class PaperTrailManager module ChangesHelper # Return HTML representing the +object+, which is either its text or a stylized "nil". def text_or_nil(object) if object.nil? return content_tag("em", "nil") else return h(object) end end # Return an hash of changes for the given +Version+ record. The resulting # data structure is a hash whose keys are the names of changed columns and # values containing a hash with current and previous value. E.g.,: # # { # "my_column_name" => { # :previous => "past value", # :current => "current_value", # }, # "title" => { # :previous => "puppies", # :current => "kittens", # }, # ... # } def changes_for(version) changes = {} current = # FIXME #reify randomly throws "ArgumentError Exception: syntax error on line 13, col 30:" -- why? previous = version.reify rescue nil record = \ begin version.item_type.constantize.find(version.item_id) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound previous || current end # Bail out if no changes are available return changes unless record case version.event when "create", "update" current ||= record when "destroy" previous ||= record else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown event: #{version.event}" end (current or previous).attribute_names.each do |name| next if name == "updated_at" next if name == "created_at" current_value = current.read_attribute(name) if current previous_value = previous.read_attribute(name) if previous unless current_value == previous_value || (version.event == "create" && current_value.blank?) changes[name] = { :previous => previous_value, :current => current_value, } end end return changes end # Returns string title for the versioned record. def change_title_for(version) current = previous = version.reify rescue nil record = version.item_type.constantize.find(version.item_id) rescue nil name = nil [:name, :title, :to_s].each do |name_method| [previous, current, record].each do |obj| name = obj.send(name_method) if obj.respond_to?(name_method) break if name end break if name end return h(name) end # Returns sorted array of types of items that there are changes for. def change_item_types return ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values('SELECT DISTINCT(item_type) FROM versions ORDER BY item_type') end # Returns HTML link for the item stored in the version, e.g. a link to a Company record stored in the version. def change_item_link(version) if url = change_item_url(version) return link_to(change_title_for(version), url, :class => 'change_item') else return content_tag(:span, change_title_for(version), :class => 'change_item') end end end end