parentNode, tagName = parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase(); while (this.parentElements.indexOf(tagName) === -1 && tagName !== 'div') { if (tagName === 'li') { return true; } parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; if (parentNode && parentNode.tagName) { tagName = parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase(); } else { return false; } } return false; }, bindReturn: function (index) { var self = this; this.elements[index].addEventListener('keypress', function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { if (self.options.disableReturn || this.getAttribute('data-disable-return')) { e.preventDefault(); } } }); return this; }, bindTab: function (index) { this.elements[index].addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { if (e.which === 9) { // Override tab only for pre nodes var tag = getSelectionStart().tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tag === 'pre') { e.preventDefault(); document.execCommand('insertHtml', null, ' '); } } }); return this; }, buttonTemplate: function (btnType) { var buttonLabels = this.getButtonLabels(this.options.buttonLabels), buttonTemplates = { 'bold': '
', 'italic': '', 'underline': '', 'strikethrough': '', 'superscript': '', 'subscript': '', 'anchor': '', 'image': '', 'header1': '', 'header2': '', 'quote': '', 'orderedlist': '', 'unorderedlist': '', 'pre': '', 'indent': '', 'outdent': '' }; return buttonTemplates[btnType] || false; }, // TODO: break method getButtonLabels: function (buttonLabelType) { var customButtonLabels, attrname, buttonLabels = { 'bold': 'B', 'italic' : 'I', 'underline': 'U', 'superscript': 'x1', 'subscript': 'x1', 'anchor': '#', 'image': 'image', 'header1': 'H1', 'header2': 'H2', 'quote': '“', 'orderedlist': '1.', 'unorderedlist': '•', 'pre': '0101', 'indent': '→', 'outdent': '←' }; if (buttonLabelType === 'fontawesome') { customButtonLabels = { 'bold': '', 'italic' : '', 'underline': '', 'superscript': '', 'subscript': '', 'anchor': '', 'image': '', 'quote': '', 'orderedlist': '', 'unorderedlist': '', 'pre': '', 'indent': '', 'outdent': '' }; } else if (typeof buttonLabelType === 'object') { customButtonLabels = buttonLabelType; } if (typeof customButtonLabels === 'object') { for (attrname in customButtonLabels) { if (customButtonLabels.hasOwnProperty(attrname)) { buttonLabels[attrname] = customButtonLabels[attrname]; } } } return buttonLabels; }, //TODO: actionTemplate toolbarTemplate: function () { var btns = this.options.buttons, html = ' ' + ' '; return html; }, initToolbar: function () { if (this.toolbar) { return this; } this.toolbar = this.createToolbar(); this.keepToolbarAlive = false; this.anchorForm = this.toolbar.querySelector('.medium-editor-toolbar-form-anchor'); this.anchorInput = this.anchorForm.querySelector('input'); this.toolbarActions = this.toolbar.querySelector('.medium-editor-toolbar-actions'); this.anchorPreview = this.createAnchorPreview(); return this; }, createToolbar: function () { var toolbar = document.createElement('div'); = 'medium-editor-toolbar-' +; toolbar.className = 'medium-editor-toolbar'; toolbar.innerHTML = this.toolbarTemplate(); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(toolbar); return toolbar; }, bindSelect: function () { var self = this, timer = '', i; this.checkSelectionWrapper = function (e) { // Do not close the toolbar when bluring the editable area and clicking into the anchor form if (e && self.clickingIntoArchorForm(e)) { return false; } clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { self.checkSelection(); }, self.options.delay); }; document.documentElement.addEventListener('mouseup', this.checkSelectionWrapper); for (i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 1) { this.elements[i].addEventListener('keyup', this.checkSelectionWrapper); this.elements[i].addEventListener('blur', this.checkSelectionWrapper); } return this; }, checkSelection: function () { var newSelection, selectionElement; if (this.keepToolbarAlive !== true && !this.options.disableToolbar) { newSelection = window.getSelection(); if (newSelection.toString().trim() === '' || (this.options.allowMultiParagraphSelection === false && this.hasMultiParagraphs())) { this.hideToolbarActions(); } else { selectionElement = this.getSelectionElement(); if (!selectionElement || selectionElement.getAttribute('data-disable-toolbar')) { this.hideToolbarActions(); } else { this.checkSelectionElement(newSelection, selectionElement); } } } return this; }, clickingIntoArchorForm: function(e) { var self = this; if (e.type && e.type.toLowerCase() === 'blur' && e.relatedTarget && e.relatedTarget === self.anchorInput) { return true; } return false; }, hasMultiParagraphs: function () { var selectionHtml = getSelectionHtml().replace(/<[\S]+><\/[\S]+>/gim, ''), hasMultiParagraphs = selectionHtml.match(/<(p|h[0-6]|blockquote)>([\s\S]*?)