require 'open3' require 'thor' require 'cknife/config' class CKnifePg < Thor no_tasks do def config @config ||= CKnife::Config end def conf @conf ||= { :host => config[''] || "localhost", :port => config['pg.port'] || 5432, :database => config['pg.database'], :username => config['pg.username'], :password => config['pg.password'] } end def connection_options "-h #{conf[:host]} -p #{conf[:port]} -U #{conf[:username]} --no-password" end # Leaves out options to simplify output. def psql_easy "psql #{connection_options} -d #{conf[:database]}" end def psql_invocation "#{psql_easy} --no-align --tuples-only" end def pg_pass_file @pg_pass_file = ".pgpass" end # dump command? def dc(cmd) puts "PGPASSFILE=#{pg_pass_file} #{cmd}" end def pg_pass_file_execute(cmd, input = nil) return if !@session_ok dc(cmd) if options[:verbose] stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread = Open3.popen3({'PGPASSFILE' => pg_pass_file}, cmd) if input puts input if options[:verbose] stdin.write input stdin.close end output = output += $stdout.write output if options[:verbose] stdout.close stderr.close result = wait_thread.value.to_i if result != 0 @session_ok = false msg = "An error occurred." msg += " If the --verbose flag is available for this command, you may try turning it on." if !options[:verbose] say(msg, :red) end # I'm not sure why I use the block to this method. 2018-10-09 yield if block_given? output end def pg_str "#{conf[:host]}:#{conf[:port]}:*:#{conf[:username]}:#{conf[:password]}" end def write_pg_pass_file # pgpass format, "w", 0600) { |f| f.write pg_str } pg_pass_file end def with_pg_pass_file if @session_live return yield end @session_live = true @session_ok = true existing_pgpass = false if File.file?(pg_pass_file) existing_pgpass = true s = if s != pg_str say("A .pgpass file is present, but it does not match your database configuration. The contents of the .pgpass file must exactly match what this tool would generate. Please reconcile the .pgpass file with your configuration, and then try again. You can also delete the .pgpass file since this tool generates one in order to do its job (and removes it after finishing).", :red) return end end write_pg_pass_file result = nil begin result = yield # don't know what we're planning to do with the result here... ensure if !existing_pgpass FileUtils.rm(pg_pass_file) if File.file?(pg_pass_file) say("Failed to remove .pgpass file. Please remove it for your infrastructure's security.") end else say("Left existing .pgpass file on disk.", :yellow) end end @session_live = false result end # Created to check for 9.2 system schema changes. # Returns [9, 5, 12] for "9.5.12" # def pg_version return @version if @version output, stderr = Open3.capture2("psql --version") output =~"([0-9]+).([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+))") v1, v2, v3 = $1, $2, $4 @version = [v1.to_i, v2.to_i, v3.to_i] end def pid_col_name (pg_version[0] >= 9 and pg_version[1] >= 2) ? "pid" : "procpid" end end desc "capture", "Capture a dump of the database to db(current timestamp).dump." method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." def capture file_name = "db" +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + ".dump" with_pg_pass_file do pg_pass_file_execute("pg_dump -Fc --no-owner #{connection_options} -f #{file_name} #{conf[:database]}") do say("Captured #{file_name}.") end end end desc "sessions", "List active sessions connected to this database. Also see the --kill option." method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." method_option :kill, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Kill all active sessions found. You must have sufficient privileges or correct process ownership for this to work." def sessions with_pg_pass_file do if !options[:kill] my_pid = pg_pass_file_execute(psql_invocation, "select pg_backend_pid();").split.first ids_output = pg_pass_file_execute(psql_invocation, "SELECT #{pid_col_name}, application_name FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '#{conf[:database]}' AND #{pid_col_name} != #{my_pid};") return if ids_output.nil? table = { |line| line.split("|") } print_table([["PID", "Application Name"]] + table, :indent => 2) say("To kill all active sessions connected to this database, you can use the --kill option with this command.") else sql = "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_stat_activity.#{pid_col_name}) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = '#{conf[:database]}' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();" with_pg_pass_file do pg_pass_file_execute(psql_invocation, sql) do say("Terminated all sessions.") if @session_ok end end end end end desc "restore [FILENAME]?", "Restore a file. If no filename is provided, searches for db*.dump files in the $CWD. It will pick the one with the most recent mtime." method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." def restore(filename=nil) to_restore = filename if filename if to_restore.nil? files = Dir["db*.dump"] with_mtime = { |f| [f, File.mtime(f)] } with_mtime.sort! { |a,b| a.last <=> b.last } files = to_restore = files.last end if to_restore.nil? say("No backups file to restore. No file given on the command line, and no files could be found in the $CWD.", :red) return else if !yes?