Sucker ====== Sucker is a Nokogiri-based Ruby wrapper to the [Amazon Product Advertising API]( ![Hoover]( Caption: Workers queuing to download data from Amazon. Usage ----- Read the [Amazon API]( Check out [these examples]( if in a hurry. Set up. request = :locale => :us, :key => amazon_key, :secret => amazon_secret) Build a request. request << { 'Operation' => 'ItemLookup', 'IdType' => 'ASIN', 'ItemId' => 10.asins, 'ResponseGroup' => 'ItemAttributes' } Get a response. response = request.get Fulfill a business value. if response.valid? response.each('Item') do |item| consume(item) end end Repeat ad infinitum. The following are all valid ways to query a response: items = response.find('Item') items = response['Item'] items ='Item') { |item| ... } response.each('Item') { |item| ... } To dig further into the response object: p response.valid?, response.body, response.code, response.errors, response.has_errors?, response.to_hash, response.xml To use multiple local IPs on your server, configure the request adapter: adapter = request.adapter = '' [Browse the public interface of Sucker.]( Stubbing Tests -------------- Try [VCR]( Moral of the story ------------------ Don't overabstract a spaghetti API.