require "spec_helper" describe "An AMQP consumer" do let(:connection) { HotBunnies.connect } let(:channel) { connection.create_channel } after :each do channel.close connection.close end it "can access message metadata (both message properties and delivery information)" do latch = queue = channel.queue("", :auto_delete => true) exchange ="amq.fanout", :type => :fanout) queue.bind(exchange, :routing_key => "hotbunnies.key") @now = @payload = "Hello, world!" @meta = nil consumer = queue.subscribe(:blocking => false) do |metadata, payload| begin # we will run assertions on the main thread because RSpec uses exceptions # for its purposes every once in a while. MK. @meta = metadata rescue Exception => e e.print_stack_trace ensure latch.count_down end end exchange.publish(@payload, :properties => { :app_id => "hotbunnies.tests", :priority => 8, :type => "kinda.checkin", # headers table keys can be anything :headers => { "coordinates" => { "latitude" => 59.35, "longitude" => 18.066667 }, "time" => @now, "participants" => 11, "venue" => "Stockholm", "true_field" => true, "false_field" => false, "nil_field" => nil, "ary_field" => ["one", 2.0, 3, [{ "abc" => 123 }]] }, :timestamp => @now, :reply_to => "a.sender", :correlation_id => "r-1", :message_id => "m-1", :content_type => "application/octet-stream", # just an example. MK. :content_encoding => "zip/zap" }, :routing_key => "hotbunnies.key") latch.await @meta.routing_key.should == "hotbunnies.key" @meta.content_type.should == "application/octet-stream" @meta.content_encoding.should == "zip/zap" @meta.priority.should == 8 time =["time"].getTime/1000) time.to_i.should == @now.to_i @meta.headers["coordinates"]["latitude"].should == 59.35 @meta.headers["participants"].should == 11 @meta.headers["true_field"].should == true @meta.headers["false_field"].should == false @meta.headers["nil_field"].should be_nil @meta.timestamp.should == @meta.type.should == "kinda.checkin" @meta.consumer_tag.should_not be_nil @meta.consumer_tag.should_not be_empty @meta.delivery_tag.should == 1 @meta.reply_to.should == "a.sender" @meta.correlation_id.should == "r-1" @meta.message_id.should == "m-1" @meta.should_not be_redelivered @meta.app_id.should == "hotbunnies.tests" == "amq.fanout" consumer.shut_down! end end