<\/(p|h[0-6]|blockquote)>/g); return (hasMultiParagraphs ? hasMultiParagraphs.length : 0); }, checkSelectionElement: function (newSelection, selectionElement) { var i; this.selection = newSelection; this.selectionRange = this.selection.getRangeAt(0); for (i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 1) { if (this.elements[i] === selectionElement) { this.setToolbarButtonStates() .setToolbarPosition() .showToolbarActions(); return; } } this.hideToolbarActions(); }, getSelectionElement: function () { var selection = window.getSelection(), range = selection.getRangeAt(0), current = range.commonAncestorContainer, parent = current.parentNode, result, getMediumElement = function(e) { var parent = e; try { while (!parent.getAttribute('data-medium-element')) { parent = parent.parentNode; } } catch (errb) { return false; } return parent; }; // First try on current node try { if (current.getAttribute('data-medium-element')) { result = current; } else { result = getMediumElement(parent); } // If not search in the parent nodes. } catch (err) { result = getMediumElement(parent); } return result; }, setToolbarPosition: function () { var buttonHeight = 50, selection = window.getSelection(), range = selection.getRangeAt(0), boundary = range.getBoundingClientRect(), defaultLeft = (this.options.diffLeft) - (this.toolbar.offsetWidth / 2), middleBoundary = (boundary.left + boundary.right) / 2, halfOffsetWidth = this.toolbar.offsetWidth / 2; if ( < buttonHeight) { this.toolbar.classList.add('medium-toolbar-arrow-over'); this.toolbar.classList.remove('medium-toolbar-arrow-under'); = buttonHeight + boundary.bottom - this.options.diffTop + window.pageYOffset - this.toolbar.offsetHeight + 'px'; } else { this.toolbar.classList.add('medium-toolbar-arrow-under'); this.toolbar.classList.remove('medium-toolbar-arrow-over'); = + this.options.diffTop + window.pageYOffset - this.toolbar.offsetHeight + 'px'; } if (middleBoundary < halfOffsetWidth) { = defaultLeft + halfOffsetWidth + 'px'; } else if ((window.innerWidth - middleBoundary) < halfOffsetWidth) { = window.innerWidth + defaultLeft - halfOffsetWidth + 'px'; } else { = defaultLeft + middleBoundary + 'px'; } this.hideAnchorPreview(); return this; }, setToolbarButtonStates: function () { var buttons = this.toolbarActions.querySelectorAll('button'), i; for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i += 1) { buttons[i].classList.remove('medium-editor-button-active'); } this.checkActiveButtons(); return this; }, checkActiveButtons: function () { var parentNode = this.selection.anchorNode; if (!parentNode.tagName) { parentNode = this.selection.anchorNode.parentNode; } while (parentNode.tagName !== undefined && this.parentElements.indexOf(parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase) === -1) { this.activateButton(parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase()); parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; } }, activateButton: function (tag) { var el = this.toolbar.querySelector('[data-element="' + tag + '"]'); if (el !== null && el.className.indexOf('medium-editor-button-active') === -1) { el.className += ' medium-editor-button-active'; } }, bindButtons: function () { var buttons = this.toolbar.querySelectorAll('button'), i, self = this, triggerAction = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (self.selection === undefined) { self.checkSelection(); } if (this.className.indexOf('medium-editor-button-active') > -1) { this.classList.remove('medium-editor-button-active'); } else { this.className += ' medium-editor-button-active'; } self.execAction(this.getAttribute('data-action'), e); }; for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i += 1) { buttons[i].addEventListener('click', triggerAction); } this.setFirstAndLastItems(buttons); return this; }, setFirstAndLastItems: function (buttons) { buttons[0].className += ' medium-editor-button-first'; buttons[buttons.length - 1].className += ' medium-editor-button-last'; return this; }, execAction: function (action, e) { if (action.indexOf('append-') > -1) { this.execFormatBlock(action.replace('append-', '')); this.setToolbarPosition(); this.setToolbarButtonStates(); } else if (action === 'anchor') { this.triggerAnchorAction(e); } else if (action === 'image') { document.execCommand('insertImage', false, window.getSelection()); } else { document.execCommand(action, false, null); this.setToolbarPosition(); } }, triggerAnchorAction: function () { if (this.selection.anchorNode.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a') { document.execCommand('unlink', false, null); } else { if ( === 'block') { this.showToolbarActions(); } else { this.showAnchorForm(); } } return this; }, execFormatBlock: function (el) { var selectionData = this.getSelectionData(this.selection.anchorNode); // FF handles blockquote differently on formatBlock // allowing nesting, we need to use outdent // if (el === 'blockquote' && selectionData.el && selectionData.el.