# @todo #/DEV Define automatic integration between rultor and Circle CI. # Right not its not clear how to automatically accept the merge requests into master. # Without this integration the release history won't be clear. version: 2 jobs: test: docker: - image: ruby:2.6.5-alpine steps: - checkout - run: | apk add libc-dev gcc make git sqlite sqlite-dev sqlite-libs bundler install - run: bundle exec rake test rubocop sqlint xcop deploy: machine: true steps: - checkout - run: name: "Build LL image" command: | set -e COMMIT_URL="https://github.com/dgroup/lazylead/commit/${CIRCLE_SHA1}" docker build --build-arg release_tags="${CIRCLE_SHA1}, ${CIRCLE_BRANCH}, ${COMMIT_URL}" --build-arg version="${DOCKER_RELEASE_TAGS:7}" \ -t dgroup/lazylead:$CIRCLE_BRANCH . \ -f .docker/Dockerfile echo "Available LL images:" docker images | grep lazylead docker run --rm dgroup/lazylead:${CIRCLE_BRANCH} bin/lazylead --verbose > trace.log cat trace.log expected="No tasks found" echo "Ensure that app prints the line '${expected}'." grep --color "${expected}" trace.log - run: name: "Push LL image" command: | chmod +x .circleci/release_image.sh .circleci/release_image.sh - run: name: "Build & push LL VCS image" command: | sed -i "s/0\.0\.0/${DOCKER_RELEASE_TAGS}/g" .docker/vcs.dockerfile docker build -t dgroup/lazylead:${DOCKER_RELEASE_TAGS}-vcs . -f .docker/vcs.dockerfile docker push dgroup/lazylead:${DOCKER_RELEASE_TAGS}-vcs - run: name: "Reset tag to master" command: | curl -s -X POST -u ${CI_TOKEN}:"" --url "https://circleci.com/api/v2/project/gh/dgroup/lazylead/envvar" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -d "{ \"name\": \"DOCKER_RELEASE_TAGS\", \"value\": \"master\" }" workflows: version: 2 build_and_test: jobs: - test - deploy: filters: branches: only: - master requires: - test