("Restore #{to_restore}?", :green) return end end with_pg_pass_file do output = pg_pass_file_execute("dropdb #{connection_options} #{conf[:database]}") if !@session_ok if output.split("\n").any? { |s| s =~ /There are [0-9]+ other session\(s\) using the database./ } say say("Other sessions are blocking the database from being dropped.") say("You may want to terminate these sessions and try again. See the 'sessions' command.") end else say("Doing restore...") pg_pass_file_execute("createdb -T template0 #{connection_options} #{conf[:database]}") pg_pass_file_execute("pg_restore -n public --no-privileges --no-owner #{connection_options} -d #{conf[:database]} #{to_restore}") do say("Restored #{to_restore}") end end end end desc "schema [TABLE]?", "Dump the schema for all tables, or one table you specify." method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." def schema(table=nil) table_string = table.nil? ? "" : "--table=#{table.strip}" with_pg_pass_file do output = pg_pass_file_execute("pg_dump #{connection_options} --no-owner --clean --if-exists --schema-only #{table_string} #{conf[:database]}") # This command is so verbose that we only print the output if # we didn't already do so in verbose mode. puts output if !options[:verbose] end end desc "tables", "List all tables." method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." def tables(table=nil) sql = "SELECT table_schema || '.' || table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema');" with_pg_pass_file do output = pg_pass_file_execute(psql_invocation, sql) say ("removing public. prefixes.") if options[:verbose] tables = do |ts| ts =~ /^public\.(.*)$/ $1 end print_in_columns(tables) end end desc "fexec [FILE]", "Execute a SQL script from a file on disk." method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." def fexec(file) if !File.file?(file) say("'#{file}' does not exist.") return end with_pg_pass_file do pg_pass_file_execute("#{psql_invocation} -f #{file}") do say("Ran #{file} SQL script.") end end end desc "createdb", "Create a database having the name specified in your configuration. Assumes you have privileges to do this." method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." def createdb with_pg_pass_file do pg_pass_file_execute("createdb #{connection_options} #{conf[:database]}") do say("Created #{conf[:database]} database.") if @session_ok end end end desc "dropdb", "Drop the database specified in your configuration." method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." def dropdb with_pg_pass_file do pg_pass_file_execute("dropdb #{connection_options} #{conf[:database]};") do say("Dropped #{conf[:database]} database.") if @session_ok end end end desc "perms", "List all users (roles) for the database, and their attributes (which approximate privileges)." method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." def perms with_pg_pass_file do output = pg_pass_file_execute("#{psql_easy}", "\\du") puts output if !options[:verbose] end end desc "passfile", "Write a .pgpass file in $CWD. Useful for starting a psql session on your own." def passfile connect_msg = "Connect command: PGPASSFILE=.pgpass #{psql_easy}" if File.file?(pg_pass_file) say("A .pgpass file is already present.") say(connect_msg) return end write_pg_pass_file say("Wrote #{pg_pass_file} to $CWD.") say(connect_msg) say("Remember to delete the .pgpass file when you are finished.") end desc "dpassfile", "Delete the .pgpass file in $CWD, assuming it exactly matches what would be generated by this tool." def dpassfile if !File.file?(pg_pass_file) say("No .pgpass file to delete.") return end s = if s == pg_str File.unlink(pg_pass_file) say("Deleted .pgpass file.") else say("The .pgpass file's contents do not match what this tool would have generated. Assuming you are trying to delete a .pgpass file that this tool did not generate, please inspect the file to ensure it contains what you expect, and then delete it yourself.", :red) end end desc "psql", "Launches a psql session. Requires that you prepare a .pgpass file, unless you use --passfile. You can create a .pgpass file with the passfile command." method_option :passfile, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Write .pgpass file if it doesn't exist." method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." def psql if !File.file?(pg_pass_file) if !options[:passfile] say("You must prepare a .pgpass file for this command, or use --passfile to have this tool create it for you. Alternatively, you can create a .pgpass file with the passfile command and delete it later with the dpassfile command.") return end write_pg_pass_file end dc(psql_easy) if options[:verbose] exec({'PGPASSFILE' => pg_pass_file}, psql_easy) end end