require "nokogiri" require "svg_optimizer" require "bridgetown-core/liquid_extensions" PLUGINS_BLOCKLIST = [ SvgOptimizer::Plugins::CleanupId ] PLUGINS = SvgOptimizer::DEFAULT_PLUGINS.delete_if { |plugin| PLUGINS_BLOCKLIST.include? plugin } module BridgetownInlineSvg class SvgTag < Liquid::Tag # import lookup_variable function # include Bridgetown::LiquidExtensions # For interpoaltion, look for liquid variables VARIABLE = /\{\{\s*([\w.\-]+)\s*\}\}/i # Separate file path from other attributes PATH_SYNTAX = %r{ ^(?[^\s"']+|"[^"]+"|'[^']+') (?.*) }x # parse the first parameter in a string, giving : # [full_match, param_name, double_quoted_val, single_quoted_val, unquoted_val] # The Regex works like : # - first group # - match a group of characters that is alphanumeric, _ or -. # - second group (non-capturing OR) # - match a double-quoted string # - match a single-quoted string # - match an unquoted string matching the set : [\w\.\-#] PARAM_SYNTAX = %r{ ([\w-]+)\s*=\s* (?:"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"|'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'|([\w.\-#]+)) }x def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens) super @svg, @params = BridgetownInlineSvg::SvgTag.parse_params(markup) end # lookup Liquid variables from markup in context def interpolate(markup, context) markup.scan VARIABLE do |variable| markup = markup.sub(VARIABLE, lookup_variable(context, variable.first)) end markup end def split_params(markup, context) params = {} while (match = PARAM_SYNTAX.match(markup)) markup = markup[match.end(0)..-1] value = if match[2] interpolate(match[2].gsub(%r{\\"}, '"'), context) elsif match[3] interpolate(match[3].gsub(%r{\\'}, "'"), context) elsif match[4] lookup_variable(context, match[4]) end params[match[1]] = value end params end # Parse parameters. Returns : [svg_path, parameters] # Does not interpret variables as it's done at render time def self.parse_params(markup) matched = markup.strip.match(PATH_SYNTAX) unless matched raise SyntaxError, <<~END Syntax Error in tag 'highlight' while parsing the following markup: #{markup} Valid syntax: svg [property=value] END end path = matched["path"].sub(%r{^["']}, "").sub(%r{["']$}, "").strip params = matched["params"].strip [path, params] end def fmt(params) r = { |v| v[1] != "" }.map { |v| %(#{v[0]}="#{v[1]}") } r.join(" ") end def create_plugin(params) mod = { def self.set(p) @@params = p end def process @@params.each { |key, val| xml.root.set_attribute(key, val) } xml end } mod.set(params) mod end def add_file_to_dependency(site, path, context) if context.registers[:page]&.key?("path") site.regenerator.add_dependency( site.in_source_dir(context.registers[:page]["path"]), path ) end end def render(context) # global site variable site = context.registers[:site] # check if given name is a variable. Otherwise use it as a file name svg_file = Bridgetown.sanitized_path(site.source, interpolate(@svg, context)) return unless svg_file add_file_to_dependency(site, svg_file, context) # replace variables with their current value params = split_params(@params, context) # because ie11 require to have a height AND a width if params.key?("width") && !params.key?("height") params["height"] = params["width"] end # params = @params file =, "rb").read conf = lookup_variable(context, "site.svg") if conf["optimize"] == true xml = SvgOptimizer.optimize(file, [create_plugin(params)] + PLUGINS) else xml = Nokogiri::XML(file) params.each { |key, val| xml.root.set_attribute(key, val) } xml = xml.root.to_xml end xml end end end