# encoding: utf-8 module Fidgit # Adds simple event handling methods to an object (subscribe/publish pattern). # # @example # class JumpingBean # include Event # event :jump # end # # bean = JumpingBean.new # bean.subscribe :jump do # puts "Whee!" # end # # bean.subscribe :jump do |object, direction, distance| # puts "#{object.class.name} jumped #{distance} metres #{direction}" # end # # bean.publish :jump, :up, 4 # # Whee! # # JumpingBean jumped 4 metres up # module Event # @overload subscribe(event, method) # Add an event handler for an event, using a method. # @return [nil] # # @overload subscribe(event, &block) # Add an event handler for an event, using a block. # @return [nil] def subscribe(event, method = nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, "Expected method or block for event handler" unless !block.nil? ^ !method.nil? raise ArgumentError, "#{self.class} does not handle #{event.inspect}" unless events.include? event @_event_handlers = Hash.new() { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } unless @_event_handlers @_event_handlers[event].push(method ? method : block) nil end # Publish an event to all previously added handlers in the order they were added. # It will automatically call the publishing object with the method named after the event if it is defined # (this will be done before the manually added handlers are called). # # If any handler returns :handled, then no further handlers will be called. # # @param [Symbol] event Name of the event to publish. # @param [Array] args Arguments to pass to the event handlers. # @return [Symbol, nil] :handled if any handler handled the event or nil if none did. def publish(event, *args) raise ArgumentError, "#{self.class} does not handle #{event.inspect}" unless events.include? event # Do nothing if the object is disabled. return if respond_to?(:enabled?) and not enabled? if respond_to? event return :handled if send(event, self, *args) == :handled end if @_event_handlers @_event_handlers[event].reverse_each do |handler| return :handled if handler.call(self, *args) == :handled end end nil end # The list of events that this object can publish/subscribe. def events self.class.events end # Add singleton methods to the class that includes Event. def self.included(base) class << base def events unless @events # Copy the events already set up for your parent. @events = if superclass.respond_to? :events superclass.events.dup else [] end end @events end def event(event) events.push event.to_sym unless events.include? event event end end end end end