# frozen_string_literal: true require "uri" module Commonmeta module Readers module JsonFeedReader def get_json_feed_item(id: nil, **options) return { "string" => nil, "state" => "not_found" } unless id.present? url = normalize_id(id) response = HTTP.get(url) return { "string" => nil, "state" => "not_found" } unless response.status.success? { "string" => response.body.to_s } end def read_json_feed_item(string: nil, **options) read_options = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(options.except(:doi, :id, :url, :sandbox, :validate, :ra)) meta = string.present? ? JSON.parse(string) : {} url = normalize_url(meta.fetch("url", nil)) id = options[:doi] ? normalize_doi(options[:doi]) : normalize_id(meta.fetch("id", nil)) id = url if id.blank? && url.present? type = "Article" creators = if meta.fetch("authors", nil).present? get_authors(from_json_feed(Array.wrap(meta.fetch("authors")))) else [{ "type" => "Organization", "name" => ":(unav)" }] end titles = [{ "title" => meta.fetch("title", nil) }] publisher = { "name" => meta.dig("blog", "title") } date = {} date["published"] = get_iso8601_date(meta.dig("date_published")) if meta.dig("date_published").present? date["updated"] = get_iso8601_date(meta.dig("date_modified")) if meta.dig("date_modified").present? license = if meta.dig("blog", "license").present? hsh_to_spdx("rightsURI" => meta.dig("blog", "license")) end home_page_url = normalize_url(meta.dig("blog", "home_page_url")) container = if meta.dig("blog", "title").present? { "type" => "Periodical", "title" => meta.dig("blog", "title"), "identifier" => home_page_url, "identifierType" => "URL" } end descriptions = if meta.fetch("summary", nil).present? [{ "description" => sanitize(meta.fetch("summary", nil)), "descriptionType" => "Abstract" }] else [] end language = meta.fetch("language", nil) || meta.dig("blog", "language") state = id.present? || read_options.present? ? "findable" : "not_found" subjects = Array.wrap(meta.dig("blog", "category")).reduce([]) do |sum, subject| sum += name_to_fos(subject) sum end references = get_references(meta) alternate_identifiers = [{ "alternateIdentifier" => meta["uuid"], "alternateIdentifierType" => "UUID" }] { "id" => id, "type" => type, "url" => url, "titles" => titles, "creators" => creators, "publisher" => publisher, "container" => container, "date" => date, "language" => language, "descriptions" => descriptions, "license" => license, "subjects" => subjects.presence, "references" => references.presence, "alternate_identifiers" => alternate_identifiers, "state" => state }.compact.merge(read_options) end def get_references(meta) # check that references resolve Array.wrap(meta["references"]).reduce([]) do |sum, reference| begin if reference["doi"] && validate_doi(reference["doi"]) response = HTTP.follow .headers(:accept => "application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json") .get(reference["doi"]) csl = JSON.parse(response.body.to_s) sum << reference.merge("title" => csl['title'], "publicationYear" => csl.dig("issued", "date-parts", 0, 0).to_s) if [200, 301, 302].include? response.status elsif reference["url"] && validate_url(reference["url"]) == "URL" sum << reference if [200, 301, 302].include? HTTP.head(reference["url"]).status end rescue => error # puts "Error: #{error.message}" # puts "Error: #{reference}" end sum end end def get_json_feed_unregistered # get JSON Feed items not registered as DOIs url = json_feed_unregistered_url response = HTTP.get(url) return { "string" => nil, "state" => "not_found" } unless response.status.success? posts = JSON.parse(response.body.to_s) posts.map { |post| post["uuid"] }.first end def get_json_feed_not_indexed # get JSON Feed items not indexed in Crossref since they have been last updated url = json_feed_not_indexed_url response = HTTP.get(url) return { "string" => nil, "state" => "not_found" } unless response.status.success? posts = JSON.parse(response.body.to_s) posts.map { |post| post["uuid"] }.first end def get_json_feed_by_blog(blog_id) # get all JSON Feed items from a particular blog url = json_feed_by_blog_url(blog_id) response = HTTP.get(url) return { "string" => nil, "state" => "not_found" } unless response.status.success? blog = JSON.parse(response.body.to_s) blog["items"].map { |item| item["uuid"] }.first end def get_doi_prefix_by_blog_id(blog_id) # for generating a random DOI. url = json_feed_by_blog_url(blog_id) response = HTTP.get(url) return nil unless response.status.success? post = JSON.parse(response.body.to_s) post.to_h.dig("prefix") end def get_doi_prefix_by_json_feed_item_uuid(uuid) # for generating a random DOI. Prefix is based on the blog id. url = json_feed_item_by_uuid_url(uuid) response = HTTP.get(url) return nil unless response.status.success? post = JSON.parse(response.body.to_s) post.to_h.dig("blog", "prefix") end end end end