require 'aws/s3' require 'mime/types' require 'fileutils' module Capistrano module S3 module Publisher LAST_PUBLISHED_FILE = '.last_published' def self.publish!(s3_endpoint, key, secret, bucket, source, only_gzip, extra_options) s3 = self.establish_s3_client_connection!(s3_endpoint, key, secret) self.files(source).each do |file| if ! next if self.published?(file) next if only_gzip && self.has_gzipped_version?(file) path = self.base_file_path(source, file) path.gsub!(/^\//, "") # Remove preceding slash for S3 self.put_object(s3, bucket, path, file, only_gzip, extra_options) end end FileUtils.touch(LAST_PUBLISHED_FILE) end def self.clear!(s3_endpoint, key, secret, bucket) s3 = self.establish_s3_connection!(s3_endpoint, key, secret) s3.buckets[bucket].clear! FileUtils.rm(LAST_PUBLISHED_FILE) end private # Establishes the connection to Amazon S3 def self.establish_connection!(klass, s3_endpoint, key, secret) # Send logging to STDOUT AWS.config(:logger => :s3_endpoint => s3_endpoint, :access_key_id => key, :secret_access_key => secret ) end def self.establish_s3_client_connection!(s3_endpoint, key, secret) self.establish_connection!(AWS::S3::Client, s3_endpoint, key, secret) end def self.establish_s3_connection!(s3_endpoint, key, secret) self.establish_connection!(AWS::S3, s3_endpoint, key, secret) end def self.base_file_path(root, file) file.gsub(root, "") end def self.files(deployment_path) Dir.glob("#{deployment_path}/**/*") end def self.published?(file) return false unless File.exists? LAST_PUBLISHED_FILE File.mtime(file) < File.mtime(LAST_PUBLISHED_FILE) end def self.put_object(s3, bucket, path, file, only_gzip, extra_options) base_name = File.basename(file) mime_type = mime_type_for_file(base_name) options = { :bucket_name => bucket, :key => path, :data => open(file), :acl => :public_read, } options.merge!(build_redirect_hash(path, extra_options[:redirect])) options.merge!(extra_options[:write] || {}) if mime_type options.merge!(build_content_type_hash(mime_type)) if mime_type.sub_type == "gzip" options.merge!(build_gzip_content_encoding_hash) options.merge!(build_gzip_content_type_hash(file, mime_type)) # upload as original file name options.merge!(key: self.orig_name(path)) if only_gzip end end s3.put_object(options) end def self.build_redirect_hash(path, redirect_options) return {} unless redirect_options && redirect_options[path] { :website_redirect_location => redirect_options[path] } end def self.build_content_type_hash(mime_type) { :content_type => mime_type.content_type } end def self.build_gzip_content_encoding_hash { :content_encoding => "gzip" } end def self.has_gzipped_version?(file) File.exist?(self.gzip_name(file)) end def self.build_gzip_content_type_hash(file, mime_type) orig_name = self.orig_name(file) orig_mime = mime_type_for_file(orig_name) return {} unless orig_mime && File.exist?(orig_name) { :content_type => orig_mime.content_type } end def self.mime_type_for_file(file) type = MIME::Types.type_for(file) (type && !type.empty?) ? type[0] : nil end def self.gzip_name(file) "#{file}.gz" end def self.orig_name(file) file.sub(/\.gz$/, "") end end end end