var Store = require('../helpers/store') , http = require('http') http.createServer(new Store().handler()).listen(7531, function () { //try these commands: // get index: // curl localhost:7531 // [] // // get a doc: // curl localhost:7531/foo // {"error":"not_found"} // // post an doc: // curl -X POST localhost:7531/foo -d '{"content": "hello", "type": "greeting"}' // {"ok":true} // // get index (now, not empty) // curl localhost:7531 // ["/foo"] // // get doc // curl localhost:7531/foo // {"content": "hello", "type": "greeting"} // // now, suppose we wanted to direct all objects where type == "greeting" to a different store // than where type == "insult" // // we can use connect connect-bodyDecoder and some custom logic to send insults to another Store. //insult server: http.createServer(new Store().handler()).listen(2600, function () { //greetings -> 7531, insults-> 2600 // now, start a proxy server. var bodyParser = require('connect/lib/middleware/bodyParser') //don't worry about incoming contont type //bodyParser.parse[''] = JSON.parse require('../../lib/node-http-proxy').createServer( //refactor the body parser and re-streamer into a separate package bodyParser(), //body parser absorbs the data and end events before passing control to the next // middleware. if we want to proxy it, we'll need to re-emit these events after //passing control to the middleware. require('connect-restreamer')(), function (req, res, proxy) { //if your posting an obect which contains type: "insult" //it will get redirected to port 2600. //normal get requests will go to 7531 nad will not return insults. var port = (req.body && req.body.type === 'insult' ? 2600 : 7531) proxy.proxyRequest(req, res, {host: 'localhost', port: port}) } ).listen(1337, function () { var request = require('request') //bodyParser needs content-type set to application/json //if we use request, it will set automatically if we use the 'json:' field. function post (greeting, type) {{ url: 'http://localhost:1337/' + greeting, json: {content: greeting, type: type || "greeting"} }) } post("hello") post("g'day") post("kiora") post("houdy") post("java", "insult") //now, the insult should have been proxied to 2600 //curl localhost:2600 //["/java"] //but the greetings will be sent to 7531 //curl localhost:7531 //["/hello","/g%27day","/kiora","/houdy"] }) }) })