# ACE API ## Overview ACE provides 2 APIs to enable the execution of Tasks and Catalog compilation for a remote target. ## API Endpoints Each API endpoint accepts a request as described below. The request body must be a JSON object. ### POST /run_task - `target`: [RSAPI Transport Object](#rsapi-transport-object), *required* - Target information to run task on. - `task`: [Task Object](#task-object), *required* - Task to run on target. - `parameters`: Object, *optional* - JSON formatted parameters to be provided to task. For example, the following runs the 'commit' task on `fw.example.net`: ``` { "target":{ "remote-transport":"panos", "host":"fw.example.net", "user":"foo", "password":"wibble" }, "task":{ "metadata":{}, "name":"panos::commit", "files":[ { "filename":"commit.rb", "sha256":"c5abefbdecee006bd65ef6f625e73f0ebdd1ef3f1b8802f22a1b9644a516ce40", "size_bytes":640, "uri":{ "path":"/puppet/v3/file_content/tasks/panos/commit.rb", "params":{ "environment":"production" } } } ] }, "parameters":{ "message":"Hello world" } } ``` #### Response If the task runs the response will have status 200. The response will be a standard bolt Result JSON object. ### POST /execute_catalog - `target`: [RSAPI Transport Object](#rsapi-transport-object), *required* - Target information to execute the catalog on. - `compiler`: [Compiler Request Object](#compiler-request-object), *required* - Details on the requested compile. For example, the following will compile and execute a catalog on fw.example.net: ``` { "target":{ "remote-transport":"panos", "host":"fw.example.net", "user":"foo", "password":"wibble" }, "compiler":{ "certname":"fw.example.net", "environment":"development", "transaction_uuid":"", "job_id":"" } } ``` For pre-Transport devices (like F5), a uri can be sent: ``` { "target":{ "remote-transport":"f5", "uri":"https://foo:wibble@f5.example.net/" }, "compiler":{ "certname":"f5.example.net", "environment":"development", "transaction_uuid":"", "job_id":"" } } ``` #### Response TBD based on orchestrator's needs for feedback. ## Data Object Definitions ### RSAPI Transport Object The `target` is a JSON object which reflects the schema of the `remote-transport`. e.g. If `remote-transport` is `panos`, the object should validate against the panos transport schema. Read more about [Transports](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-resource_api#remote-resources) in the Resource API README. The `target` will contain both connection info and bolt's keywords for connection management. ### Compiler Request Object The `compiler` is a JSON object which contains parameters regarding the compilation of the catalog for this request. It contains four attributes that have the same definition as the attributes of the same name in the [puppet server catalog API](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetserver/blob/master/documentation/puppet-api/v4/catalog.markdown): * `certname` * `environment` * `transaction_uuid` * `job_id` ### Task Object This is a copy of [bolt's task object](https://github.com/puppetlabs/bolt/blob/master/developer-docs/bolt-api-servers.md#task-object) ## Running ACE See the [docker](docker.md) docs on how to run ACE for development.