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'blockquote') { return document.execCommand('outdent', false, null); } if (selectionData.tagName === el) { el = 'p'; } // When IE we need to add <> to heading elements and // blockquote needs to be called as indent // // if (this.isIE) { if (el === 'blockquote') { return document.execCommand('indent', false, el); } el = '<' + el + '>'; } return document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, el); }, getSelectionData: function (el) { var tagName; if (el && el.tagName) { tagName = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); } while (el && this.parentElements.indexOf(tagName) === -1) { el = el.parentNode; if (el && el.tagName) { tagName = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); } } return { el: el, tagName: tagName }; }, getFirstChild: function (el) { var firstChild = el.firstChild; while (firstChild !== null && firstChild.nodeType !== 1) { firstChild = firstChild.nextSibling; } return firstChild; }, hideToolbarActions: function () { this.keepToolbarAlive = false; this.toolbar.classList.remove('medium-editor-toolbar-active'); }, showToolbarActions: function () { var self = this, timer; = 'none'; = 'block'; this.keepToolbarAlive = false; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { if (!self.toolbar.classList.contains('medium-editor-toolbar-active')) { self.toolbar.classList.add('medium-editor-toolbar-active'); } }, 100); }, showAnchorForm: function (link_value) { = 'none'; this.savedSelection = saveSelection(); = 'block'; this.keepToolbarAlive = true; this.anchorInput.focus(); this.anchorInput.value = link_value || ''; }, bindAnchorForm: function () { var linkCancel = this.anchorForm.querySelector('a'), self = this; this.anchorForm.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); this.anchorInput.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { e.preventDefault(); self.createLink(this); } }); this.anchorInput.addEventListener('click', function (e) { // make sure not to hide form when cliking into the input e.stopPropagation(); self.keepToolbarAlive = true; }); this.anchorInput.addEventListener('blur', function () { self.keepToolbarAlive = false; self.checkSelection(); }); linkCancel.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.showToolbarActions(); restoreSelection(self.savedSelection); }); return this; }, hideAnchorPreview: function() { this.anchorPreview.classList.remove('medium-editor-anchor-preview-active'); }, // TODO: break method showAnchorPreview: function (anchor_el) { if (this.anchorPreview.classList.contains('medium-editor-anchor-preview-active')) { return true; } var self = this, buttonHeight = 40, boundary = anchor_el.getBoundingClientRect(), middleBoundary = (boundary.left + boundary.right) / 2, halfOffsetWidth, defaultLeft, timer; self.anchorPreview.querySelector('i').innerHTML = anchor_el.href; halfOffsetWidth = self.anchorPreview.offsetWidth / 2; defaultLeft = self.options.diffLeft - halfOffsetWidth; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { if (!self.anchorPreview.classList.contains('medium-editor-anchor-preview-active')) { self.anchorPreview.classList.add('medium-editor-anchor-preview-active'); } }, 100); self.observeAnchorPreview(anchor_el); self.anchorPreview.classList.add('medium-toolbar-arrow-over'); self.anchorPreview.classList.remove('medium-toolbar-arrow-under'); = Math.round(buttonHeight + boundary.bottom - self.options.diffTop + window.pageYOffset - self.anchorPreview.offsetHeight) + 'px'; if (middleBoundary < halfOffsetWidth) { = defaultLeft + halfOffsetWidth + 'px'; } else if ((window.innerWidth - middleBoundary) < halfOffsetWidth) { = window.innerWidth + defaultLeft - halfOffsetWidth + 'px'; } else { = defaultLeft + middleBoundary + 'px'; } return this; }, // TODO: break method observeAnchorPreview: function(anchorEl) { var self = this, lastOver = (new Date()).getTime(), over = true, stamp = function() { lastOver = (new Date()).getTime(); over = true; }, unstamp = function(e) { if (!e.relatedTarget || !/anchor-preview/.test(e.relatedTarget.className)) { over = false; } }, interval_timer = setInterval(function() { if (over) { return true; } var durr = (new Date()).getTime() - lastOver; if (durr > self.options.anchorPreviewHideDelay) { // hide the preview 1/2 second after mouse leaves the link self.hideAnchorPreview(); // cleanup clearInterval(interval_timer); self.anchorPreview.removeEventListener('mouseover', stamp); self.anchorPreview.removeEventListener('mouseout', unstamp); anchorEl.removeEventListener('mouseover', stamp); anchorEl.removeEventListener('mouseout', unstamp); } }, 200); self.anchorPreview.addEventListener('mouseover', stamp); self.anchorPreview.addEventListener('mouseout', unstamp); anchorEl.addEventListener('mouseover', stamp); anchorEl.addEventListener('mouseout', unstamp); }, createAnchorPreview: function () { var self = this, anchorPreview = document.createElement('div'); = 'medium-editor-anchor-preview-' +; anchorPreview.className = 'medium-editor-anchor-preview'; anchorPreview.innerHTML = this.anchorPreviewTemplate(); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(anchorPreview); anchorPreview.addEventListener('click', function() { self.anchorPreviewClickHandler(); }); return anchorPreview; }, anchorPreviewTemplate: function () { return ' '; }, anchorPreviewClickHandler: function(e) { if (this.activeAnchor) { var self = this, range = document.createRange(), sel = window.getSelection(); range.selectNodeContents(self.activeAnchor); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); setTimeout(function() { self.showAnchorForm(self.activeAnchor.href); self.keepToolbarAlive = false; }, 100 + self.options.delay); } this.hideAnchorPreview(); }, editorAnchorObserver: function(e) { var self = this, overAnchor = true, leaveAnchor = function() { // mark the anchor as no longer hovered, and stop listening overAnchor = false; self.activeAnchor.removeEventListener('mouseout', leaveAnchor); }; if ( && === 'a') { // only show when hovering on anchors if (this.toolbar.classList.contains('medium-editor-toolbar-active')) { // only show when toolbar is not present return true; } this.activeAnchor =; this.activeAnchor.addEventListener('mouseout', leaveAnchor); // show the anchor preview according to the configured delay // if the mouse has not left the anchor tag in that time setTimeout(function() { if (overAnchor) { self.showAnchorPreview(; } }, self.options.delay); } }, bindAnchorPreview: function (index) { var self = this; this.elements[index].addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) { self.editorAnchorObserver(e); }); return this; }, setTargetBlank: function () { var el = getSelectionStart(), i; if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a') { = '_blank'; } else { el = el.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < el.length; i += 1) { el[i].target = '_blank'; } } }, createLink: function (input) { restoreSelection(this.savedSelection); document.execCommand('createLink', false, input.value); if (this.options.targetBlank) { this.setTargetBlank(); } this.showToolbarActions(); input.value = ''; }, bindWindowActions: function () { var timerResize, self = this; this.windowResizeHandler = function () { clearTimeout(timerResize); timerResize = setTimeout(function () { if (self.toolbar && self.toolbar.classList.contains('medium-editor-toolbar-active')) { self.setToolbarPosition(); } }, 100); }; window.addEventListener('resize', this.windowResizeHandler); return this; }, activate: function () { var i; if (this.isActive) { return; } if (this.toolbar !== undefined) { = 'block'; } this.isActive = true; for (i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 1) { this.elements[i].setAttribute('contentEditable', true); } this.bindWindowActions() .bindSelect(); }, deactivate: function () { var i; if (!this.isActive) { return; } this.isActive = false; if (this.toolbar !== undefined) { = 'none'; } document.documentElement.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.checkSelectionWrapper); window.removeEventListener('resize', this.windowResizeHandler); for (i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 1) { this.elements[i].removeEventListener('keyup', this.checkSelectionWrapper); this.elements[i].removeEventListener('blur', this.checkSelectionWrapper); this.elements[i].removeEventListener('paste', this.pasteWrapper); this.elements[i].removeAttribute('contentEditable'); } }, bindPaste: function () { var i, self = this; this.pasteWrapper = function (e) { var paragraphs, html = '', p; this.classList.remove('medium-editor-placeholder'); if (!self.options.forcePlainText) { return this; } if (e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.getData && !e.defaultPrevented) { e.preventDefault(); if (!self.options.disableReturn) { paragraphs = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain').split(/[\r\n]/g); for (p = 0; p < paragraphs.length; p += 1) { if (paragraphs[p] !== '') { html += '' + paragraphs[p] + '
'; } } document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, html); } else { document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain')); } } }; for (i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 1) { this.elements[i].addEventListener('paste', this.pasteWrapper); } return this; }, setPlaceholders: function () { var i, activatePlaceholder = function (el) { if (el.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') === '') { el.classList.add('medium-editor-placeholder'); } }, placeholderWrapper = function (e) { this.classList.remove('medium-editor-placeholder'); if (e.type !== 'keypress') { activatePlaceholder(this); } }; for (i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 1) { activatePlaceholder(this.elements[i]); this.elements[i].addEventListener('blur', placeholderWrapper); this.elements[i].addEventListener('keypress', placeholderWrapper); } return this; } }; }(window, document));